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11 years ago @ Frontpage Magazine - The Immoderate Moderat... · 0 replies · +4 points

"...we simply do not have the political leisure to wait another century or two for Islam to undergo a reformation and shed its imperial theology,..."

Uhm....I hate to rain on his parade, but Islam already underwent its reformation immediately following the Hijra or Muhammad's migration to Medina after being cast out of Mecca. Initially Islam evolved as a religion of peace similar to Christianity and Judaism in which Muhammad liberally plagiarized from. However, after the Hijra, Muhammad became obsessed with revenge and turned to politics and jihad and also abandoned religion at the same time, reforming Islam into what it is today, which is a totalitarian cult that masquerades as being a religion to dupe the useful idiot infidels it intends to subjugate via the imposition of sharia.

Indeed, according to the principle of abrogation, which is universally accepted by all divisions and sects within Islam, the verses Muhammad issued subsequent to the Hijra, i.e., the infamous sword verses, abrogate and cancel out all earlier peaceful verses of the Koran they come in conflict with issued by Muhammad in Mecca prior to the Hijra when Islam was still just a religion. Hence, thanks to the Islamic reformation, which took place immediately subsequent to the Hijra in 622 AD, Islam is now a totalitarian cult that aims as its sole purpose to become supreme over all religions of the world. It only masquerades as being a religion to dupe the gullible infidels it intends to subjugate via the eventual imposition of sharia.

11 years ago @ Frontpage Magazine - Obama Inc. Sues Trucki... · 0 replies · +10 points

Apparently, Obama, Inc. is trying to bankrupt all companies that don't conform to the Islamization of America. Hey, isn't that what the Obama IRS was also trying to do to the Tea Party because they are refusing to conform to Marxism?

11 years ago @ Frontpage Magazine - Obama Inc. Sues Trucki... · 0 replies · +15 points

This is a perfect example of the Islamization of America, as Muslims never ever migrate to assimilate and integrate. Instead, they migrate to eventually dominate and subjugate via the imposition of sharia. And how do they do it, they do it by exploiting the stupidity of useful idiots like Tony Blair, GWB, and BHO.

11 years ago @ Frontpage Magazine - PM Who Filled UK with ... · 0 replies · +13 points

Again, let me rain on those two unhinged clown's parades, which are Tony Blair and GWB, one more time. Muslims aren't terrorists, as terrorism is not holy fighting in the cause of Allah for the establishment of Islam. Indeed, terrorists like Bernadine Dohrn, Bill Ayers, and the Unabomber didn't perpetrate terrorism in the cause of Allah. Meanwhile, on the other hand, Muslims are jihadists instead and jihad is holy fighting in the cause of Allah for the establishment of Islam. It is also Islam's highest pillar and a fundamental holy obligation incumbent upon all Muslims, as the sole purpose of Islam is to subjugate all non-Muslim infidels via the imposition of sharia. Hence, it was preordained that the so-called "War on Terror" would turn into a major catastrophic strategic blunder exactly like it did.

Furthermore, in stark contrast to terrorism, jihad is both violent and non-violent, but astronomically far more non-violent relative to violent. Hence, mass Muslim immigration to the West, which was facilitated by both those two useful idiots, Tony Blair and GWB, in reality is really stealth and deceptive non-violent jihad for the long-term strategic purpose of gradual Islamization of the West. Don't believe me? Ok, then please cite one specific example of a population of Muslim immigrants living anywhere in the West that have actually assimilated and integrated instead of forming Muslim enclaves ruled by sharia.

11 years ago @ Frontpage Magazine - Message to "Moderate" ... · 0 replies · +10 points

You warmongering neocon Zionist Islamophobe types

And that isn't racist and bigoted? How?

Moreover, you are utterly oblivious when it comes to understanding Islam.

You are also totally unhinged when it comes to understanding capitalism as well.

