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6 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - How MPs say they will ... · 1 reply · +1 points

Where are Bill Cash, Iain Duncan Smith, John Redwood, Bernard Jenkins, Philip Hollobone etc, etc??

6 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - WATCH: The Rees-Mogg s... · 0 replies · +1 points

thank you for you insightful comment

6 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - WATCH: The Rees-Mogg s... · 2 replies · +1 points

The leader of the Jacobins is about to unleash the Reign of Terror - but what will the sans-culotes do in response?

6 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - The unknown names that... · 2 replies · +1 points


Oh valiant hearts who to your glory came
Through dust of conflict and through battle flame;
Tranquil you lie, your knightly virtue proved,
Your memory hallowed in the land you loved.

Proudly you gathered, rank on rank, to war
As who had heard God’s message from afar;
All you had hoped for, all you had, you gave,
To save mankind—yourselves you scorned to save.

Splendid you passed, the great surrender made;
Into the light that nevermore shall fade;
Deep your contentment in that blest abode,
Who wait the last clear trumpet call of God.

Long years ago, as earth lay dark and still,
Rose a loud cry upon a lonely hill,
While in the frailty of our human clay,
Christ, our Redeemer, passed the self same way.

Still stands His Cross from that dread hour to this,
Like some bright star above the dark abyss;
Still, through the veil, the Victor’s pitying eyes
Look down to bless our lesser Calvaries.

These were His servants, in His steps they trod,
Following through death the martyred Son of God:
Victor, He rose; victorious too shall rise
They who have drunk His cup of sacrifice.

O risen Lord, O Shepherd of our dead,
Whose cross has bought them and Whose staff has led,
In glorious hope their proud and sorrowing land
Commits her children to Thy gracious hand.


6 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Andrew Gimson's PMQs s... · 0 replies · +1 points

Apologies - my post was confusing. I was referring to birth dates of those liable to conscription.

6 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Andrew Gimson's PMQs s... · 2 replies · +1 points

Clarke is too young to have been called up - he was born in 1940. The call up effectively ended on Dec 31st 1939 - although many born in the last quarter of 1939 were not called (because the system was running down). The general call up ended on Sept 30th, 1939. I was called up - an experience I treated as part of growing up. I did not like trudging around the Troodos mountains trying to avoid EOKA terrorists but luckiy I never came across any.

6 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Andrew Lilico: Forget ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Dublin to Liverpool is three times per day, but Belfast to Liverpool also carries RoI cargo.

6 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Andrew Lilico: Forget ... · 2 replies · +1 points

Are you saying that trade from Dublin (say) should go round the UK to Rotterdam? Not impossible, but at present there is not the ferry capacity to maintain current volumes. But such diversion of trade would devastate Liverpool, Holyhead, Fishguard and Hull. I cannot see how Heysham or Cairnryan would be immune from such changes either.

6 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Andrew Lilico: Forget ... · 0 replies · +1 points

I think some kind of sealed and verified system for cargo will be needed to avoid border checks. Holyhead, which I know, could not handle customs checks on the volume of traffic passing through.

6 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Andrew Lilico: Forget ... · 8 replies · +1 points

I am not sure I fully understand this proposal. Mr Lilico refers to the ''celtic sea border'' by reference to Ireland to France traffic - but this is a relatively small amount of traffic at present (it might very well increase of course but that would require increases in capacity). The cossing takes much longer than Irish Sea crossings and is more expensive. The major traffic flows are across the Irish Sea. Dublin/Dun Laoghaire or Rosslare in the Republic to Fishguard, Holyhead or Liverpool in the UK, Warrenpoint, Belfast or Larne to Heysham or Cairnryan in the UK. Fishguard, Holyhead and Liverpool are the equivalent to the NI/RoI land border on the mainland.
A substantial amount of freight from the RoI goes direct to Warrenpoint (in the North), to Heysham, thence via the M6 into the motorway network and across to Hull and then Rotterdam. I cannot see how the proposal deals with the border question and the vast majority of current traffic flows.