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6 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Finishes 'Gargoyl... · 0 replies · +10 points

Something else I just remembered, during the Avalon three parter you wondered what became of the eggs that didn't make it to Avalon. That never happened, it was an animation error, all eggs were on the first two boats, Mary and Finella left without eggs but in one shot the leaving boat was drawn with eggs.

And another super interesting fact revealed by Greg Weisman:

One planned spin off was "Timedancer", the phoenix gate suddenly reappears and drags Brooklyn with it, just a few minutes later while the other gargoyles still debate what to do Brooklyn comes back, afed several decades with a mate, a son, an unhatched egg and a gargoyle beast ( that would have been the new status quo for him). <- This event is actually shown in the comics.
The spin off would have shown what happened while the gate was throwing him through time always just out of his reach:
Among other events Brooklyn would have met Mary and Finella after they left the other travellers and taken them to New York in the 1970s. It was them who gave Xanatos the Grimorum, introduced him to Demona and set the events in motion that would lead to the clans revival.
Mary and Finella are also still alive in the 90s and Mary and Tom would have seen each ither again.

6 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Finishes 'Gargoyl... · 6 replies · +16 points

Some behind the scenes stuff that might be interesting:

- Lexington was gay, Greg Weisman said on his blog he was supposed to come out later in the story. His future partner is introduced in the comics continuation, it's a member of the London clan, a horse gargoyle iirc.

- One of the proposed spin offs, Gargoyles 2198, would have featured a reformed Demona among the main cast, I would have loved to see that.

- Broadway is Hudson's biological son.

- Gabriel from the Avalon clan is the biological son of Othello and Desdemona aka Coldstone and Coldfire, Gabariel has features of both of them most prominently Othello's skin color and Desdemona's hair color and forehead horns (or whatever they're called)

- A new gargoyles generation hatches every 20 years, there has to be a 40 year age gap minimum for a gargoyle to consider the hatchlings their children. That's why Goliath and Demona never thought of the trio as their children, they are too close in age.

6 years ago @ - The Black Market · 0 replies · +6 points

7 years ago @ - The Black Market · 0 replies · +9 points

7 years ago @ - The Black Market · 2 replies · +6 points

7 years ago @ - The Black Market · 0 replies · +5 points

He should keep watching Gargoyles and put Star Trek on hold and I'm saying that as a huge Star Trek fan. Gargoyles is the superior show in every way.

7 years ago @ - The Black Market · 2 replies · +10 points

Here's all of this week's DS9 and Voyager:

7 years ago @ - The Black Market · 3 replies · +11 points

Here's Steven Universe 4x12-4x14 and all of this week's DS9 and Voyager:

7 years ago @ - The Black Market · 2 replies · +5 points

Here are:

- Steven Universe 3x20 - 3x25
- Voyager 5x06

7 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Deep Spa... · 4 replies · +10 points

I figured latinum is worth something because it can't be replicated for ... reasons? I have no idea what those reasons are but that would explain it.