


57 comments posted · 237 followers · following 0

8 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Neon Gen... · 1 reply · +5 points

This, too, is one of my absolute favorite episodes. I don't have time to make a long entry here, and you've said most of what I wanted to say, but I wanted to add two things.

First: I don't know exactly what would happen if an Angel came into contact with Lilith (instead of Adam), but I get the impression, from this episode, that it would be Bad. Bad for humans. This is pure speculation.

But you will note that Kaworu's entire demeanor changes when he identifies Lilith on the cross. Before that moment, he was majestic, almost dismissive of Shinji -- "Poor Lilim, I'm gonna win and there's nothing you can do to stop me." He opens Heaven's Door with a glance. He floats towards Lilith on an AT Field. He turns his back on Shinji.

And then he realizes something is wrong, that humans would risk Something Bad to win. And THAT is when everything snaps home for him. Humans, Lilim, with our life of suffering, are still willing to risk making it WORSE in order to win this fight. At this point, Kaworu reevaluates his priorities and decides that Lilim, not Angels, should go on.

In general, I love that this episode flips the rest of the series on its head. Everyone has AT Fields. Lilith, not Adam, hangs beneath Terminal Dogma. And the one person to give Shinji unconditional love is an Angel. And not just any Angel, the Angel of Free Will.

I LOVE this show.

8 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Neon Gen... · 0 replies · +5 points

I'm fully aware that Kaji's killer isn't shown because it doesn't matter who killed him (in much the same way it didn't matter who killed Laura Palmer in Twin Peaks), but I've always liked the idea that Misato killed Kaji.

Hear me out.

Misato, having been fed misinformation by Gendo or SEELE, is put into a situation in which she felt she had to kill Kaji to preserve everything she'd worked for since the Second Impact. She arranges a meeting with him in order to kill him; he accepts, knowing she will kill him (and knowing that the capsule he left with her will allow her to carry on his work). They meet; she kills him without shedding a tear, feeling she's done her duty.

Then she comes home to his phone message and realizes she's been tricked into doing Gendo or SEELE's dirty work.


This little bit of fan fiction demonstrates the value of the ambiguity present in Evangelion.

For the record: despite his gross behavior towards women, I hope I can face death with as much dignity as Kaji did.

8 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Neon Gen... · 1 reply · +4 points

V qba'g qvfnterr jvgu lbh, ohg V guvax gurer ner nygreangvir fpranevbf gb pbafvqre.

Svefg: onfrq ba pnaba qbphzragf gung ner abg jvguva gur frevrf, obgu Nqnz naq Yvyvgu ner zrzoref bs gur Svefg Naprfgeny Enpr jub neevirq ba rnegu va fuvcf (gur Juvgr Rtt/Zbba naq gur Oynpx Rtt/Zbba, erfcrpgviryl) jvgu Fcrnef bs Ybatvahf va gbj. Gur ynggre npg yvxr pbageby ebqf -- orpnhfr gurer pna or bayl bar Frrq ba n cynarg, gur Fcrne bs Ybatvahf fuhgf gurz qbja.

Pbafrdhragyl, CBXVAT Nqnz jvgu gur Fcrne bs Ybatvahf jbhyqa'g unir pnhfrq gur Frpbaq Vzcnpg, orpnhfr jura Yvyvgu neevirq, Nqnz'f fcrne fuhg uvz qbja. V oryvrir gurve vagrag gb FUEVAX Nqnz (fbzrubj?) pnhfrq gur Frpbaq Vzcnpg, ohg qrgnvyf ner shmml.

Yvxrjvfr: vs gur Sehvg bs Yvsr naq gur Sehvg bs Xabjyrqtr va bar cynpr znxrf n Tbq, jul pbzovar Nqnz naq Yvyvgu, nf bppheerq va Raq bs Rinatryvba? Gurl nyernql unq gung va Rin-01!

Dhrfgvbaf, dhrfgvbaf. =)

Hygvzngryl, V qba'g guvax jr pna rire erfbyir nyy bs gurz; gurer znl or na rkgrag gb juvpu Rinatryvba vf hygvzngryl vafpehgnoyr. Gung fnvq, vg'f n uryyhin ybg bs sha gb guvax nobhg, va cneg orpnhfr vgf cebqhpgvba inyhrf ner fb uvtu. V'ir arire frra nalguvat yvxr Raq bs Rinatryvba, orsber be fvapr.

