


29 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

14 years ago @ - Union-backed candidate... · 1 reply · +2 points

This is true GRPete! Postings were out this week for the position - would you like to apply? Don't know where the postings for the teachers were though that were contractually to be out 2 weeks ago. Oh yes I do, GRPS doesn't know what they're doing yet so another grievance will be filed against them. Staff were told after spring break that they would be involuntarily transferred or pink slipped but... what are contracts for? Do you know any good lawyers?

14 years ago @ - Union-backed candidate... · 3 replies · +5 points

McGlynn, who has served on the board since 2000, said she thought people were not ready for change.

Yes Ms McGlynn the people of GR are ready for change. they want however a person to represent them who asks intelligent questions and does not vote 100% of the time the same way. I have watched you over the last 10 years at the education committee meetings and board meetings. You appear lackadaisical and sentimental. You appear to play to the viewing audience with innane comments simple questions. We want to be represented by someone who makes their decision based on intelligent and skillful probing and conversation. We KNOW changes need and will be made. But we demand that our super and board give options and choices as to how those cuts will be made. We now have years of work ahead of us to undo the damage that part of YOUR tenure has done.

14 years ago @ - Union-backed candidate... · 0 replies · +6 points

Bye Bye Amy! We all know cuts have to and will be made. How about now we have a little intelligent conversation about it and share some alternative ideas!

14 years ago @ - Move to delay GRPS tec... · 0 replies · +3 points

Paix is a 2-bit know it all/jack of all trades. He does not live in the city of GR, is in the web design/napkin printing/window cleaning and now.....official web home finder! (representing very few homes I might add!) He wants to improve the school system to enhance this weak a-- business??? He also is a professional instigator who will stop at nothing to get a liitle boy's web page, who has cancer, removed off the internet. He has gone by many names, most resulting in being kicked off these sites for his outrageous behavior. Don't worry, he will resurface with a new identity but the same ole rhetoric. Currently, I don't believe he is allowed on the GR Press MLive for those of you who desire an intellegent conversation.

14 years ago @ - Move to delay GRPS tec... · 15 replies · +2 points

Ha! It takes a few bold kids to bring light to Taylor's true nature! Yes, he told a City High student to "shut up" at the closed out board mtg. And the teachers are out of touch with the students that they serve? Where's that civil rights lawyer? I want to make a contribution to the cause!

14 years ago @ - 5 want 2 GRPS board se... · 0 replies · -1 points

1 week ago @ - Parents react to visit... · 0 replies · -2 points

"At least we have all the nuts in the same package.

The CP is for Comstock Park genius. "

Nice try Robby! Is your business down the tubes? You seem to be on here alot!

14 years ago @ - GRPS explains blended ... · 0 replies · -1 points

so exactly how many times were you dropped on your head as a baby?

14 years ago @ - 5 want 2 GRPS board se... · 4 replies · +1 points

"LOL, let's see, I think I will vote for Maureen Quinn Slade,..."

Well I don't think you will be voting for anyone PAIX as you live in Wyoming. Or did you say you moved to Comstock Park? Personally, I think you live in Never Never Land.

14 years ago @ - Large crowd expected a... · 0 replies · +3 points

Aww what's the matter scooby? Dooby? Aka Robertcorp? Aka Paix? Nothing happening in Wyoming? Oh yeah , you have a new duplex in CP now! The web design, napkin printing business must be down as you appear to have been blogging all day. No little kids with cancer to kick around anymore so back to the teachers! Sad part is, you are truly misguided as last nights fiasco was truly driven by the community and students on their own. or....Yeeees the GREA plan of secretly embedding thoughtsand controlling the minds of all parents and students has finally worked.
"ba ha ha ha!"

14 years ago @ - Parents react to visit... · 2 replies · +4 points

Paix is aka Robertcorp, aka Dooby Doo, etc. He is qualified to say these things because he lives in the city of WYOMING, has in the PAST fostered kids in PHILIDELPHIA, and his business is creating WEB SITES and "napkin printing business". He loves to threaten you with the law! Sounds qualified to me to make these statements against you!. He has been kicked off these sites several times for his statements to those who do not hold his opinion and has even gotten a little boy's web page who had cancer removed because Scobby found something wrong with it! Just report him when he crosses the line. He'll turn up with a new name in a few months!