


40 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

14 years ago @ The Green Arrow - The True Story of the ... · 0 replies · +9 points

I couldn't give a damn about cheap laptops and the rest of the nonsense Simon Bennett is ranting about, insignificant compared to his treachery. We have put our faith and trust in our leadership and must remain loyal. We can be sure the Chairman will release a clear and concise statement and then let it be the end of the affair. We will learn from this, and if anything is broken then fix it. We are building to a mighty political force, united in resolve, nothing will stop us winning our country back.

14 years ago @ The Green Arrow - VBR 26, 16th May 2010 · 0 replies · +1 points

There should be a bias towards historic patriotic music and also British comedy. Patriotic song and music has been lacking in the past 50 years. Pre politically correct times where unashamedly patriotic songs were sung are marvelous. For example great singers like Peter Dawson was the most prolific recording artist in the British Empire and should get a fair hearing but so should music and song from all eras up to current times that celebrate who we are, unite us to our current stuggles and glorify Britain's heritage. Participation from young people is vital however for the growth and future of our movement so their tastes in music have to be satisfied. We cannot escape the past, only but learn from it. To listen to some of the music and song that belong to our great nation truly makes the heart stir.

14 years ago @ The Green Arrow - Is it time for a Night... · 3 replies · +6 points

I don't want to harp on too much about the rat Simon Bennett but from my knowledge the content entered into the BNP website was not his intellectual property. Did he have an agreement stating he owned all rights to the site and all the content therein? One would assume he was renumerated for his services. His destruction of records within the website is industrial sabotage and is unlawful. He should be made an example of brought before the courts for judgement. Why should he get away with what he did? He has a lot to explain and under oath I am sure the sordid truth will come out. I am sure there is enough very angry BNP supporters who would delight in contributing to a Revenge Fund. There has to be some deterrent to stop the constant attacks on the BNP, they all seem to get away with impunity. If he wants to rant in court, let him, Nick Griffin would have the best of him. If we have dirty washing to air so be it, the clean up can start from there.

14 years ago @ The Green Arrow - British Democracy Is D... · 1 reply · +7 points

You assume a lot Leistervoice. A lot of the " cyber warriors" as you call them do have their feet on the ground, some were candidates, some activists, most donate, some are elderly so they are most effective blogging. All support in the best way they can. Best you keep your slagging off for the other side of politics.

14 years ago @ The Green Arrow - Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah Zip ... · 0 replies · +5 points

Curious browsers look at the web site in their thousands, before an election the site would have run hot. Regular visitors and members may have suspected a malicious attack on the site but others would not. The sob story published under the alleged authors name of Simon Bennett hit the press within minutes. Do you not think undecided voters would not be influenced by this? It is disapointing that our leadership is not forthcoming with more information, their silence is getting louder by the hour. Simon did a super job and I agree to be fair the other side of the story has to be heard but I am expecting the worst.

14 years ago @ The Green Arrow - I Want Gordon Brown fo... · 1 reply · +4 points

We've watched you playing cricket and every kind of game,
At football, golf and polo you men have made your name.
But now your country calls you to play your part in war.
And no matter what befalls you
We shall love you all the more.
So come and join the forces
As your fathers did before.

Oh, we don't want to lose you but we think you ought to go.
For your King and your country both need you so.
We shall want you and miss you
But with all our might and main
We shall cheer you, thank you, bless you
When you come home again.

14 years ago @ The Green Arrow - Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah Zip ... · 3 replies · +3 points

This was meant as a reply to Ollie Queen's previous post on the Rothschilds.

14 years ago @ The Green Arrow - Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah Zip ... · 4 replies · +6 points

No Ollie, your posts are interesting and question the world order, that's what free speech is about.

14 years ago @ The Green Arrow - Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah Zip ... · 6 replies · +7 points

It is clear Simon Bennett claims ownership of the old BNP site and as we all saw he put personal fear and self interest above all else. His apalling behaviour and timing has cost this party dearly and it should not be underestimated the damage he did. This episode needs full disclosure from the leadership and quickly. No words from me can describe how I feel about Simon Bennett at the moment, he could have waited 48 hours more and it would not have mattered, instead he acted in a cowardly and selfish way with his vitriolic attack and victimisation tirade against the BNP leadership for all the world to see. Just 48 hours that's all it needed Simon, what the hell were you thinking!!
The BNP will be or will have appointed a new webmaster (there are thousands of them) so it would seem we have to wait for the new site to be completed. A hyperlink should be put up on the BNP site to this site so discussion with the broader membership can continue.

14 years ago @ The Green Arrow - The Morning After · 0 replies · +1 points

Yorkie, what you are saying is what some of us are thinking, what you say about Nick however is difficult reading. He has done a heroic job in leading the BNP. His integrety as far as I am concerned is beyond question as is his courage. He has the loyality of the party and is held in great affection by us all. However the venomous press will never let go of deriding him, so if it were someone else to lead the party would not the press turn he or she into an ogre?.....I think yes.