8 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Neon Gen... · 7 replies · +5 points


Urer, gura, vf zl gurbel:

Gur sbez gur Guveq Vzcnpg gnxrf vf qrcraqrag ba N). jurgure be abg na Natry/Nqnz pbzrf va pbagnpg jvgu na Natry/Nqnz be jvgu Yvyvgu/Yvyvz; O). jurgure be abg Yvyvgu be Nqnz vf qbzvanag; P). gur cerfrapr bs n zrqvhz (na Rin) sbe gur Guveq Vzcnpg; Q). Gur cerfrapr bs F2 ratvarf gb nzcyvsl gur rssrpgf bs gur Guveq Vzcnpg.

Va Raq bs Rinatryvba, Nqnz pnzr va pbagnpg jvgu Yvyvgu (guebhtu Nqnz va Traqb'f unaq); sbe jungrire ernfba, Yvyvgu jnf qbzvanag. Gur zrqvhz, va guvf pnfr, jnf Rin-01, juvpu cbffrffrq obgu gur Sehvg bs Yvsr (na F2 ratvar) naq gur Sehvg bs Xabjyrqtr (rvgure orpnhfr vg unq n uhzna fbhy, n uhzna cvybg, be orpnhfr vg jnf, pnabavpnyyl, n fvzhynpehz bs Yvyvgu), ranoyvat vg gb pubbfr rvgure gur Natryvp Guveq Vzcnpg (gur qrfgehpgvba bs nyy uhznavgl va snibe bs rfgnoyvfuvat Natryvp yvsr ba rnegu) be gur Pbzcyrzragngvba Guveq Vzcnpg. Fuvawv, orvat gur neovgre bs gur Guveq Vzcnpg, pubfr gur Pbzcyrzragngvba cngujnl, juvpu erfhygrq va na nagv-NG Svryq eryrnfrq ol Yvyvgu be Rin-01 be obgu, naq nzcyvsvrq ol gur Rin Frevrf' F2 ratvarf. Gur Nagv-NG Svryq ahyyvsvrq gur NG Svryqf gung nyybj Yvyvz gb ergnva frcnengr sbezf, erqhpvat gurz gb YPY; gurve fbhyf jrer gura uneirfgrq ol Yvyvgu va gur Oynpx Rtt/Oynpx Zbba (gur TrbSebag, ure fuvc).

Yvxrjvfr: V guvax gung bevtvanyyl, Vxnev Traqb jnf whfg n ybaryl, vfbyngrq syhaxl sbe FRRYR -- hagvy ur jnf beqrerq gb npdhver Lhv sbe FRRYR. Gura V guvax ur pnzr gb inyhr ure (orpnhfr FUR ybirq UHZ, juvpu ur qvqa'g guvax jnf cbffvoyr) naq cybggrq gb yvir sberire jvgu ure va gur Guveq Vzcnpg -- naq jura fur jnf ybfg va Rin-01, V guvax gung qenzngvpnyyl nygrerq uvf cynaf naq pnhfrq uvz gb jnag gb hfr gur Guveq Vzcnpg gb erhavgr jvgu ure (jbhyq ure cerfrapr va Havg-01 fbzrubj rkpyhqr ure sebz gur Guveq Vzcnpg? Raq bs Rinatryvba fhttrfgf bgurejvfr, hagvy Fuvawv erwrpgf gur Guveq Vzcnpg naq frgf Rin-01 nqevsg va fcnpr sberire, pbagnvavat Lhv'f fbhy). Vebavpnyyl, V guvax Lhv unq ure bja cynaf -- V guvax gung bapr fur tnvarq npprff gb FRRYR'f shaqvat naq cynaf gung fur jnagrq gb nygre guvatf sbe ure bja raqf. V guvax fur JNAGRQ gb qevsg va Havg-01 sberire nf n zbahzrag gb uhzna rkvfgrapr, nf na hygvzngr npg bs zbgureyl ybir naq fnpevsvpr.

Gung'f zl gurbel; nal bguref?

