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9 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Evening Open Post - No... · 1 reply · +2 points

I agree BZ.
I have been had by the socialist agenda and I cannot even counter because the teacher has been held out to be a god.
My son challenges me all the time, but I can usually deal with it and I like a smart challenging mind in a child, it is a good thing.
This is beyond.
We, tonite have asked him where he got that information. He wont say now as he feels he is being wronged, I guess.
Mom and I both tried after I showed her this thread.
If this nonsense came from his teacher, I feel I will have to have a conference with the teacher and the principal about teaching false information as truth.
I can bet how you think that will come out, same as I do.

I will do what is right, and proper, although I don't feel it will be seen the same by the school.

9 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Evening Open Post - No... · 2 replies · +2 points

Hello everyone.

I have a bitch tonite.
Oh, boy, do I have a bitch.

My son, who started 1st grade this month, asked my if we had any energy bulbs in the house. I said we do and almost every bulb is one.
He pointed to a recessed fixture, which we never even use,( the bulb was there when we moved in 10 years ago) and said it wasn't energy efficient and contributed to glowbull warming. He does have a great vocabulary for six.
I told him when it burns out we will replace it with a different bulb because that is all there is anymore.
He told me I was killing the Earth.
I am so pissed as to not be able to spit.
A six year old indoctrinated in a few days by a brain dead 1st grade teacher.
I tried to tell him Glowbull warming was BS and further tried to explain how it was so to no avail.
He believes his "teacher" and called me a liar.
I now think a parent teacher conference is needed.

We were going to home school, it was the plan, but Braedyn did so well in Kindergarten we decided to let him go 1st grade as he had friends there and is doing very well.
Now, I think the Lutheran School down the road at 6k a year is a much better bet.

I am pissed.

9 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Is ESPN Hurting Becaus... · 1 reply · +4 points

That may just from a different way of reporting.

9 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Is ESPN Hurting Becaus... · 10 replies · +4 points

My comment today is about St.Louis and the way the government and the media have handled this, they are wrong on many levels.

Keep your weapons cleaned, loaded and ready.

This war is beginning, now.

9 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Evening Open Post - Se... · 0 replies · +2 points

Kill the stinking chicken, then take it home and eat it.
The highest use is always best.

10 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - The Hillary Show · 4 replies · +4 points

Keep up the good fight.

I support you.

10 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Are Kids Today More Li... · 1 reply · +3 points

I pray for you.
Your "fate" is decided.
I pray for all of yours.

You will persevere.

10 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Snobs Beware: I'm Cran... · 1 reply · +2 points

Damn, why is Gowdy on the short list for President?

This is a MAN.
He is champion of truth.

He would make an excellent AG as well.

I love this man, he is awesome.

10 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Open Thread - July 24,... · 1 reply · +5 points

Damn right is was long, but, I read what you assign, being a professor and all.

Good reading.

With the post from Deux today I wonder what we will do when all you old soldiers/posters go?
Geez, the young soldiers just don't seem to care as much.
Maybe I am wrong. I sure hope so.

10 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Open Thread - July 24,... · 1 reply · +5 points

You Sir, will never retire, as old soldiers just fade away.......

Anyway you have a long time to go.
Nobody as ornery as you can die young, and to you young is a relative term.

Fight the good fight and go with your boots on.

I am praying for your good health and long life.