By the way, with respect to Israel, do us a favor and list all the non-Muslim countries that also border an Islamic country like Israel that isn't also under assault by jihad exactly like Israel. When you finish that exercise, also list all the Islamic countries in the world that doesn't oppress the non-Muslims living in their countries. Finally, list one Muslim country that isn't a totalitarian hellhole.

Indeed, you are a typical lunatic leftist.

11 years ago @ Frontpage Magazine - Message to "Moderate" ... · 0 replies · +8 points

Pat needs to leave out from armed jihad, the word armed and just say the word jihad, as anything that can be construed as assisting in the establishment of Islam is jihad. Therefore, just about anything from violence, as in the young British soldier murdered in cold blood by the two jihadists, to non-violence, as in mass Muslim immigration to the West for the eventual Islamization of it, can be construed as jihad. Concerning the latter, the violent armed part will come when the time is ripe.

11 years ago @ Frontpage Magazine - Obama's Iraq Surrender · 1 reply · -5 points

If that wasn't a joke...seek mental help!

11 years ago @ Frontpage Magazine - Obama's Iraq Surrender · 2 replies · -3 points

It's not Bush's fault or America's,

It is Bush's fault that Iraq and Afghanistan inevitably turned into the two biggest strategic blunders ever in American history because every premise he based both wars on were absolutely bogus and utterly absurd. Moreover, thanks to Bush also most Americans, including obviously you, remain totally oblivious to the real threat emanating from Islam.

11 years ago @ Frontpage Magazine - Obama's Iraq Surrender · 3 replies · -1 points

Exactly like the vast overwhelming majority of Republicans, this writer obviously doesn't have the first clue about the real nature of the threat emanating from Islam. Indeed, because of the stupidity of GWB, the war was called the so-called "War on Terror." However, Muslims aren't terrorists, as terrorism is an abomination in Islam. Muslims, on the other hand, are jihadists instead, as jihad, in stark contrast to terrorism, is holy fighting in the cause of Allah for the establishment of Islam, which is not only the highest pillar in Islam, but also a holy obligation incumbent upon all Muslims, and that, by the way, makes the existence of so-called moderate Muslims an absolute impossibility. Remember one of the reasons cited by GWB to justify his so-called "War on Terror" was to stop radical Islam from hijacking so-called moderate Islam, except that is only happening in the minds of GWB and other clueless Republicans, but not in reality.

In any event, jihad, unlike terrorism, is both violent and non-violent, but astronomically far more non-violent than violent. An example of non-violent stealth and deceptive jihad is mass Muslim immigration to the West for its eventual Islamization. Today it goes completely unopposed because everyone is so completely obsessed with stopping only terrorism, which, again, isn't even an Islamic manifestation. Meanwhile, the Muslim stealth jihadists living in Sweden and posing as immigrants, for instance, have set Sweden on fire.

Anyway, if this writer happens to read my post, he'll undoubtedly dismiss me as an unhinged flake, a racist and a bigot, and then also discount my post.

11 years ago @ Frontpage Magazine - Obama's Iraq Surrender · 3 replies · -1 points

The administration squanders the hard-won victory handed down by President Bush

Unfortunately the sentence above is the belief of most clueless Republicans today. In any event, thanks to the stupidity of President Bush, Iraq and Afghanistan are the two biggest strategic blunders ever in American history and their failures were inevitable because they were both based on absolutely false premises about Islam. In fact, this kind of stupidity expressed above by this writer is one of the reasons I'm no longer a Republican, as the Republican Party, not only when it comes to growing the size and scope of the government, but also when it come to protecting America from the scourge of Islam, is only slightly less incompetent than the Dhimmicrats.

By the way, I didn't read this article. I stopped immediately once I read that above referenced stupidity. Anyway, I hate to rain on this writer's idiotic parade, but President Bush was one of the most incompetent presidents to ever grace America with his glorious stupidity. Apparently, most Republicans today are unfortunately hopeless, which means the future of the country won't fair very well.