8 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Neon Gen... · 8 replies · +5 points

Guvf vf... pbzcyvpngrq.

Urer ner snpgf:
1). FRRYR erznexf gung gur pbzzvggrr unf ab hfr sbe Rin-01 jvgu na F2 ratvar, orpnhfr va guvf sbez, Rin-01 ercerfragf Tbq, pbzovavat gur Sehvg bs Yvsr (gur qbznva bs gur natryf, na F2 ratvar) jvgu gur Sehvg bs Xabjyrqtr (gur qbznva bs zna, flzobyvmrq ol rvgure gur xabjyrqtr erdhverq gb perngr Rin; gur fbhy vafvqr Rin; gur CVYBG vafvqr Rin; be gur angher bs Rin vgfrys (nf n fvzhynpehz bs Nqnz be Yvyvgu)). Gung fnvq, gur Rin Frevrf (gur juvgr Rinf sebz Raq bs Rinatryvba) unir F2 ratvarf; creuncf bayl gur zrqvhz arrqf gb ynpx na F2 ratvar? Creuncf gur snpg gung gurl'er NEGVSVPVNY F2 ratvarf znxrf gur qvssrerapr?

2). Qhevat Raq bs Rinatryvba, Shlhgfhxv erznexf gung Rin-01 pbhyq or hfrq nf n zrqvhz sbe gur Guveq Vzcnpg, jvgu gur novyvgl gb rvgure qrfgebl be fnir uhznavgl (V cerfhzr gung guvf pubvpr pbzrf sebz univat obgu gur Sehvg bs Yvsr naq gur Sehvg bs Xabjyrqtr); Fuvawv, gura, orpbzrf gur neovgre bs gur Guveq Vzcnpg. Gur jbeqf ur hfrf gb gevttre gur Guveq Vzcnpg ner, "Abobql jnagf fb rirelbar pna whfg qvr."

3). Traqb'f cynaf ner vafpehgnoyr -- ur nccrnef gb jnag gb erhavgr jvgu Lhv, naq vf jvyyvat gb hfr gur Guveq Vzcnpg nf n zrnaf gb qb fb, ohg Shlhgfhxv nyfb erznexf gung ur bevtvanyyl orpnzr vaibyirq jvgu Lhv ORPNHFR ur jnagrq npprff gb ure jbex, juvpu jnf pbafvqrerq ivgny sbe FRRYR. Jnf ur cybggvat uvf bja Guveq Vzcnpg jvgu ure rira gura, be qvq uvf cynaf punatr yngre, nsgre ur ybfg ure? Qvq UR cyna gb or gur zrqvhz bs gur Guveq Vzcnpg, naq vs fb, jul rzcbjre Havg-01 ng nyy?

4). FRRYR nyfb erznexf gung "gur sngr bs qrfgehpgvba vf gur wbl bs erovegu."

5). Qhevat gur Guveq Vzcnpg, gur Rin Frevrf hfr gurve F2 ratvarf nf erfbangbef gb nzcyvsl gur nagv-NG Svryq; naq, ng gur pevgvpny zbzrag, gurl gjvfg gurve (negvsvpvny!) Fcrnef bs Ybatvahf guebhtu gurve pberf, juvpu pnhfrf gur nagv-NG Svryq gb fcernq. Tvira gung gur Fcrne bs Ybatvahf vf qrfvtarq fcrpvsvpnyyl gb npg nf n xvaq bs "pbageby ebq" sbe gur Svefg Naprfgeny Enpr (juvpu vf jul vg pna cvrepr NG Svryqf naq pbhyq, cerfhznoyl, unyg na Vzcnpg va cebterff).

