


166 comments posted · 143 followers · following 0

10 years ago @ The Tea Party Economist - Duck Dynasty Stars Pre... · 0 replies · +7 points

I support and watch Duck Dynasty 100%. The Homosexual and lesbian groups are forcing their perversionistic Lifestyle upon the heterosexuals with the aid of the Leftist Liberals in our Society. They are using Common Core and other programs in Schools and against Christianity, They shall loose. Pansyworld and the Left Coast are in jerk step with them. Together they have formed a huge Daisy-Chain. My advice though unreuested is crawl back intoyour closets and leave our children alone. CoExistance is possible then. I do not believe we can legislate Morals nr do I believe that My Morals or behavior should be forced upon you all. Decency however should prevail in our Society. Sodom and Gamorrah is destroyed and so be it. Perform your Adult 'dances' in private and you'll be left alone. Pizzarias serve Circles of Pies not jerks. ~Rick Magee, "MOLONLABE"

10 years ago @ The Tea Party Economist - Air Rifles Banned in N... · 0 replies · +1 points

· 6 minutes ago

Of all the Asinine laws this takes the cake, even for New Jersey. What the heck are we raising...WIMPS? First there was the ban on BB Guns now this. Using Air Guns is nothing! Stopping Criminals from using Weapons is paramount and should result in added Jail time if convicted. Law Abiding Citizens do not commit crimes nor deserve their Rights taken away bit by bit by Liberal Politicians. N.J. in 1963, was the second richest State in the Union! Than the Democrats took over.... and now how is it? That goes for the RINO's too. NJ had it's fair share of Crooked Administrations of both parties. DO you want me to name a few? I doubt it.~Rick Magee, FL "MOLON LABE"

Read more at http://teapartyeconomist.com/2013/09/09/air-rifle...

10 years ago @ The Tea Party Economist - Air Rifles Banned in N... · 0 replies · +5 points

Of all the Asinine laws this takes the cake, even for New Jersey. What the heck are we raising...WIMPS? First there was the ban on BB Guns now this. Using Air Guns is nothing! Stopping Criminals from using Weapons is paramount and should result in added Jail time if convicted. Law Abiding Citizens do not commit crimes nor deserve their Rights taken away bit by bit by Liberal Politicians. N.J. in 1963, was the second richest State in the Union! Than the Democrats took over.... and now how is it? That goes for the RINO's too. NJ had it's fair share of Crooked Administrations of both parties. DO you want me to name a few? I doubt it.~Rick Magee, FL "MOLON LABE"

11 years ago @ The Tea Party Economist - Internet Sales Tax Pas... · 1 reply · +1 points

I strongly suggest that ALL those that Voted For this TAX be defeated in the next Election and expecially the RINO's. These people failed to listen to us, who voiced our opposition and instead chose the Gready Opposite, in passing this Bill ! Now let us pray that Congress votes it down. Congress is the only constituional power to impose Taxes. ~Rick Magee, FL

11 years ago @ Impeach Obama Campaign - Video: Congressman Pun... · 0 replies · +7 points

This Cingressman is a Coward! ~Rick Magee, FL

11 years ago @ The Tea Party Economist - The Trusting Soul Who ... · 2 replies · +2 points

You cannot win a war if it is managed by politicians. I feel that Iraq was to avenge Bush #1's failure to get Saddam. Afghanistan was to perhaps secure a pipekine. To win a War, one's Enemy must be anihilated totally. Winston Churchill said, " Appeasement is surrender on the Installment Plan". Muslims hated Churchill. That is why Obama returned Chiurchill's Bust to England. The National Day of Prayer was cancelled by Obama and instead a Muslim Prayer was observed at the W.H. ~Rick Magee, FL.

11 years ago @ The Tea Party Economist - The Trusting Soul Who ... · 1 reply · -2 points

An Old Indian Proberb: You don't know a person until you walk a mile in his Mocassins. Not verbatim but applicable. In Law Enforcement you are damned if you do and damned if you don't. I always said I'd rather be judged by twelve than carried off by six. Granted their are HotDogs in every profession just as there are critics that know noithing of which they speak. ~Rick Magee, FL

11 years ago @ The Tea Party Economist - The Trusting Soul Who ... · 6 replies · -6 points

Who in the heck is this author siding with? Boston was put under this "procedure" for their protection. These were extraordinary events that took exraordinary precautions to maintain public safety. For many in Law Enforcement this entire event was a 'first'. The Boston P.D. and other Agencies did a fantastic job. The Residents did a fantastic job by complying and assisting. So now we have Monday Morning Quarterbacks critiquing the action. I say go back to hiding behind your desks and shut up. I commend the Boat Owner who notified the Police of the whereabout of the Musl;im Terrorist. As to his Boat, I am gald he had Insurance. What IF the Terrorist had invaded his home?. None of the perpetrators had firearms Licenses. A License or Registration would have as usual, been useless to prevent this crime for the criminal. .So all you Liberals need to look at this and reassess your learned beliefs. Molon Labe. ~Rick Magee, FL

11 years ago @ Impeach Obama Campaign - Video: Obama Is Not Th... · 0 replies · +7 points

Sorry, since the clinton regime, I no longer trust the FBI domestically. Why confiscate the machines now ? To loose them? or sweep them clean? The Rogue CIA covered BHO's enrollment in the Patrice Lamumba Univ. in Russia under his real name of Barry Sotero and invented his background in education, etc. America UNITE and Expel this Impostor amnd his co conspirators! ~Rick Magee, FL * See ya in the 84 REX CAMPS !

11 years ago @ Impeach Obama Campaign - Supreme Court To Confe... · 0 replies · +6 points

The SCOTUS is not the Court of old, when they were trusted. Under Earl Warren it took a drastic turn to the left. Where is it today? Highly questionable. Obama has placed two Leftists on the Court and with Ginsburg, one of the former leaders of the ACLU, that approaches the breaking point. in balance. Obama appointee them to shield him from Impeachment and to protect his false background, a rogue CIA created farce. Years ago, I had friends in all of the Federal Agencies, CIA, SS, FBI, IRS Inv., BATF (BNDD). Not since they were compromised under the clinton regime have they been independant. The SS so far, has stood their ground. Now the Military is being purged of true Constitutional Patriots i n favor of yes men. God Bless America and protect us from Treason from within! ~Rick Magee, FL