92p1,012 comments posted · 4 followers · following 2
10 years ago @ Tea Party Tribune - Te... - McCain Wages 'All-Out ... · 0 replies · +1 points
12 years ago @ Conservative Victory 2012 - MSNBC Host ‘Lucky’... · 0 replies · +1 points
12 years ago @ Conservative Victory 2012 - Democrats See "Blacks"... · 1 reply · +3 points
My father used to say, you cannot help those, who refuse to help themselves... but you can stop those from trying to hurt you. Thus ours is not to appease and reason with them, ours is only to defeat them.
6 Nov, be there. and every other election thereafter.
12 years ago @ Conservative Victory 2012 - L.A. To Give Illegal I... · 0 replies · +1 points
12 years ago @ Conservative Victory 2012 - Open Thread - October ... · 0 replies · +5 points
3 weeks til Obama's day of reckoning with the American voters, aka We the People.
12 years ago @ Conservative Victory 2012 - E. W. Jackson: EXODUS ... · 0 replies · +4 points
12 years ago @ Frontpage Magazine - The Obama Doctrine Exp... · 0 replies · +1 points
Obama has destroyed more than the economy.. He has destroyed our US Military, ie; our troops moral, our troops careers, ie; he has almost completely dismantled our Military, thus has seriously damaged America's US National Security, not to mention the Democratic Western Free World's Security- thus the State of Israeli's security. Thus, reduced America's influence, strength, and power to a hollow shell of what we used to be.
Obama has his own agenda- he wants to the world controlled by the radical militant islamist fundamentalists, that includes America and Israel, which is all happening before our eyes. Obama is not an American President, he is an anti-American President.
How can anyone vote for a leader who deliberately sets out to destroy the very country he is elected to protect and defend, can only be analyzed by Obama and the radical far left liberal socialist maxrist agenda, ie, their end goals.. which is the internal destruction of America, the US Constitution, Capitalism, Democracy, ie; the Republic as we know it, since the founding of America by our forefathers.
12 years ago @ Frontpage Magazine - The Obama Doctrine Exp... · 0 replies · +1 points
Obama has destroyed more than the economy.. He has destroyed our US Military, ie; our troops moral, our troops careers, ie; he has almost completely dismantled our Military, thus has seriously damaged America's US National Security, not to mention the Democratic Western Free World's Security- thus the State of Israeli's security. Thus, reduced America's influence, strength, and power to a hollow shell of what we used to be.
Obama has his own agenda- he wants to the world controlled by the radical militant islamist fundamentalists, that includes America and Israel, which is all happening before our eyes. Obama is not an American President, he is an anti-American President.
How can anyone vote for a leader who deliberately sets out to destroy the very country he is elected to protect and defend, can only be analyzed by Obama and the radical far left liberal socialist maxrist agenda, ie, their end goals.. which is the internal destruction of America, the US Constitution, Capitalism, Democracy, ie; the Republic as we know it, since the founding of America by our forefathers.
12 years ago @ Frontpage Magazine - The Obama Doctrine Exp... · 0 replies · +1 points
12 years ago @ CRO - Obama Denies Benghazi ... · 0 replies · +2 points
Obama and Hillary both intentionally chose to ignore it as all the flashing red light alarm bells went off, and as a result, at great cost to American lives and US National Security. Thus Obama and Hillary Clinton, the US Sec of State, via their designated staff officials directly responsible for ensuring those specific tasks, such as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Charlene Lamb, who oversees safety and security for U.S. Embassies and Consulates around the world, refused to provide security requests by State dept officials in US Embassy Consulates, not just a little as 24-48 hours prior to, but weeks and months before Sept 11th 2012 as testifying former National Guard Green Beret security chief for US Ambassador Stevens, Col. Woods, to reduce security there by being ordered out of Libya on 11 Aug, 2012, along with doing something so egregious, as to have a paid civilian security firm from a British company with the stipulation that they not use any bullets / ammunition in their weapons. All of this makes both Obama and Hillary Clinton directly liable for their actions and inactions, that resulted in the events that took place on 11 Sept, 2012.
Hillary Clinton- The State Department, had received a direct plea by Ambassador Stevens himself, requesting Security for fear of his life, but she, and Obama both ignored it, and in fact refused it, denied security, as well as a State dept Transport aircraft in case of emergency, in light of all the evidence of danger that was coming there way.
IE; The intentional decision to not ensure / to not allow Marines to be armed, let alone not beef up security on the US Libyan Consulate Embassy in Benghazi Libya, which by the way is Hillary Clinton's primary job as Sec of State, US Embassies fall directly under her jurisdiction and responsibility- is an intentional willful dereliction of duty, that can only be seen as a betrayal of US National Diplomatic security needs, thus criminal, even treasonous acts against American lives, and interests vital to US National Security.