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12 years ago @ http://raycomfortfood.... - Why will sinners go to... · 1 reply · +5 points

And cue the inappropriately crass post about the death of Christopher Hitchens. Let's hear it, Ray. We know you're going to go there.

12 years ago @ http://raycomfortfood.... - Why will sinners go to... · 0 replies · +5 points

"If we followed a-theist thinking on this no parachute thing we could reduce the world's over-population in no time!"

My feeble atheistic mind doesn't understand your meaning by this. Please demonstrate for me.

12 years ago @ http://raycomfortfood.... - Why will sinners go to... · 1 reply · +6 points

Are. You. Serious?

12 years ago @ http://raycomfortfood.... - Why will sinners go to... · 0 replies · +3 points

I see what he's saying though. I don't think its a troll. David Silverman makes a similar argument that the pews are filled with non-believers just following the status quo so as not to piss off or ostracize themselves from family and friends.

I agree with this, however, I do think a large percentage of them actually do believe. At least the ones in church regularly. I would say that not many are "pretenders" like Ray claims, but simply have serious doubts and haven't allowed themselves to break free.

12 years ago @ http://raycomfortfood.... - “The Bible says ... · 1 reply · +6 points

See, that would mean someone were a deist not an atheist. An atheist does not believe in a God. To my knowledge there is no one on this blog claiming to be an atheist who believes in God. We do not hate God. This is a myth perpetuated by Christians who adhere to the "No True Scotsman" fallacy because they find it hard to believe that someone could know about the Christian God and not believe in him, for to them it should be so obvious that he exist because of nature, miracles, personal experience, fill in the blank.

What you may have witnessed is atheists who argue that the fictional CHARACTER of God who is so revered by Christians a just, loving, purveyor of everything good in the world is nothing more than a petty, jealous, authoritative jerk who created us in order to punish us for using the brains he gave us. THIS does not mean we believe in and hate God, merely that we find the character of God to be unworthy of worship even if he did exist.

PS - something is still fishy about your story. A little contrived as if you googled a chemical to mention so you'd seem legit.

12 years ago @ http://raycomfortfood.... - Why will sinners go to... · 0 replies · +17 points

I hate to point out the obvious, but the person in your example wouldn't have "broken" the Law of Gravity. He would have succumbed to it. No one can break the Law of Gravity. That is the beauty of science. Laws are predictable and every time a man jumps from an airplane without a parachute he will die. No amount of prayer can change that.

As for your semantic argument, it is entirely possible for me to adhere to reasonable laws that were created by man for man. By virtue of the unreasonableness of the laws outlined by the Bible, however, it is virtually impossible for the most moral person to adhere to them. Now, you claim that a Christian is forgiven for these sins because he believes in Christ and asks for forgiveness. If a person cannot possibly avoid breaking the laws of the Bible and the only way to enter Heaven is to be forgiven by asking God, then it follows that one must believe in God to enter Heaven. Since God orchestrated all the laws and gave us the ability to break them while giving some of us the inability to believe in him because of our observations of the laws of physics he has set up, then it also follows that he has set us up for failure. The character of God cannot be a fair and just entity.

12 years ago @ http://raycomfortfood.... - “The Bible says ... · 2 replies · +4 points

You sir, are the reason I despise Christianity. And you are a perfect example of the reason this site is a farce. Ray claims to have started this site to convert atheists yet we all know he has started it to have a regular means to stroke his own ego. You lemmings are so blinded by your own mindless willingness to let dumb people tell you what to think that you actually think you are helping people.
Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb.

"Atheism is all about self from start to finish: it is selfish, self-centered, self-justifying, self-righteous, self-preserving, self-promoting, and self-gratifying."

Prove it you a.s.s. None of those describe me or any atheist I know. It DOES however describe many Christians with a persecution complex who think that our government should treat them with special privileges. Sure, they are generous with each other in a "let's all stroke our dicks" while we talk about how perfect and special we are as a group of humans, but not in a "let's treat everyone as they are our equals even if they have no reason to believe our ridiculous fairy tale" kind of way.

