


22 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

14 years ago @ - Why a Four-Day Work We... · 0 replies · +1 points

I think that it is viable in every sector of work. If our local police department or fire department went to a 4-day week, how would it differ to what it is right now? Most FD's have a three on, two off schedule. They work 3- 12-hour shifts, and take 2 12-hour shifts off. Construction trades have done 4 day weeks similiarly, giving workers the option of Monday or Friday off, so that when a service call comes in, workers are there to take care of it. Just because a 4-day week is implemented doesn't mean it has to be Monday-Thursday, does it?

15 years ago @ - Is 'No Sex Before Marr... · 1 reply · +1 points

@ nate beaird yes, covenant is the word i was looking for at 11 last night, but couldn't think of it.
@newlutheran is it so much a validation as it is making that covenant made public? That is how I see it. In terms of the state, though, I think having a public official (i.e. pastor, justice of peace, etc.) is needed for legality reasons.

15 years ago @ - Is 'No Sex Before Marr... · 5 replies · +1 points

@newlutheran, I agree with your words. It is a feeling of marriage that I think you make with God, but make public with a ceremony. God has matched us with the person that He wants us to spend the rest of our life with, and when the two of you feel that, I see it as a marriage. It also makes sense financially, too.
@justinwise It's posts like this that make you a Deviant...Will you preach on this subject on Saturday?.....only kidding, Johanna would not be pleased. See you Friday

15 years ago @ - Deathmatch of the Stev... · 0 replies · +1 points

I think that one thing that the iPhone has done is seemlessly made two machines into one. Before the iPhone, you carried your cell phone and iPod. Now, you have one thing. Windows-based phones do not support m4a formatted music, so if you download all your music from the iTunes Store you aren't able to listen to that on your phone, not to mention having to buy a seperate media card to put into a Windows-based phone just to have the space to listen to your music. Another thing would be that too many of the cell phones in general don't have a 3.5mm plug for the headphones, you have to buy a seperate adapter. The iPhone has a lot of things to offer that the competition hasn't even come close to replicating.

15 years ago @ - What is God Teaching You? · 1 reply · +1 points

God is teaching me to give second chances, and he also is teaching me that I can do ministry different.

15 years ago @ - Augmented Reality · 0 replies · +1 points

WOW!! Both those vid's are sweet! I might just get into gaming a little more now. It's amazing how simple the technology is with what Chris was doing, and how the linked video was using Skittles as part of the game

15 years ago @ - Today Show: Marriage i... · 0 replies · +1 points

I think that if you were to go the many of the ceremonies around of the 50%, maybe, just maybe you would hear the words "for better or for worse...." and then have a reading from oh, let's say 1 Corinth. Now, could it be that, if the male and female standing up there actually listened to those words that were spoken, and those words that they said, and took them seriously--would the percentage be different?

And, to get a little political....Could the government impose stricter guidelines for divorce? Ya know, because anyone with $180 can go get a divorce. And if they could, would it always be storybook ending with Ashton and Cameron falling in love in "What Happens in Vegas"?

15 years ago @ - Facebook Vanity URL: A... · 0 replies · +1 points

I sure hope that this goes over as well as they planned...but how many will actually do it? I personally think this should have been done a long time ago...It seems as though MySpace had the leg up on them in this regard.

15 years ago @ - New Sponsor: BeDeviant... · 0 replies · +1 points

I have looked into these guys..They are awesome! My new ministry is looking at building a website, and they had the best layouts. Now, once the church approves the money....

15 years ago @ - In the Ghetto... · 1 reply · +1 points

i have always, and will always continue, to like these shirts! Mainly, because they are quite helpful in a getting a good laugh brewing from deep down. But they are well intentioned, these shirts could be easily worn by a person that is looking to start a conversation with his/her friends or classmates, coworkers, or complete strangers. What better way to start a conversation, then with a cheesy "pick-up" line..