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13 years ago @ Big Journalism - Birth of a Meme: Welco... · 0 replies · +6 points

Exactly, we're going to be back here complaining about the new Republican majority in a very short period of time because we're still expecting "superheroes" to be elected and fix our problems for us.

The emphasis needs to be on ideas like establishing an eCongress to relocate US Congress back to our Local Districts to securely telecommute for 75% of their terms to increase voter access and reduce lobbyist influence.

After all, the US Constitution allows for it and this was even proposed to US Congress on September 14th, 2001 as a highly recommended national security upgrade that they obviously ignored. http://econgressnow.com

14 years ago @ Big Government - Why Are We Discussing ... · 0 replies · +1 points

No offense taken, and I realize that this falls under the definition of "spamming boards," but it's pretty much a case of scraping for whatever publicity angle we can get.

I personally put in around 40 hours per week into making videos, website design, etc. for over a year now and on I occasion I pop in to feeds like this and try to drum up attention for the idea.

Wish I didn't have to, but that's the way it is right now.

14 years ago @ Big Government - Why Are We Discussing ... · 2 replies · +1 points

If you explore the benefits, eCongress does apply to just about everything, but yes it is primary a canned message I keep typing.

I understand the SPAM comment but at the same time think this NAACP vs. Tea Party racism issue is SPAM on a grander scale that further divides people at a time when they need to find something to agree on like eCongress ("United We Stand, Divided We Fall").

It's been over a year of this patriot movement and the answer to everything seems to be to talk vaguely about "small government" and "throw out the bums" without any real solution coming to the horizon. That's getting really OLD.

We've been pushing eCongress for over a year now without a budget beyond hosting fees and while we've seen some limited mention of the concept on Glenn Beck and Fox News there's never been any real interest by MSM or TM ("Tea Media") to pursue it like a lot of the other good ideas out there.

In fact, the major groups like TPP & ResistNet are generally only interested in promoting ideas to the extent that they can "brand" it under their flag and sell seminar tickets and rally paraphernalia according to my conversations with some pretty successful yet relatively unknown grass roots groups that have done a lot of the heavy lifting while the name brand groups cash in from it.

If you've got a better suggestion on how to promote this idea without a budget, I'd be more than happy to hear it especially if it will be something that isn't easily drowned out by the bigger groups getting everyone riled up without anything resembling a solution ("vote the bums out" is always just a temporary fix).

Constantly complaining is NOT patriotic. You either come up with a solution to fix the problem or get out of the way for those who can.

14 years ago @ Big Government - Why Are We Discussing ... · 0 replies · +1 points

14 years ago @ Big Government - Why Are We Discussing ... · 2 replies · +1 points

If your talking about GOOOH being a precursor to eCongress it's actually the other way around with eCongress going back to 70's with the earliest published mention being in '94.

The problem with GOOOH is that they have a big budget beyond them compared to most grass roots efforts, but it's something that has to be implemented all at once it seems to be effective. Not sure if it's had success on the state level or even lower on the city council level which is where it will likely need to start to grow properly. http://econgressnow.com

14 years ago @ Big Government - Why Are We Discussing ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Great to here.

Feel free to start a website/blog about the idea or go out and interview locals in your area about the idea and post it to youtube and send us the link to send out.

Anything that spreads the word is a big help. http://econgressnow.com

14 years ago @ Big Journalism - Now The Media D... · 0 replies · +1 points

You got to decentralize Congress back to our local districts to by default decentralize the Media to stop this circus. http://econgressnow.com

14 years ago @ Big Government - Why Are We Discussing ... · 0 replies · +2 points

very true

14 years ago @ Big Government - Why Are We Discussing ... · 0 replies · +2 points

First you would need to gain control of Congress (as in people not a particular political party) to make sure they will genuinely commit to such an effort instead of paying lip service and funneling the money off to special interests. http://econgressnow.com

14 years ago @ Big Government - Obama: Travel as I Say... · 0 replies · +3 points

Best idea I heard was to by September have groups already setup to be independent observers at all (or nearly all) polling places. http://econgressnow.com