6). Gur pbaqvgvbaf bs gur Guveq Vzcnpg nccrne gb or fbzrjung nzovthbhf. Pbagnpg frrzf gb or na vavgvngbe -- gur Natryf frrz gb or gelvat gb erghea gb Nqnz; qbrf guvf ubyq gehr sbe gur Yvyvz znxvat pbagnpg jvgu Yvyvgu? Naq jung nobhg gur Yvyvz znxvat pbagnpg jvgu Nqnz (qvq gung yrnq gb gur Frpbaq Vzcnpg?) be na Natry znxvat pbagnpg jvgu Yvyvgu (Xnjbeh frrzrq qvfvapyvarq gb qb fb). Ohg vs vg vf whfg nf fvzcyr nf pbagnpg, jung nobhg Rin, juvpu vf n fvzhynpehz? Jung nobhg gur snpg gung Rin-01 vf fhccbfrqyl n pybar bs YVYVGU, abg NQNZ? (abg fher vs guvf vf npphengr be abg; vg frrzf gb or npprcgrq nf pnaba, ohg vg frrzf vapbafvfgrag jvgu gur gurzr bs hfvat pybarf bs Nqnz gb qrsrng Natryf. Abgr gung gur Pynffvsvrq Vasbezngvba nyfb fhttrfgf gung Rin-01 vf npghnyyl Yvyvgu'f zvffvat unys engure guna na npghny pybar). Yvxrjvfr: jung qbrf Nqnz unir gb qb jvgu vg? Jul qbrf Traqb'f Guveq Vzcnpg vaibyir havgvat Nqnz jvgu Yvyvgu? Ner Natryf naq Yvyvz whfg CEBKVRF sbe Nqnz naq Yvyvgu, gurersber havgvat Nqnz jvgu Yvyvgu vf nf tbbq nf havgvat na NATRY jvgu YVyvgu? Nyfb, fbhyf frrz gb or n snpgbe -- Erv unf Yvyvgu'f fbhy, Xnjbeh unf NQNZ'F fbhy, naq Rin Havg-01 unf Lhv'f fbhy.

Comment continued below....

8 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Neon Gen... · 0 replies · +5 points

Nf zhpu nf V rzcnguvmr jvgu Fuvawv, V'ir nyjnlf yvxrq Zvfngb. Ab znggre ubj shpxrq hc fur zvtug or, fur qbrf ure orfg naq trarenyyl trgf fuvg qbar. Naq, gb zr, ure "synjf" znxr ure obgu vagrerfgvat naq uhzna.

8 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Neon Gen... · 2 replies · +10 points

...please don't interpret this the wrong way, but... I'm okay with that?

Lrf, Zvfngb vf n ubg zrff jub nyzbfg pna'g pbaprvir bs nssrpgvba jvgubhg frk. Juvpu, gb zr, znxrf ure n synjrq, pbzcyrk, vagrerfgvat punenpgre jvgu bccbeghavgl gb qrirybc!

Bs pbhefr V qba'g pbaqbar na vanccebcevngr eryngvbafuvc jvgu n zvabe. Engure: Zvfngb unf ure bja zbhagnva gb pyvzo, naq V'z bxnl jvgu gung, rira gubhtu vg fxvegf gur obhaqnevrf bs cebcevrgl. Fb fur pbasyngrf frk naq nssrpgvba -- gung'f n snfpvangvat bccbeghavgl sbe punenpgre qrirybczrag! Va gur zrnagvzr, Zvfngb vf Fuvawv'f snzvyl -- uvf jryy-zrnavat, shpxrq hc, trahvaryl nssrpgvbangr snzvyl, naq gur bayl fbhepr bs hapbaqvgvbany ybir Fuvawv unf.

Vapvqragnyyl, V guvax ure bssre gb qb "gur erfg" va Raq bs Rinatryvba vf pbzcyvpngrq. Va pbagrkg, V guvax vg jnf na rzcgl cebzvfr qrfvtarq gb zbgvingr uvz: fur xarj fur jnf qlvat naq jbhyq cebonoyl arire frr uvz ntnva, ohg fur nyfb gubhtug fur unq gb trg uvz vagb Rin-01 gb rvgure cebgrpg uvz be cerirag gur Guveq Vzcnpg. Retb, n znavchyngvir qrpvfvba, naq V'z abg fher ubj zhpu fur jbhyq sbyybj guebhtu jvgu vg vs tvira gur bccbeghavgl. Ba n zrgn yriry, V guvax vg jnf snafreivpr sbe gur Zvfngb-Fuvawv fuvccref, nf jryy nf na bccbeghavgl sbe gur nhqvrapr gb fnl, "Jnvg, ur'f 14! Guvf vf vanccbecevngr!" Va fubeg, n qrpbafgehpgvba bs gur bsgra-frkhnyvmrq qrcvpgvba bs Zvfngb naq Fuvawv'f eryngvbafuvc -- "Jbhyq guvf ernyyl or nf vqrny nf lbh snaoblf guvax vg vf?"

