1p1 comments posted · 1 followers · following 1
14 years ago @ Our Rising Sound - Jesus Culture, we have... · 4 replies · +9 points
Dear Kyle,
I appreciate your heart, bro, but I think you're making much ado about nothing. In Gen. 15, God tells Abraham, "I am your very great reward" (v. 1). According to the definition you posted, Abraham didn't earn God through works and so on. Besides, this time it was God himself saying the he is the reward. I'm a worship leader and lyrics matter to me very much, but we have to also keep in mind how words are used in common venues today. Granted, a lot of words get used for something other than what they mean (Example: one of our young adults paid me a compliment by saying that my guitar solo was "sick", meaning "awesome; good".). I think "reward" is used this way in this song. I think it's intended to mean something like "treasure", or even saying to God, "You are worth it; you're love is worth it." I think we should cut them some slack and trust the Lord to let them know what He wants or doesn't. He's a lot better at it.
I appreciate your heart, bro, but I think you're making much ado about nothing. In Gen. 15, God tells Abraham, "I am your very great reward" (v. 1). According to the definition you posted, Abraham didn't earn God through works and so on. Besides, this time it was God himself saying the he is the reward. I'm a worship leader and lyrics matter to me very much, but we have to also keep in mind how words are used in common venues today. Granted, a lot of words get used for something other than what they mean (Example: one of our young adults paid me a compliment by saying that my guitar solo was "sick", meaning "awesome; good".). I think "reward" is used this way in this song. I think it's intended to mean something like "treasure", or even saying to God, "You are worth it; you're love is worth it." I think we should cut them some slack and trust the Lord to let them know what He wants or doesn't. He's a lot better at it.