
24 comments posted · 10 followers · following 0

6 years ago @ Survival Cache - Survival Gear Review: ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Your post was quite good. Glade you brought up the taste. All most all the complaints on the MSR Dromedary Bladder page was bad taste or leakage.
With your high praise. And four years of use. I will look at the MSR.
But there are a lot of one and two stars on their Product Reviews page.
It will be a long and hard look.
Thanks for the review.

7 years ago @ Survival Cache - Survival Gear Review: ... · 0 replies · +2 points

Good outing!!! Especially with your three year old!!! Tried some of Backpacker’s Pantry before was not impressed! But with what you have stated here! I would like to try these Hotcakes!!! Hope you try and write about other Backpacker’s Pantry meals!
And as all ways, Thanks for taking US along!!!

7 years ago @ Survival Cache - Big Bore Single-Action... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks! My father was on the USS Satterlee 626 DD, as Fire Control! He was at D-day at Pointe du Hoc!
I ask him once why he did not join the Army or Marine. Probably while watching a John Wayne movie!
He said he was pretty sure, it was because he had see the movie Sergeant York! Want nothing to with tranches or foxholes!!!
Thanks again!

7 years ago @ Survival Cache - Big Bore Single-Action... · 2 replies · +2 points

I'm a big fan of 1911! A few in 45acp. One in 9 mm and a twenty two conversion kit!
Grown daughter wants one! She has a Sig-Sauer! Maybe she will slow down a bit when she only has 8 plus one!
I was hoping she would go for a Glock!!!
Me I have trouble with anything that's not a single stage tiger!!!
One small thing in your text that I saw was wrong!!
The only reason I bring it up, My father, Straighten me out about it 50 years ago!
.(York and Baker both won the Medal Of Honor for their actions.)
They did not win anything! They where awarded The Medal Of Honor!
I know small stuff in the scheme of things! But I thought you should know!!!

8 years ago @ Survival Cache - Prepper Planning Tips ... · 0 replies · +1 points

No matter what others my comment, I all ways fine something I can use or think about in all of this posting/ articles! No I do not all ways agree with the author! But I enjoy reading there thoughts on the said subject!
This one is no different!!! Yes! Even before the new year I was taking that deep breath. We dodged the bullet! But we are not safe!!! Those who hate us, America/ freedom! Are still out there. And they hate whom we elected even more!
They will do all they can to bring him and us down!!!
So for the moment, breath in that fresh air of freedom!!! As this article says, Go over everything! Check and recheck your supplies,plans! And for the future? Keep a eye on the world and domestic news! And be cautious of FAKE news!!!
Be prepared! Hope for the best, plan for the worst! Just don't be paranoid about it!!!
An Dr. John J. Woods, please keep writing! Thanks!!!

8 years ago @ Survival Cache - Food Storage With Food... · 0 replies · +1 points

I have a Zip-Loc saver! Just under $70.00 I did not go hog wild sealing everything in sight!
But I did do money! I could lie and tell you how great it is to seal up 10,000 dollars in twenty's!
But I have sealed up packs of 100 dollars in ones. Boy do they take up less space!!!
If the self life that the manufacture says his product is good for is half! That still damn good!
I have a small block of cheese in the meat draw that I sealed on Feb 2014! No green growth.
Looks OK!! Maybe 2017 we will open it, Maybe!!!
I have had poor luck with using other manufactures bags! Did not want to seal right! May just be me
or my machine! When this one burns up, I will get another one! Maybe pay a little more too!!!

8 years ago @ Survival Cache - 12 Preps For Under $30... · 0 replies · +1 points

Great article! Most everything you listed I could use! I have been looking for an Auxiliary Battery! Not just for me, but my grown kids! I have old school flip phone. They all have smart phones! I wanted something they could charge and forget till they needed it! How are the gloves around heat! Like a camp fire? That is one reason I have been staying with leather gloves! I found that knife Gerber Evo Jr Folding Knife at Wal-Mart for under $15.00! will be ordering at lease two! One as a back up in my bag. One for my house clothes!
Now how about list of those items that were complete and utter crap!!! So we do not waste time or money on them!!! LOL
Thanks again! PITA45

9 years ago @ Survival Cache - Best Handgun Calibers ... · 0 replies · 0 points

Great atrial. My understanding is some military units are going to carry JHP in their 9mm. In none WAR combat. No uniform on the bad guys side, not a war. This I feel will help the 9mm perform up to it potential. IMHO. No I do not carry a 9mm. I have been a 45acp shooter for over 45 years. For me, picking out your wife's handgun for self defense! Would be like picking out a pair of dress shoe's for her to ware. Don't think that is going to happen! Not with any success!!!
If you can get beyond stereotype of what you think you need. Move onto what will work for you! Then time is your main enemy.
I have hunted Gun Shop and Gun Shows for months/years look for that GUN!!! That I wanted and at the price I was willing to pay.
Some do not have that capability! This will do! This is in my price range! I would like a larger caliber, but.....
So if it does not sound like it, sorry. But I do agree with you!
Hope you do an atrial on revolver/autos. That I like to read.

9 years ago @ Survival Cache - Survival Debate: Pocke... · 0 replies · +2 points

I believe carrying a gun is suppose to be comforting not necessarily comfortable!
If you are confident with a 380 in your pocket go for it!
As Serenabit said: First rule of a gun fight, have a gun!
In hot weather, I down size to a Charter Arms 44spl Bull Dog. I carry it in an IWB
With two plus reloads! In colder weather I lean to a 45acp.
Either a Colt or my Para 14. With either carry, I carry two extra mags!
In my younger years when licenses where not heard of. I may of slip a small
auto into my back pocket!
And as thing get a bit more chaotic. I have thought of carrying a small revolver
in a coat pocket.
Would use to give me time to get to my full size gun if needed! (Cold weather only)
Maybe I miss it. I know this article was not about extra ammo.
The ones who carry a 380acp. Do you carry a spare mag?

10 years ago @ Survival Cache - Survival Gear Review: ... · 0 replies · +3 points

I'm very unorganized! Saying that, this looks like it would help. If your one of the Large city dwellers/ work in one/ these could slide right into a non- tactical back pack!
I watch the 27 sec video on You-tube (also on their home page). The straps look really tight. How long they stay that way only time will tell.
And Doc Woods I am with you on being happy to Bug-In (wish I had a better location) At my age and health the Bug is definitely out. (Unless the body count is to high to keep up on burail)
Like your artical! Very informative! Please keep it up!!!