


15 comments posted · 132 followers · following 1

12 years ago @ http://www.almostovern... - Unpictured and Unfocused · 0 replies · +1 points

No but there is cancellation insurance for about €8 so I'll take that. I'd need to book flights too before they get silly priced but I'm hopeful. I haven't done any of the physios exercises for about 5 days but its absolutely pain fre now for the first time and that includes doing 70 mins or so at the gym most days.

12 years ago @ http://www.almostovern... - Unpictured and Unfocused · 2 replies · +1 points

I can relate to a lot of this Jess.

Since I started with the achilles trouble I'd put on nearly 2 stone in weight. Partly because I was resting the injury so exercise cut down or out; partly because I lazed a round a whole lot more and partly because I comfort ate.

I'm generally finding the gym to be a reasonable substitute even though I'm still not really running. It isn't the same though. There's no structured training plan and no event to aim for. I'm hopeful of being able to run in Paris but entries open in 3 weeks and it will be a gamble to do so.

As for the death events thing - I can understand the appeal. Its only a watered down version of why many people take part in dangerous sports or attempt to climb mountains whose difficulty has claimed others. In my first marathon it was 31c and I still 'enjoy' (and that probably is the right word) mentioning that 4 people died during the event.

12 years ago @ http://boxruneat.blogs... - Strange Exercise Names · 1 reply · +1 points

I'd definitely agree with Lara. When I eat in an out of control way its usually when I'm stood in the kitchen and not at a meal. Often I'm not even sure what I've eaten.

I like the exercise names - they sound sort of coded!

12 years ago @ http://www.almostovern... - Flying Solo? · 1 reply · +1 points

Peas in a mug? That made me laugh. If anyone has seen the film 'The Infidel' they might guess why. In it the main character had previously...well...peed in a mug (the 'Worlds best Mum' mug his son had bought his wife...).

As you know I have slight hermit tendencies and don't drink so I can relate to how you feel. I've only been to the cinema once on my own and it wasn't too bad - though I did feel a bit odd. I've eaten out loads of times on my own though. Whenever I stay away with work I have to and there's lots of people do it. Again, though, it did feel a bit odd the first couple of times.

Are you doing any cardio (machines) at the gym?

13 years ago @ http://www.almostovern... - Race Recap ~ Great Nor... · 0 replies · +1 points

Didn't realise this had abandoned scenic Sunderland.

Flat course with a grandstand finish - this might well be on my list for next year.

Hopefully no harm done!

13 years ago @ http://www.almostovern... - Saturday Review: Nein,... · 1 reply · +1 points

My German is sadly limited. I don't get the pun. I haven't felt this inadequate since I saw Ellery Hanley in the showers at the gym.

I can't offer any views on protein powders. I got several big containers of Promax last year and still have one and a bit left of those as (aside from marathon training) its not something I use routinely. Fudge does sound like its kind of up my street though...

Do I detect a hint of pragmatic acceptance re the injury, in the tone of today's post? I hope so. I like it!

13 years ago @ http://www.almostovern... - FML · 0 replies · +1 points

You know what should happen here Jess. I type something moderately amusing and grounding.

Unfortunately I'm out of ammo: to come down with an injury now is a real shitter.

I do know what its like to be sucked down into a vortex of despondency when things like this happen. I had a very 'down' day the Saturday before last thinking about how my fitnes had fallen, my weight risen and no prospect of meaningful running for quite a while. I do think all you can do is ride the storm. For me, working on a programme to support running (as and when I can run properly) has been a real boon - its given me something to focus on. You could probably do the same but only when you're ready for it - it took me ages to get there.

As for comments and blogs: do what feels right for you but I always appreciate your comments and miss both them and your blogs when you have a day off.

13 years ago @ http://www.almostovern... - WIAW: V Is For Volume · 1 reply · +1 points

That spud has been microwaved - you heathen!

(I like my baked spuds to bake for around 9 days so that the skin is brittle and crunches....mmmmm brittle.) The odd lacerated gum is a small price to pay.

13 years ago @ http://boxruneat.blogs... - Holiday Prep (or how N... · 1 reply · +1 points

There'd a fair contrast there to my sun holiday list:

shorts x 1
Swim shorts x 1
t-shirts x 2
Flipflops x 1

13 years ago @ http://www.almostovern... - WIAW: The Mother of Al... · 1 reply · +3 points

I confess I have no pictures of me in a bikini top. In truth, I don't even possess a bikini top as I've always felt liberated enough to go topless on holiday.

As penance I may well make bean burgers at the weekend.