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13 years ago @ Antwuan Malone - Christian, Married, ..... · 0 replies · +1 points


Sometimes I wish my wife would dress a little more sexily.... but then I remember how glad I am that she doesn't show it all to the world and I don't have to see other men ogling her constantly.

It's very easy to look attractive without looking.. ummm.... like a prostitute :-)

13 years ago @ Antwuan Malone - Christian, Married, ..... · 0 replies · +1 points


I think it would be wrong to hide your natural beauty but there is a line there.

Take the recent royal wedding in England. The bride and her sister looked fantastic but their dresses focused on complementing their natural beauty rather than promoting sexual desire.

People could learn a lot from that!

13 years ago @ Antwuan Malone - Christian, Married, ..... · 4 replies · +1 points

I think the problem here is one of location.

You are absolutely right that Christian spouses can and SHOULD be sexy to and for each other but the problem comes when they take that out of an intimate location and into the public arena.

I know many Christians both male and female who dress sexily, as in to make themselves look sexually appealing.

I do not think that is appropriate. If it's a sin to lust after someone then surely it must be wrong to dress and act in a way which is certain to make men or women around you lustful.

It's awful though when husbands and wives don't make an effort for each other. It's disrespectful and ungodly.

As you pointed out, that's just not how he designed us!

13 years ago @ Awesomologist - Love, schmove. What ab... · 0 replies · +1 points

You make a good point... my question is, if someone is preaching something on a national stage, claiming to be a Christian, which is incorrect and leads people away from God instead of to him, how SHOULD the Church react?

I'm not asking you to judge whether this particular person is right or not, but rather to look at it hypothetically.

Do we keep our mouths shut whilst a person convinces many, millions even, that they are saved even though the all the biblical evidence says that they are not?

13 years ago @ Ron Edmondson - Don't Pray Before You Eat · 1 reply · +1 points

Preach it, brother

13 years ago @ - Residents of Awesometo... · 0 replies · +1 points

To be honest, I think that BlogRocket is going to be the biggest thing since Banana Ketchup so I want to get on his good side!

Cougar Town is that show about five friends living in the city, starring Jennifer Aniston, Courtney Cox, Matt LeBlanc and those other two people, right?

13 years ago @ - Residents of Awesometo... · 2 replies · +2 points

The first episode or two of Cougar Town was exactly what it said on the tin, older women trying to bed younger guys but, as with most shows these days, if you could get past the first few sensationalist episodes, it settled down into a charming, funny show about a college boy whose parents and their friends are, frankly, weird.

13 years ago @ Ron Edmondson - Great Atmosphere, Medi... · 1 reply · +2 points

I actually thought that you were describing a church you'd been to recently... in a parable.

13 years ago @ Tour de Grace - Renewal · 1 reply · +2 points

God's awesome, isn't he?

13 years ago @ John Jonas Blog - My Gmail account got d... · 0 replies · +1 points

I run a web hosting business and yet I store NOTHING online.

Sure, I upload videos to youtube, but I keep a copy locally, too.

I simply don't trust companies and I don't trust servers. There's too much that can go wrong!

Of course, saying that, I forgot to backup my computer for a year {cough, cough} and my hard drive failed meaning I lost almost a year's work! OOPS