8 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Neon Gen... · 4 replies · +8 points

This is one of my favorite episodes in the entire series, mostly for its intensity and the incredibly revealing fault lines that begin to develop. Gendo is more concerned with Eva-01 than his son; Ritsuko is hiding things about the Eva project from Misato; and Misato, throughout the episode, was hiding her genuine affection for Shinji. I don't see this affection as romantic or inappropriate; Misato clearly cares for him a great deal, as demonstrated by her reaction when he is brought out of the entry plug alive. Incidentally, Misato's voice actress, Kotono Mitsuishi, has a lot of range; she can go from commanding and cold to angrily self-deprecating to well... this:

To me, this episode also reveals that Asuka and Shinji are, in some ways, different sides of the same coin. They both hunger for affection, but where Shinji theorizes that the lack of love and affection he receives must be due to his own flaws, Asuka has become determined to earn love and affection by being the best (which, to me, is one reason she reacts so strongly to Shinji besting her synch ratio). And yet, she cares for Shinji, too; her self-image won't allow her to show it, but she was pretty obviously listening at the door to make sure Shinji was okay.

In short, there is a lot of affection in this episode -- awkward, flawed, human affection. And I love it.

8 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Neon Gen... · 0 replies · +8 points

Even in this episode it's largely subverted. Do you actually see an upskirt shot of Asuka? No, only Toji does (ergo, it's not played for fan service). Likewise, there is much talk of sexual matters (the elevator scene, Kaji asking about Misato's habits in bed, Asuka saying, "Don't touch me," while in the entry plug), but there are many arguments to be made about that. Is it fan service? Is it implied fan service? Is it a discussion of fan service or lampshade-hanging? Is it a subversion or aversion of fan service?

Who knows?

Certainly, in terms of the long-term ramifications, abguvat unccraf orgjrra Nfhxn naq Gbwv, naq gur eryngvbafuvc orgjrra Nfhxn naq Xnwv, gubhtu hapbzsbegnoyr, vf hggreyl bar-fvqrq (gb Xnwv'f perqvg).

The way I view Kaji's behavior around women has changed a lot since high school; my opinion since then has been informed by work, relationships, and learning about things like consent, privilege, and respect.

In high school, he seemed to sit in the chivalrous pervert section, and I was content to leave it at that. I tend to enjoy devil-may-care characters, so I rather liked him.

Now, though, things are different.

For instance: in the workplace, anything that offends someone is sexual harassment (and rightly so!) -- a comment; a gesture; a joke; a touch. This applies to both witnesses and victims: if I tell a joke to Bob, but Alice is present and finds it offensive, that's sexual harassment. Likewise, if I have a close friendship with a co-worker Alice and offer her a hug because she is having a bad day, and Alice accepts, but Christina sees us and is offended, that is also sexual harassment. Ergo, to be professional, keep your opinions and hands to yourself.

Knowing about that makes me wince at some of Kaji's behavior.

Likewise, a lot of Kaji's behavior evokes the pickup artist: "If I do X, she won't be able to help herself." Which, in addition to reducing women to objects with no will of their own also kicks consent to the curb: there is no room for consent in, "If I do X, she won't be able to help herself."

So, yeah. Formerly a fan; now, not so much. Though, for the record, I do think he is ultimately a sympathetic and likeable character beneath all that!

8 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Neon Gen... · 0 replies · +3 points

Rcvfbqr 09: Qencvat uvzfrys bire Evgfhxb ("Lbh'ir ybfg jrvtug"); gelvat gb trg vg ba jvgu Zvfngb va na ryringbe ("Abg urer!" "Lbhe yvcf fnl ab, ohg lbhe obql fnlf lrf.")

Rcvfbqr 17: Syvegvat jvgu Znln (jub vf cerggl boivbhfyl bire gur zbba nobhg Evgfhxb)

N ybg bs uvf orunivbe snyyf haqre gur urnqre bs frkhny unenffzrag.