


19 comments posted · 2 followers · following 0

12 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Predicts 'Buffy':... · 3 replies · +25 points

Damn, totally forgot to post these earlier. Now no one will notice them.

12 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Predicts 'Angel':... · 1 reply · +5 points

-Buffy will not make any appearances (excluding any kind of flashback to things in previous seasons of Buffy or Angel). Unless I'm forgetting something, I don't think she did 1/10
-Kate will die. Well, technically she did die, but only for a couple minutes, so I'm only partially counting this. 1.5/10
-The main story arc will center around Darla. (I suppose this isn't much of a prediction since it's hinted at in the season one finale.) Ehhh...I'll give myself another half point. There wasn't quite as much focus on her as I thought there would be, but still quite a bit. 2/10
-Drusilla will make an appearance, and I don't mean in flashbacks. Nailed it! 3/10
-We will meet a new female character who will become a part of Angel Investigations (although she may not join them until season three). OH PLEASE LET THIS BE FRED. Damn it, I don't know how to score this one. 3/10
-Wesley will get laid. Virginia and a mysterious bleached blonde. 4/10
-We'll find out a lot about Wesley's past. Not really, just more hinting. :( 4/10
-Dennis will either be completely forgotten or there will be an episode that features him heavily. Neither, he was still just kind of there. 4/10
-Something will happen to Angel that will make him goofy and hilarious for one episode. I guess Angel acting like Jay-Don doesn't count because it didn't "happen to" him. 4/10
-Angel will help no less than five blonde women. Oh shit, I don't know. Anne, Darla, Kate, the girl in Untouched...I just need one more! Am I forgetting another blonde? 4/10

So...4/10, maybe 5/10 if Fred joins them in the third season, and maybe even 6/10 if someone reminds me of a fifth blonde woman.

Season three predictions:

-Fred will join the team! Pleasepleaseplease.
-I still want Kate to die, haha.
-Wesley backstory, PLEASE.
-Giles will make an appearance.
-Cordelia will transfer her power to someone else.
-Darla will get dusted.
-I'm probably wrong about this, but I'll say Lindsey won't make any appearances.
-It'd be nice if this were the last season that focused on Wolfram & Hart.
-Gunn will either leave or die by the end of the season. Hope I'm wrong about this one.
-Lorne will still be around a lot, but (sadly) still won't be a main cast member.

Bxnl V npghnyyl jebgr qbja gurfr cerqvpgvbaf frireny qnlf ntb orpnhfr V'z n yvggyr ovg nurnq, fb V nz njner gung Serq unf va snpg wbvarq gur grnz (be ng yrnfg yvirf va gur ubgry naq vf cneg bs gur npgvba ng gvzrf, naq Nzl Npxre vf va gur bcravat perqvgf). Fb LNL, V qvq trg svir bhg bs gra sbe zl frnfba gjb cerqvpgvbaf.

12 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Buffy th... · 0 replies · +44 points

I had to take this screen cap while watching this episode. WILLOW AND XANDER ARE JUST SO ADORABLE.

12 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Buffy th... · 0 replies · +21 points

"Sometimes, I became irrationally attached to characters in Goosebumps books."

Oh, Mark, you are not alone. <3

12 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Angel': ... · 0 replies · +8 points

So, one of my season predictions was that Drusilla would show up in LA. I'm excited that my prediction came true, but JESUS CHRIST THIS WAS NOT WHAT I WAS EXPECTING. I thought she would show up for one episode and whackiness would ensue and then she'd leave town again and that would be it. I always forget how dark this show can be.

12 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Angel': ... · 1 reply · +6 points

ANGEL WENT TO OJAI! I grew up in Ojai! THIS IS WAY TOO EXCITING FOR ME. It's almost as exciting as Sunnydale being located somewhere near Ojai.

12 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Angel': ... · 2 replies · +13 points

How did Wolfram & Hart know that Darla would still be evil when she came back as a human, anyway?

I LOVED THIS EPISODE SO MUCH OH MY GOD. After I finished it I immediately went to look for gifs and whatnot for it on Tumblr. By the way, when you're looking for stuff on Tumblr from a show that you don't want to be spoiled on, you have to be VERY CAREFUL. Luckily I didn't run into any spoilers but I WAS SO AFRAID I WOULD.


Creepy Angel and adorable Cordelia.

12 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Angel': ... · 0 replies · +6 points

Okay, I know a couple of other people already nerded out about this, but I had to do it as well. I LOVE THE HOMAGE TO REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE. I was already in love with this episode but then THAT happened and it was amazing. Hi, I'm obsessed with Old Hollywood.

12 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Angel': ... · 0 replies · +10 points

My First Prediction Post Ever:

(Note: I already watched the first two episodes of this season so any predictions I had before watching those I'm obviously not going to include.)

-Buffy will not make any appearances (excluding any kind of flashback to things in previous seasons of Buffy or Angel).
-Kate will die.
-The main story arc will center around Darla. (I suppose this isn't much of a prediction since it's hinted at in the season one finale.)
-Drusilla will make an appearance, and I don't mean in flashbacks.
-We will meet a new female character who will become a part of Angel Investigations (although she may not join them until season three).
-Wesley will get laid.
-We'll find out a lot about Wesley's past.
-Dennis will either be completely forgotten or there will be an episode that features him heavily.
-Something will happen to Angel that will make him goofy and hilarious for one episode.
-Angel will help no less than five blonde women.

12 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Buffy th... · 0 replies · +25 points

Why has no one posted a gif of the best part of the episode?!