


313 comments posted · 13 followers · following 3

13 years ago @ http://thebritishresis... - Eddy Butler\'s Farewel... · 0 replies · +15 points

Well, whoever put this together has a perfectly warped British sense of humour..........a class production, well done! :)

13 years ago @ London Patriot - Guest Post by Mohammed... · 0 replies · +1 points

Mohammed Mohammed.......totally bloody clueless!

13 years ago @ http://thebritishresis... - Eddy Butler Expelled f... · 0 replies · +29 points

It seems to be the BNP are undertaking some internal cleaning, & they are throwing out the unwanted trash.........good bloody job, keep at it folks!

13 years ago @ http://thebritishresis... - BNP told to \'stay awa... · 0 replies · +7 points

You know why the BNP are told to keep away from venues dont you? FEAR, these people are terrified of the truth & another opinions getting out because they know the average person on the street will listen......thats all it boils down to.......& THEY KNOW IT!

Simon, Dorset BNP.

14 years ago @ The Green Arrow - A challenge to Violet ... · 0 replies · +7 points

I cant believe Simon Bennett has turned traitor, I used to think he was a nice bloke, he should be ashamed of himself! :(

14 years ago @ The British National P... - Third Party Campaignin... · 0 replies · +12 points

Oi Hodge, I bet since the very honourable BNP released this article you have been thinking: OH CRAP, I'M DOOMED NOW! Well, between you & me, if you havent, you should be, Mr. Griffin MEP is coming, & the gentleman is unstoppable! THE BNP ARE UNSTOPPABLE, THE BRITISH ARE UNSTOPPABLE!

14 years ago @ The British National P... - 45,000 BNP Chelmsford ... · 0 replies · +2 points

Oh, not had a leaflet yet folks, BH16...

14 years ago @ The British National P... - 45,000 BNP Chelmsford ... · 0 replies · +4 points

I fear it will take alot more than 45,000 missing leaflets to stop the 'very honourable' BNP.........even still........I'm really sorry to hear that folks, that certainly is not cricket!


14 years ago @ The British National P... - UPDATED: BNP TV Broadc... · 0 replies · +8 points

I have just watched the one aired on BBC2.........a class Mr.Griffin MEP performance! :)

14 years ago @ The British National P... - Age Finally Downs Brav... · 0 replies · +1 points

Mr. Tidy, may God be with you sir!