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14 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - The 2nd Amendment · 1 reply · +2 points

Not for nothing but does anyone get the feeling that the NRA does "just enough" to keep us happy & stay in business. I mean, if they actually fought to restore the 2nd Amendment, the way it was intended, would they be out of a job? They would definitely take a hit, no? How about "Gun Owners of America" any thoughts on them?

14 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - The 2nd Amendment · 0 replies · +2 points

ROFL...FreeFlight - I would have split a gut myself. .As much as I hate to do it or say it, "No Trespassing " signs are a terrible thing but if you want to ensure that your safe, then you must have them visibly posted. According to the law, you cannot tell someone or force someone to leave your property unless you have the signs posted. Don't qoute me on this but in Connecticut, property rights don't mean dik unless your a business owner or friends with someone.

14 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - The 2nd Amendment · 0 replies · +4 points

Interesting - Thanks for your brave service as well as you sons. I can always remember talking with fellow marines about mutiny. I was always under the impression that the marines would never resort to shooting Americans - funny cause later that month we were deployed to the L.A. Riots!!! What are the odds of that - Locked and loaded too! Thank God no one was stupid enough to mess with us because we would have torn 'em apart. Remember how the Army went door to door disarming citizens who chose to stay and defend their property. I was there and saw that law abiding citizens were disarmed in areas that were barely touched by the floods. We have to take scenarios like this into consideration. Also take into consideration the shooting at Kent State. So one thing to take into consideration is that the Army & Marines are prepared for civil unrest. Second, they WILL fire upon Americans if necessary God forbid that someone is dumb enough to first at the troops.

Realize one thing, we are all human and that everyone has their price. There have been plenty of instances throughout history where troops HAD to engage the citizens. And with the governments expertise in propaganda, it would be easy for troops to be misinformed, misdirected and misled into believing that certain groups have become the enemy.

Example: "Troops, we have put out the word to everyone in the city to turn in there guns. This way we can distinguish between the enemy and the civilians on our side. If you see anyone with a firearm, take them down immediately because they are hostile." And naturally, the troops who are taught not to question authority reply, " Sir! Yes Sir!"

What can easily resolve this is tight communication between military and civilian personnel. People, get with your friends in the National Guard, Marines, Army etc and workout some comm. It's hard enough for a soldier to get over killing someone and move on with his life. But a soldier is NEVER able to get over the lives he took dishonorably.

When wars are fought in honor & in self defense, there is not as much time spent on grieving the loss of enemy lives and pondering what could have been. There is always a sense of triumph and true feeling of service. Ensure you talk with your friends, family and neighbors who are serving here and abroad. Assure them that the enemy is not here. That the enemy does not Support a Free Society, Sovereignty, the Constitution. That the enemy would have you believe that defending the Constitution is an act of extremism, defending freedom is ideal of a terrorist. Think of the Oath that we all took to defend the Constitution against enemies both foreign and domestic. The enemy would be those that strive to control our liberties, limit our rights to a mere privilege and legislate to protect us from ourselves, wage war on weak countries for profit. There is NO exception to freedom and freedom isn't free. Fighting tyranny starts with the individual stating that he is free, that he is the king. It is always an uphill battle and no one said it is easy. At any rate - Peace. Check out how I fight for freedoms everyday:

Semper Fi

14 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - The 2nd Amendment · 17 replies · +4 points

They won't take away our gun until there are confirmed volleys between known patriot groups and the police.

1. Taking away guns would start a civil war.

2. Taking away guns would cause war between citizens and police.

3. The government want to remain clear of being the instigator.

But then again - we now have a military force who are VERY skilled in door - to - door raids in taking guns that we would never win. Imagine that.

14 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - News From You · 0 replies · +2 points

The federal government and citizens need to realize and understand 2 very important things:

1. We the citizens have rights. These right are NOT privileges. These rights were not given to us and not guaranteed by the federal government. We entrust the federal government to serve us and protect these rights.

2. We the people ALLOW the government powers as a privilege for serving us. These privileges can be taken back. For example only: If Congress is weak and doesn't do it's job, we can completely remove the Congress from government. I don't mean a re-election, I mean get rid of congress as a body. We the people have the powers to do that. We the people are the most powerful. Unfortunately the government knows this and strives to keep us divided offering us only 2 political parties.

