


158 comments posted · 36 followers · following 0

4 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Finishes 'Discwor... · 3 replies · +6 points


4 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Finishes 'Discwor... · 1 reply · +6 points

(Stevonnie here.)

YAY! I'm so glad you liked it!

Congratulations on finishing Discworld! :-)

4 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'The Shephe... · 1 reply · +8 points

When the witches gather after Granny's death, the final sign that Tiffany is her designated successor is when Granny's bees come out and surround her.

4 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'Raising St... · 0 replies · +6 points

V'ir fnvq guvf orsber, naq V'yy ervgrengr vg abj: zl urneg'f qrfver vf sbe Znex gb punfr GFP jvgu gur snasvp "Zvfgre Ivzrf'q Tb Fcner!" (Vs lbh unir abg lrg unq gur cyrnfher, tbbtyr vg.) Vg'f gur evtug yratgu gb or qbar va n fvatyr qnl, vg'f n cresrpg pncfgbar, naq V nz jvyyvat gb chg hc pnfu zbarl gb znxr guvf unccra, vs vg pna or nppbzcyvfurq.

4 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'Snuff': Pa... · 4 replies · +4 points

"A Black John Keel and a female Vetinari are attempts at forcing diversity down people's throats that will rightfully cause fans to rebel, but that doesn't make me racist or sexist" sure isn't a take I expected to see on Mark Reads.

4 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'Snuff': Pa... · 0 replies · +14 points

No spoilers per se, but not for Mark, so:

Fb guvf vf fbzrguvat V'ir orra zrnavat gb envfr sbe njuvyr. Znex'f ernpgvba gb gur fgneg bs guvf obbx, cyhf gur snpg gung jr'er abj va gur ubzr fgergpu, znxrf guvf n cerggl tbbq gvzr gb fbyvpvg shegure vachg, V guvax.

Va zl snagnfvrf, Znex svavfurf GFP, naq gur arkg qnl ur ernqf "Zvfgre Ivzrf'q Tb Fcner!" sbe qrffreg. (Vs lbh'er abg snzvyvne jvgu vg: vg'f whfg ful bs 5,000 jbeqf, vg'f ng uggcf://nepuvirbsbhebja.bet/jbexf/244534 , naq vg vf—ol n irel jvqr znetva—gur Qvfpjbeyq snasvp jvgu gur zbfg xhqbf ba NB3. Vs lbh ner snzvyvne jvgu vg, lbh yvxryl haqrefgnaq jul V guvax vg jbhyq or n tbbq pncfgbar sbe gur frevrf.) Vf gurer nal cynhfvoyr jnl bs trggvat guvf gb unccra? Be nz V nybar va guvaxvat vg jbhyq or n tbbq vqrn? (Jbhyq nffrzoyvat n jurryoneebj bs zbarl uryc? N Punatr.bet crgvgvba? Rayvfgvat gur gbc-gvre Cngerba onpxref?)

4 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Steven U... · 1 reply · +14 points

I had to text a friend to find out that Steven and Greg’s fusion name is STEG.

This isn't actual canon, but I've seen a couple people online refer to him as "Steg Multiverse," and that's certainly my headcanon now. :-)

4 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - The Black Market · 0 replies · +8 points

Yay! I commissioned this one and got the link last night, but I didn't see anything on the website and wasn't sure it was something I could share yet. Here we are in the future! http://markdoesstuff.fetchapp.com/get/dad01ed3

4 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'I Shall We... · 0 replies · +6 points

V zrna, guvf jbhyq or cne sbe gur pbhefr va n ebznapr abiry - bs pbhefr gur urebvar jbhyq svaq n arj naq orggre thl whfg nsgre gur byq bar oernxf ure urneg - ohg V guvax vg'f fnsr gb fnl gung gur Gvssnal obbxf ner abg ebznapr abiryf.

Gur bguref nera'g, ohg V nofbyhgryl jbhyq nethr gung guvf bar vf.

4 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'I Shall We... · 0 replies · +5 points

Nterrq. Nf sne nf Qvfpjbeyq tbrf, V svther guvf jnf Cengpurgg'f fjna fbat. Gubfr gung sbyybj znl or vagrerfgvat sbe frrvat jurer uvf zvaq jnf, naq ebhtu fxrgpurf bs jung ur zvtug unir jevggra cebcreyl vs ur'q unq gur punapr, ohg gurl'er vapernfvatyl abg hc gb uvf fgnaqneq.

Ohg ba gur bgure unaq...ng yrnfg jr unir guvf. V erzrzore ernqvat guvf jvgu abg n yvggyr pbaprea, naq raqvat objyrq bire naq tengrshy gung ur'q fbzrubj znantrq gb jevgr fhpu n cresrpg pncfgbar gb gur Gvssnal Npuvat obbxf, vs abg gur Qvfpjbeyq nf n jubyr.

(Tbvat bhgfvqr Qvfpjbeyq, uvf zntahz bchf jnf Angvba, naq V fb ubcr Znex riraghnyyl ernqf vg.)