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6 years ago @ WheresObamasBirthCerti... - Sean Hannity Compares ... · 1 reply · +2 points

Hey Crick's! Good to hear from you...

Yes, we had a new little one about 6 months back. She is a gorgeous little critter with her mom's big smile. She loves her daddy most of course :-) We are going to try for another so she has a sibling to grow up with. Her brothers are 12, 10, and 6. Next year I turn the Big Four-Oh and thought I'd be done with the kid thing, but I guess not.

Yeah, that whole thing at the end of Birther Report's run was really weird. I knew about a year before that something strange was going on -- almost like an elaborate setup was in the works, but I didn't know who was doing it or why. Clearly I was on their target list, as was anyone who agreed with me.

It's really sad. I honestly feel that the BR implosion materially harmed the birth certificate issue on a wider scale. For example, I had developed a really good source and contact within the Surprise, AZ Tea Party. He was the communications director. I got a lot of primo info from him over time. He had a contact inside the Sheriff's office who was also in regular contact with Zullo. But when things started to go all skippy on BR, he associated me with that mess and cut off all communication.

I also know for a FACT that a couple media types would occasionally check in on BR to see if there were any new developments. As the subject became diluted by the everything-is-a-conspiracy nuts, they dropped the issue like a fresh turd.

I probably shouldn't be, but I'm still a bit suspicious of Birther Report himself. I have at times wondered if the site was turned over to another person towards the end there.

I guess we'll never know...

I just hope the DOJ picks up on the work Arpaio and Zullo have done and does something with it. I don't think Trump will touch it on his own because it's a political land mine for him.

I hope everything is well on your end! Take care.

~ Scott

7 years ago @ WheresObamasBirthCerti... - Sean Hannity Compares ... · 0 replies · +5 points

The Arpaio/Zullo investigation was never about the “birther” matter. It was always about establishing the authenticity of the .pdf purported to be a digital copy of Obama’s Certificate of Live Birth that was posted on the White House website 27 April 2011.

The Arpaio/Zullo team did extensive analysis on that .pdf and concluded that it was in fact a constructed and fabricated digital document. This conclusion was backed up by court-sanctioned document expert Reed Hayes, and the forensic document analysis firm Forlab and the PhD’s thereof.

The following researchers and experts have also concluded the .pdf of the COLB is a constructed document:

Douglas Vogt
Ron Pollard
Mara Zebest
Ted Paull
Ivan Zatkovich
Karl Denninger
Tom Harrison
Paul Irey
Israel Hanukoglu
Israel Science and Technology

Until we know with certainty where Obama was born and who his parents were (are?), it’s impossible to know if he was in fact constitutionally eligible to be POTUS.

Obama might be a “natural born citizen” and thus eligible to be POTUS, so you could be right about that. At this point, we simply have no way of knowing without a real birth certificate.

7 years ago @ WheresObamasBirthCerti... - Sean Hannity Compares ... · 1 reply · +9 points

So we should just ignore his proven fake of a birth certificate?

7 years ago @ WheresObamasBirthCerti... - Sean Hannity Compares ... · 2 replies · +6 points

Too funny...

That had to tweak that nutball Big Time!

As far as I'm concerned, if I were one of the Sandy Hook parents, I'd sue Gallups for "intentional infliction..." and have him and Brandon-whatever in court until St. Swithin's Day. They provided that nutball with a platform to spew his malicious lies.

That's why I will never understand the involvement of Gallups in this matter (sorry Mike!). As it turned out, the guy Zullo was using as an unofficial spokesperson on the one hand, was at the same time, unwittingly I hope, providing a platform to one of the main saboteurs of the Obama birth certificate issue on Birther Report and elsewhere.

I believe that the truth about Obama (if that's even his real name) will come out in the end, but sadly, just as the issue should have been gaining traction on its own, it was intentionally lumped in with the common nutball litany of loony conspiracy theories in an effort to delegitimize it.

But it's not over yet...

