


4 comments posted · 6 followers · following 0

15 years ago @ Shambhala SunSpace - From The Worst Horse&#... · 0 replies · +1 points

"Slow fast food"? There's a koan for you -- an edible koan, no less. And Milvertonian, what is the sound of one hand eating?

I didn't slag Wendy's either. In fact I miss those fries. But my Wendy's eating days appear to have ended. All is impermanence. And the food really isn't very healthy ...

15 years ago @ Shambhala SunSpace - Is mind in your head, ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Now we're into a VERY interesting, other area -- one that I think illustrates a seldom-discussed divide among Buddhists: is there an unalterable fundamental state or awareness, or is everything impermanent (in a hard-core vipassana interpretation)? Is "shunyata" something ... or truly nothing?

For now I've accepted that my mind can't grasp the answer, although I lean one way ...

15 years ago @ Shambhala SunSpace - Is mind in your head, ... · 0 replies · +1 points

PS: Writing that made my mind hurt. Maybe I need to change a fuse ...

15 years ago @ Shambhala SunSpace - Is mind in your head, ... · 0 replies · +2 points

Two statements are of interest here: a) That "mind" may partially be composed of one's environment - a very Buddhist idea that makes intuitive sense to me/us. (If I play Bach softly, then play the Sex Pistols loud, my thoughts change.) b) We may be cyborgs.

Are we?

Many of us are people who spend our days in artificially lit environments, breathing processed air, listening to machines hum in the background, interacting with computers (as I'm doing now). If statement "a" is true, we are already cyborgs - part human, part machine - because that external portion of our minds is composed of mechanical devices.

Some might say our goal is to strengthen the human element in our cyborg natures, but that's a complex discussion for another day. Isn't it?

(Please note: you read this on a computer - meaning your reaction to it is the product of a human/machine hybrid. Make of that what you will ...)