


19 comments posted · 33 followers · following 0

14 years ago @ TechCrunch - RackSpa... · 0 replies · +7 points

I give my reasoning of why this is important:

14 years ago @ Clean Slate - Robert Scoble, Tech En... · 0 replies · +1 points

Sorry, I don't work for Fast Company anymore. That was a mistake on my badge. Can we have Fast Company removed here? Thanks!

14 years ago @ TechCrunch - My Fantasy Foursquare ... · 0 replies · +2 points

I have a new motto! Living a life worth having Arrington fake check in on. By the way, how come you didn't check in on that lunch Ashton Kutcher and I were having last Friday? At least I have pictures to prove I was there! :-) We both checked in, too.

14 years ago @ TechCrunch - At The World Series Of... · 2 replies · -4 points

A brother-in-law gambled away his family, house, and more than a million dollars. It's despicable that these two are glamorizing gambling, especially with important assets like stock. Imagine if Woz had gambled away 10,000 original shares of Apple.

14 years ago @ TechCrunch - At The World Series Of... · 5 replies · 0 points

A brother-in-law gambled away his family, house, and more than a million dollars. It's despicable that these two are glamorizing gambling, especially with important assets like stock. Imagine if Woz had gambled away 10,000 original shares of Apple.

Really stupid and lame.

14 years ago @ TechCrunch - Plancast Plans To Spre... · 0 replies · +4 points

I love Plancast and can't wait to see it integrated more into other apps.

14 years ago @ TechCrunch - iPhone 4 Up For Pre-Or... · 0 replies · +2 points

Oh, and I had a LOT better luck getting through with Firefox than using Google Chrome. Tried dozens of times and this seemed to be fairly consistent on my end. Consipiracy theory? You decide.

14 years ago @ TechCrunch - iPhone 4 Up For Pre-Or... · 1 reply · +3 points

I got through several times but on all my lines it is charging me $599 for a 16GB phone. Even though AT&T says I'm eligible for an upgrade. Off to see the AT&T folks tomorrow.

Bummed about not being able to get white, either. I wonder how long those will take?

14 years ago @ TechCrunch - Why UJAM Didn't Win Te... · 0 replies · -6 points

If you watch my video I did with Soluto you'll see there IS a disruptive element, though: they use crowds to improve people's Windows experiences. That's something not many are doing and is potentially very disruptive. Hell, if Microsoft were doing stuff like this maybe their stock would be on the move again! is the interview with Soluto in its headquarters in Tel Aviv.

14 years ago @ TechCrunch - Why UJAM Didn't Win Te... · 3 replies · +3 points

If that is true then why did the team care so much about launching at TCDisrupt? I interviewed them two weeks earlier and they begged me to hold off revealing anything about them so they wouldn't get kicked out of Disrupt. They care because TCDisrupt +is+ the best place to launch a new company and this is the best startup in Israel right now and can stand up to any startup around the world. Sorry to uJam, but it isn't even in the same category. Microsoft has already launched a similar product and, anyway, how many singers are there in the world? Now compare to how many Windows users there are in the world. Not even close to same potential outcome. Techcrunch was right to pick Soludo. uJam did have a great demo, though (I was the guy filming Sacca above).