7 years ago @ WheresObamasBirthCerti... - Sean Hannity Compares ... · 8 replies · +5 points

The person you named (a raving psychotic), was a bit player in the entire scam. As far as I could tell, there were 8 unique ID's involved in that effort and he was just one of them. The owner of Birther Report was scammed by some of those individuals as well. He was conned into giving one of them proprietary IP info on another poster (me) when I got wise to what was going on. That's when I knew that we were in trouble...

By mid-2014 I knew what was going on. I nibbled around the edges and tried to draw out the bad actors, but in the end, the plan to discredit the Arpaio/Zullo investigation, and muddy the waters with debunked conspiracy garbage, was too swiftly and effectively executed and there was nothing left that anyone could do.

As far as I'm concerned, much of the blame for what happened to the site rests with Birther Report himself. The site was allowed to be turned from THE source on all things surrounding Obama's origins into an everything-is-a-conspiracy nutball convention.

I tried to derail it, but failed. The saboteurs succeeded in sowing the seeds of distrust among the faithful. With a few exceptions (you know who you are) I didn't know who was on the level anymore. I've never seen anything like it, quite frankly.

We all woke up one morning to find that the site that had once been the main "birther" forum on the web was under attack from the inside; and the issue it was meant to promote -- the investigation of Obama's real origins, was the target.

I trust Mike Volin -- he's been a faithful and steadfast warrior. But something truly nefarious happened to the Birther Report site in 2015, and that was no accident. I will also NEVER understand why, of all people, Zullo chose a conspiracy nut like Gallups to be his unofficial mouthpiece. Gallups and his minions allowed one of the saboteurs to use his PPP site as a platform.

So much of this stinks to High Heaven to me.

7 years ago @ WheresObamasBirthCerti... - Sean Hannity Compares ... · 11 replies · +5 points


I have traded a few emails with Hannity (once) and his staff (Lynda, James) over the years re: the birth certificate issue. Back in my Birther Report days (maybe 2012 or so), I posted the text of one.

Hannity is not a "birther" but he could be. In the last email I sent about 18 months back, I mentioned the existence of the Reed Hayes Report and Forlab Analysis. The reply was simply that they would be interested in looking that over.

I have no idea where the matter stands today. I can only hope that the truth does eventually come out.

I am convinced that a strategic and planned effort was made to associate the Obama origins issue with lesser already-debunked conspiracy theories. Once that happened, all of a sudden, regardless of the mountain of evidence and proof, "birthers" became kooks.

That didn't happen on accident or in a vacuum.

Anyway, I know, and you know, and lots of other folks know that the .pdf purported to be an electronic copy of Obama's Certificate of Live Birth, posted to the White House website in April 2011, is a manufactured and manipulated document.

Keep us posted!


7 years ago @ WheresObamasBirthCerti... - IF HILLARY GOES DOWN, ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Hi Mike!

Have you heard anything in the last couple months about where things are with the Arpaio/Zullo Investigation and any appropriate parties who may now be in the loop?

Hope everything is well with you and yours!


7 years ago @ WheresObamasBirthCerti... - FOX NEWS REPORTER GETS... · 0 replies · 0 points

Right on, Bob. I'm thinkin' this Malik is a bit of a nutball. Zero family resemblance, BTW...

7 years ago @ WheresObamasBirthCerti... - FOX NEWS REPORTER GETS... · 2 replies · 0 points

Thanks, Mike. It always bothered me that Lucas Smith refused to provide any proof he'd actually gone to Kenya.

Still, this was a bizarre episode and only served to bring some attention to the BC issue once again.

If you hear anything, give us an update.

Thanks for all you do!

7 years ago @ WheresObamasBirthCerti... - FOX NEWS REPORTER GETS... · 6 replies · +2 points

@ MIke (or anyone else...)

Is the Kenyan "birth certificate" being waved around by Malik Obama in the last couple days an exact copy of the Lucas Smith version from 2009?

If it isn't, what's your thinking on this new development?