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9 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - Beneath Today\'s Tensi... · 0 replies · +4 points

Azkenamer, who has posted vile comments here, feels that his view is the "Jewish" view. Enough said.

9 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - Beneath Today\'s Tensi... · 0 replies · +5 points

The Forward is keeping up with the time. As Israel has changed, so has opinion about it here is the USA amongst some Jews. Netanyahu to many of us crassly uses and abuses the Holocaust to further his own opportunism and power. He has no good vision for Israel as far as some of us can see. It's worrisome because Netanyahu and his Israel claims to represent all Jews. The Forward refuses to tow the line of unconditional love for the Israel. There are higher principles, ones that make life more worth living. So if you consider the Forward to be your paper also, you have your work cut out for yourself trying to reconcile the past with the present.

9 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - Beneath Today\'s Tensi... · 0 replies · +2 points

That depends on WHAT lessons you get from the past.

9 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - Poll: Jews Sour on Oba... · 0 replies · +2 points

It does not make sense that the word socialism is rejected. Why? There I wrote it!

9 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - Poll: Jews Sour on Oba... · 2 replies · +4 points

It's more complicated than that. Believe me. First of all who knows what the words are? I have read heinous messages here and those posters are still posting. I have experimented a lot with reposting my message various ways and I am confounded. I can't figure their system out. I have had success breaking up my message, or posting part of it and then editing it so that my message is in full. Then there are instances where nothing I can post is okay. Finally I got banned it seemed. This has not to do with intense debate so much as the Forward moderation which I think relies on some automatic formula that is mysterious.

9 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - Poll: Jews Sour on Oba... · 4 replies · +6 points

The comments system seems to automatically delete for some reason I cannot figure. It will even ban a commenter for no apparent reason while allowing other rude comments to remain. The Forward needs to hear about this.

9 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - Poll: Jews Sour on Oba... · 0 replies · -4 points

Hillary has to focus on differentiating between support for the survival of israel in the Middle East and the behavior of the Netanyahu government and right-wing governments past and future. She can't have it both ways. That is where the fissure is. People, Jews especially, have to feel okay about criticizing Israel and standing up for human rights without being bullied into a box labeled anti-Israel or anti- Semite. This means not throwing Palestinians under the bus for Jewish money.

Obama never faced this squarely and boldly. If he made this clear, the numbers might be different. Or if the numbers never were going to be good, he might as well have done what he should have--- especially at the UN. As it stands he failed, sacrificing Kerry's time, trying to have it both ways ( supporting Israel's behavior, and not vaguely supporting it, sotto voce, at the same time).

9 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - If Nuclear Iran Is So ... · 0 replies · 0 points

Again.... to your Reader's Digest version- Friedman he is in the pocket of Israel's right once again by ignoring (unexplainably) the course of events that started the "mowing of the lawn" this time with mass arrests and crackdown of Hamas FIRST blaming them for the kidnapping.

I should never underestimate the power of propaganda to bury the truth.

So fellow travelers?

9 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - On Iran, Four Question... · 0 replies · -2 points

The Palestinians do not have AIPAC, the lobby or the propaganda machine anything like of Israel.. not anything close!! They certainly don’t have evangelical Christians.

Where is the invitation to Abbas to talk to Congress?

Also the trend is that younger people more and more sympathize with Palestinians because of the human rights issue. The status quo in opinion does not look good for the future:

According to the Brookings Institution 34 percent of Americans want a one-state solution, 39 percent a two state solution but if two states are no longer possible then 71 percent of American favor Israel’s democracy more than Jewishness ( 84% of Democrats).

Only 27% of Americans oppose American endorsement of a Palestinian state at the UN.

63% of American oppose settlement building (75% Democrats)

9 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - On Iran, Four Question... · 2 replies · -1 points

Hamas gains power from the brutality of the occupation particularly the destruction of Gaza.

All Palestinians are paying the price for resistance.

The rest of the world knows this more and more each day as Israel commits mass slaughter of innocents in "operations" like this summer's two that were unnecessary and disproportionate.

The Palestinians have compromised just about as much as they can without rolling over and surrendering and leaving.. which is what Israel wants..Israel does not want a viable state Palestine, not even a demilitarized one, so not even honest negotiations, and not a state, if ever, not for a long long time. That is today's israel position voted on by the Israeli people and supported hopefully less and less by the US. The pretense is over.