A. Democrats: You can think and do as you please but we're spending your money for you
B: Republicans: You can spend your money however you please but you must think just like us.

Ever notice that at times and for whatever reason the U.S .become United it is to further the governments agenda? Fortunately enough we don't need to be united as a country as much as we need to be united within the state. They say changes are made at the polls, but the real changes come from the local polls.

By the way, can we please stop spreading the word that we are a Democracy? We are the exact opposite of a democracy. We're a republic! It is a definitive fact that democracy equals "Mob Rule". For example in a democracy if everyone voted to take your home from you and divide it equally that the majority vote wins. You still get a vote, but you lose your property. In a republic you cannot vote on an individuals property so 1 individual can rule against a million. this is why property law is the most important of laws. Property is EVERYTHING that you own including your body.

Many of you believe that you actually own the property that you live on. You may own the house but you will never own the land that your house sits upon. If you did own the land, you would have the "True Allodial Title" and not have to pay taxes on your land. The state owns your land and you pay rent to keep a house on it. This rent is paid in taxes. If you would your land you could do as you please with that land. You wouldn't need permits to build or drill for oil etc. Because the state owns your land, they dictate what you can and cannot do on your land. True Allodial Title is very rare in the U.S. but at one time was very common. I believe you can get Allodial Title in Texas.

Same goes for ownership of your car. many Americans believe that once they get the Certificate of Title from the bank that they now own their car. This is false. You only own your car if you posses the Manufacturer's Certificate of Origin" (MCO) because the State owns your car, you have to abide by their rules. You must lease that car in return for tax dollars. You must register that car, have marker plates and pay insurance. You must have a special license to operate it. If you are smart enough, you can get the MCO at the time you purchase the new car. But if not, the MCO goes directly to the State through DMV, they microfilm it and then shred the original MCO so that NO ONE can ever own that vehicle. I know people that legally drive without a license, plates and registration.

Ok I'm rambling> I would like you guys to get a true education on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Don't cringe because the video is in 43 parts each containing 10minutes. I know it sounds boring but this guy is good and entertaining. You will know him because he ran for President in 04.

Semper Fi

14 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - News From You · 3 replies · +4 points

Attacking the problems at the top doesn't solve anything. As a matter of fact - that strategy creates chaos and reverse results. We need to address the problems locally by forcing the state to remove it's chapped lips from the federal governments nipple. Elect a body of citizens that relies on being self sufficient.

Some of you might claim, "But the roads! Who is going to pay for the highways"?

Answer: Build the roads once, and do it the right way! When was the last time that you have seen road construction in Germany? They built roads the right way!!!

Asserting the 10th is a very weak step. If we want to regain control over our government we have to start on the state level. We can stop the individual from paying federal taxes. Have the state take our tax dollars and decide if the federal government is deserving. And if the state uses our tax dollars to give to the federal government in a way other than to serve us, then we can fire that body and hold a new election. We need to begin to hold people accountable for their actions. How do we learn to trust our children? We let them make decisions and give them responsibility. If they do not make the right decision or fail at being responsible then we take that away. This is a very simple way at looking at our role as citizens.

14 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - The 2nd Amendment · 0 replies · +3 points

Either a right is a god given right or it is a privilege. The Constitution & Bill of Rights are documents to ensure that rights were put on the record, certified, asserted by the people.

If the right to bare arms is a right, then doesn't a permit or monetary fee make it a privilege? Unfortunately we do have to sacrifice to keep these rights. Since the right to bare arms is necessary to a free state, then why deprive citizens with a criminal record of these rights? Have they not paid their price and done the time? Do we not all make mistakes? Why should we declare that "certain" Americans do not have rights? Personally, would it not be more beneficial to the state to allow convicts to carry vs. active criminals that carry anyway? We all have a right to defend ourselves and there are no subcitizens in America. Unfortunately this is the hard truth. Because we have allowed control over our rights to battle crime, we have lost control over these rights. An armed man is a self sufficient man. A man that you can trust with your life in the event that you have no security. I can imagine a time of emergency where those that cannot defend themselves with arms come rapping at my door. I will have to turn them away to the wolves.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - 4000+ people show at F... · 7 replies · +7 points

These are, in a sense, fantastic times. I'm going to bring the oldest 2 of 5 to the Hartford, CT Tea Party. I would say they might need to miss a day of school for a day of education.