"Atheists want God eliminated from every phase of your life." Really?!! I don't give a #@$% what you believe. Just don't try to force everyone else to believe it! GET IT! It isn't that difficult a concept. Religious freedom means you can believe whatever you want as long as it doesn't hurt others. It also means OTHER people can believe whatever THEY want. You can't have control of the government and the country and the government cannot do anything to give special treatment to one religion over another or the lack of one.

I can't even believe that you call atheists self-righteous when all I ever want is for Christians not to try to make me feel sub-human just because I can't believe their Bible. Meanwhile, Christians are constantly judging atheists even though their book clearly says not to.

I'm going to share a little something with you. I quit facebook a while ago because when I put "atheist" as my status several Christians I knew from my previous Christian life began berating me on my own page. One particular Christ-loving person was very forthcoming with their atheist stereotypes about amorality that they had heard from the pews and then shut up when I politely reminded him that he showed me his penis when I was 13 and he was 26.

I then started "bragging about how smart" I was for never talking to him again.

And before you even think it, NO this was not the reason I began to "hate God" or "become disgruntled by the church" or whatever else. I actually stayed a Christian for about 10 more years after that even though I began to seriously question my beliefs at around 19. I realize that not all Christians were like this guy. However, you find it perfectly okay to make sweeping statements about atheists based on some special knowledge you have from one book written 2,000 years ago that says that non-believers suck. Although I don't recall the part where it says we are all mentally challenged, immoral, unregenerate evil-doers. You folks with all the love and morals came up with that stuff. As a matter of fact, I remember my youth pastor having a particular distrust of atheists
(even though I doubt he knew any) and used to tell us all about the evil atheists. There is a serious promotion of fear in the church when it comes to atheists. Many Christians fear and hate them because of what they were told in church and not because of any real encounters they had with any real atheists. Since you Christians love to invoke Hitler to compare atheism and evolution to, lets just say that Hitler made the Germans fear the Jews in a similar way. They would say the Jews would eat German babies - a blood libel. Remember that? Sarah Palin compared this to statements that criticized her distasteful map of democratic targets (one being on the face of Gabriel Giffords who was subsequently shot). Nice Christian woman she is.

Well I have heard several things about atheists from the pews that are patently false. At least atheists don't lie about who they are and claim to be morally better than everyone else. Christians have a standard to live up to that they can't because it's impossible so they have to lie to everyone and themselves to keep people from finding out that they are just as amoral at times as the rest of us.

Stop being so fake, Christians. And for YOUR love of God, leave people on facebook alone and lay off the incessant Bible quotes and feel-good cliches.

12 years ago @ http://raycomfortfood.... - Richard Dawkins Mocks ... · 0 replies · +7 points

Irony meltdown! Look out! She's a gonna blow!

12 years ago @ http://raycomfortfood.... - Richard Dawkins Mocks ... · 0 replies · +3 points

Statistically, white babies are in demand by middle to upper class white families for adoption in the US.

Statistically the most unwanted children in foster homes and in the system are minority children; predominantly black and hispanic.

Statistically, a large amount of abortions are given to minority women.

Your "answer" works if you are a white child.

Also, in my experience, Christians love to adopt children from China and other countries, not the US. How is that helping the children here? Are you willing to adopt a crack addicted, black baby? Do you know of anyone who is? What will happen to that poor child? "No such thing as an unwanted child"?

You are very naive.

12 years ago @ http://raycomfortfood.... - Richard Dawkins Mocks ... · 0 replies · +6 points

First of all, the last half of the questions and some at the beginning were based on arrogant false premises and made me lol.

Second of all, several of those questions have been answered in things called books. Don't be lazy and come here demanding for people to go into the complicated explanations that are already written in books on a blog. Just read it for yourself.

Third of all, you probably wouldn't understand it if you DID read about it because I'm pretty sure you do not nor have you ever actually studied science seriously and have no working knowledge of science at all much less evolution. It is painfully obvious by the way in which you constructed these deplorable questions.

Finally, it seems as though you copy-pasted these questions from another site since the so-called links we are supposed to read before "boxing at shadows" are missing (because of Ray's link rules?) and this just goes to show that so many Christians don't think for themselves, but rather regurgitate the same putrescence over and over again. THINK FOR YOURSELF, MAN! Get some learnin' on for Christ's sake (irony intended).