Pak Andy

Pak Andy


20 comments posted · 24 followers · following 0

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Search for MH370 looks... · 1 reply · +2 points

The whole idea is to cripple Malaysia's economy. It might be a conspiracy of the highest order and the past 7 weeks might just be to cover up!!!...Why only the British inmarsat satellite data is used when you can also request from US more powerful satellite and not to mentioned those sophisticated army radar from Diego!!!...Very very weird that up to today no debris of the aircraft has ever been observed....Don't waste more money scouring the indian ocean....or the poor Malaysian will suffer more....

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Two-thirds of underwat... · 0 replies · -7 points

Nothing will be found there as the aircraft is most probably hidden somewhere at Diego or Maldive. Its very very weird that no iota of debris is found after all that intensive search!..

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - AirAsia boss says klia... · 2 replies · -40 points

Give air asia a delay 2 - 3 months to move in to klia2. If he be it, just let them operate from the crowded and congested lcct. Sooner or later passengers will get tired n dissatisfied with airasia service........and choose other airline. Dont let one person put the government at ransom!!... pls work together and dont be arrogant.....klia2 should not charge exorbitant charges.....remember it is meanth for low cost terminal!....

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Police detain four ove... · 0 replies · +14 points

Belief me, there's no end to this security will repeat again and again in future no matter what's the authority plead. It is already embedded in the livelihood and systems of Sabah. ESSCOM is just gimmick to create illusion for justification of something you know what......sickening!!!!..

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Malaysia ‘will n... · 0 replies · +3 points

Malaysia owe an explainationy to the families of victims and we symphatized them for this tragedy which nobody in the world would want to happen. However, It happens and despite the global search which include China, its still mssing!. If this SAR operation will burden the rest of the living malaysian, i believe there should be a time frame for this SAR operation. 30 over Malaysians also become victims in this tragedy, but there will come a time that resources should be channel to the living, as a rational human being. Absolutely, we symphatized to the families concerned and just wished that this tragedy that end up "missing without trace" did not happen.... It's God Faith...

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - China defends Najib&rs... · 0 replies · +4 points

Hi Bro day-jar-woo......whatever was said was what he knows at that material time based on professionals and experts advice. Believe me, none of those answering the questions during PC are experts. They are there to coordinate the search and at the same time to zoom in the SAR operation. What else could they do? Better put our efforts to locate that missing plane, rather than arguing with words.....

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - RM400 billion to buy b... · 3 replies · +62 points

No buy back by the Gov't and not even subsidised!. Those highways benefit the west malaysian and west malaysian should pay for it. Those 400 billion should be given to Sabah and Sarawak to build their lousy road networks and others. Sabah and Sarawak have long suffered...Be fair.... Pls Pls Pls...

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - US military has spent ... · 0 replies · +6 points

If there is no limit to this search operation, the living malaysians will suffer!!! all malaysians get ready with reduced fuel subsidy again and other taxes to foot this SAR Bill...MATILAH!!!!!!....

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Admit your mistake ove... · 8 replies · -170 points

I agree with you DrKnow2. It's very very easy to crititize others.....after all, this is the job being in the ciritizize everything that can be critizize...

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Perlukah kita berdiam ... · 0 replies · -1 points

Apa yg dibicarakan hanya perkara kecil dan tidak merubah apa yg telah berlaku. Yg penting kita beri sokongan kepada mereka yg bertungkus lumus, siang malam, sampai tak dpt sa,a keluarga, mengerah otak walaupun secara realitinya mereka tidak mempunyai kecanggihan negara2 maju. Cuba pula bayangkan kalau kita di tempat mereka, apakah kita dapat melakukannya dgn lebih baik daripada mereka yg selalu hadhir setiap hari di PC (Press Conference)!. Yg penting kita beri sokongan kpd mereka semoga Kapalterbang tersebut cepat di kesan....tak kisahlah apa kejadiannya, tetapi kita dapat kesannya dan jawapan diperolehi. Negara2 canggih USA, China dll yg mempunyai teknologi canggih pun tak dapat mengesannya!!!! Apa lagi Malaysia?.....Mungkin ada Bomoh yg bisa membantu memberi petunjuk!!!! kalau dah teknologi canggih pun tak dpt kesan!!!....