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12 years ago @ Breitbart.com - World Bank proposes gl... · 1 reply · 0 points

If you had the slightest clue how badly our oceans and fisheries are treated, you'd shut your pie-hole! There is concern because there IS A PROBLEM! It isn't because we want to tax everyone into destitution, it is because the companies and individuals who we entrust to deal cautiously, and in ecologically-sound ways have consistently refused to do more than abuse that trust at every opportunity!

Oops,. an oil-leak issues forth 20 million barrels of oil into the ocean, "Oh well, the ocean is big, it can take it". Just because you didn't see the clouds of Yellow-fin Tuna fry become a part of the oil-muck doesn't mean it didn't happen. And worse yet, the Tuna-fishermen won't know it for another 3 years when they are purse-seining white-sea bags because there is no Tuna for that class-year in that fishery.!

Don't get me wrong, there are those who've capitalized on the ecological movement strictly for their own monetary gain, but do not let them dissuade you from the fact that we do treat our oceans irresponsibly and in an unsustainable manner, that we can do it a lot better, and that we could probably even make more money by doing so!!!


12 years ago @ Breitbart.com - Brains of addicts are ... · 0 replies · -1 points

Dear sir, having personally viewed drug use, and drug abuse from many different perspectives, I'd say that you are leaving out a great deal. I lost a sibling to alcoholism. I also know that sibling would still be here if he were to have been able to use is drug of choice, which was Cannabis. Say what you will about those who take their own use to destructive ends, but please be clear as to what substance you are referring to.

If you are referring to any type of "amphetamine", such as meth-amphetamines (and there are many), you will get no argument from me. I have seen that literally turn life-long friends into bitter enemies, make children lie to, and thieve from parents, turn good kids into thugs and schemers. Cocaine? Same thing with a steeper decline of friend and other relationships, and more chatter. Opiates? There are too many to list, but they all come from the same plants, most are terribly addictive, and worse yet, after prolonged use will KILL YOU if you stop cold-turkey! Hallucinogens/Psychedelics? Again, too many to list, from too many sources. Which makes misidentification, mis-dosage, misinformation, and disinformation much more likely with this class of drugs (in a completely unregulated "black" market that is). Assuming you got what you paid for, most are enlightening, unlocking associations, sensations, feelings, and meanings you normally shield yourself from Each trip is indelibly unique, and as such often require weeks, months, even years to bear the totality of their significance to the tripper.. For this reason, abuse can occur, but it is usually more an issue of inappropriate dosage, set, and setting, than one of addicted, or otherwise habitual use.

Cannabis is a class of drugs unto itself. It can be eaten (with "or without" psychoactive effect), ingested via tincture, spray, pill or capsule, and most popularly smoked via various means. Cannabis can be both a stimulant and/or a depressant, a pain reliever, an anti-inflammatory, a sedative, a psychedelic, and according to a growing number of studies has been shown to cure various forms of cancer. You cannot ingest enough to kill you, and no one in the history of the written word has ever died from habitual use of it, or any of it's derivatives. While not being "addictive" in the classical sense, it's use patterns can be pervasive, and due to the way it's effects are processed by the body, can have a negative effect of the mood of the user for a day or two after complete cessation of use, but nothing permanent or long-lasting. The most detrimental thing about Cannabis is the way our society currently handles it.

Note, I am not promoting the use of any drug. All drug use, if performed inappropriately can have negative out-comes. I'm simply suggesting that there is such a thing as "responsible" use of "drugs". Not all drugs do the same things, or have the same properties. Therefore it is incumbent upon the user to educate themselves PREVIOUS to any experimentation, should they decide that altering their consciousness is something they would like to try. If nothing more, expecting members of our society to use drugs in a responsibly would reduce in number such tragedies as experienced by your brother, and mine.


12 years ago @ Breitbart.tv - Sarah: 'Annoy A Liber... · 1 reply · +1 points

WTF? DON'T THEY TEACH YOU ANYTHING IN SCHOOL THESE DAYS? i asked you for a verifiable source, and that you cite it in your response! I didn't ask you for more bs, assertions, qualifiers, or opinions!! But as you seem to understand the concepts of "research" and "debate" about as well as you do "ear-marking", I've taken the liberty of finding a source backing up what I had to say about Ron Paul....you may want to pay attention, you might actually learn something!


12 years ago @ Breitbart.tv - Sarah: 'Annoy A Liber... · 1 reply · +1 points

Do you even know what an earmark is?


12 years ago @ Breitbart.tv - Sarah: 'Annoy A Liber... · 3 replies · +1 points

What? No proof that Ron Paul "bribed" people for votes? Yeah that is what I thought!


12 years ago @ Breitbart.tv - Sarah: 'Annoy A Liber... · 7 replies · 0 points

I would really like it if you would site a specific "credible" source for that one! And by the way, he is for ear-marking EVERYTHING! It is called "budgeting". I know, I know, in the age of rampant deficit -spending, and epidemic cost over-runs, we have no right to expect our leaders to do anything with any sense of responsibility or fear of accountability right?....and you wonder why this nation is in trouble!


12 years ago @ Breitbart.tv - Sarah: 'Annoy A Liber... · 0 replies · 0 points

I would really like it if you would site a specific "credible" source for that one! And by the way, he is for ear-marking EVERYTHING! It is called "budgeting". I know, I know, in the age of rampant deficit -spending, and epidemic cost over-runs, we have no right to expect our leaders to do anything with any sense of responsibility or fear of accountability right?....and you wonder why this nation is in trouble!


12 years ago @ Breitbart.tv - Sarah: 'Annoy A Liber... · 10 replies · +1 points

So then you are intentionally lying about Ron Paul? I mean it isn't surprising. With no personal or professional atrocities to plaster all over the web, you need "something" to convince you that he is less worthy of your vote than Newt or Mitt! As to our devotion to Ron Paul, yeah I can see how someone who lives and dies by the word of the MSM would get that impression. However, unlike any of the other candidates, Ron Paul has EARNED OUR REVERENCE!!!! WE ARE NOT SWAYED BY HIS PRESIDENTIAL PROMISES OR YOUR HE-SAID SHE-SAID CR@P! We investigated, we fact-checked, and that is why when someone like you says something that isn't true WE "KNOW" IT IS A LIE!

Dig deeper kemosabe, you've yet to find the truth about your candidate!


12 years ago @ Breitbart.tv - Sarah: 'Annoy A Liber... · 1 reply · +1 points

Wow, I'm a fool because out of all the data I've read and heard about Newt (both from others and HIMSELF) over the last 3 DECADES I can't convince myself that he isn't a self-serving, lying, manipulating, scheming little b!tch?... I mean really, you go so far as to acknowledge that he was Speaker of the house (first in the line of presidential succession should the president be kicked to the curb, or killed...kinda puts all that fuss about ol Bill's blow job into perspective doesn't it?), with all of the power, influence, and access that seat entails, yet you want me to believe that his "consulting" work for one of the companies that lead us into one of the worst financial disasters of our time (if not among the most expensive EVER...and we are still paying for it!!!) was something akin to a professional athlete doing a commercial for them???

You havn't investigated anything and have no knowledge of Newt's personality. A shadow has more credibility and integrity than that man, and if you can convince yourself otherwise, you need to hook me up with your dealer because he is dropping you the mad chronic!


12 years ago @ Breitbart.com - India mulls using rupe... · 0 replies · +3 points

It will never happen. US companies like slave-labor wages too much to do that! Plus the Indian accent is enough to make english unintelligible enough to count as a point for plausable-deniability!
