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13 years ago @ Digital Trends - Game of Thrones Trailer · 0 replies · +2 points

Joseph Campo auditions for Game of Thrones
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/user/GameofThronesJoe" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/user/GameofThronesJoe

This guy is hilarious (see first 3 episodes) but also very talented (see his audition as Mance Rayder in the 4th video [attn: spoiler for SOS]). Joe does an excellent job of showing off his acting chops while playfully inserting loads of inside jokes for us uber-fans. Hands down, the best audition video for Game of Thrones I've seen.

Get Joe on the Show!

14 years ago @ Winter Is Coming - Syrio training with Arya · 0 replies · +1 points

You are as lovable in real life as your character is in the books Mr. Yerolemou!
I bet at the audition they showed you a big fat yellow cat and asked if you could tell what kind of beast it was and you outwitted them all. : )
Very kind of you to drop by and say hi. It is so amazing that actors share our passion for the series, and are taking the time to lurk here or even interact with the fanbase. Incredible!

Here's me hoping GRRM still has something in the bag for Syrio Forel!

14 years ago @ Winter Is Coming - The Targaryen sibs as ... · 0 replies · +1 points

well, like I said, my opinion was based on pictures alone since I've never seen Dance (and many other suggested actors) act in anything.
I know Dance was a popular choice, and he looks ok for the part. It just didn't hit me as the perfect Tywin. Like I said, no actors did that for me yet.

But I'll watch some videos and come back to you.

14 years ago @ Winter Is Coming - The Targaryen sibs as ... · 0 replies · +1 points

I agree that his vilain in King Arthur isn't developed enough. The look is great, but even the way he speaks and moves looks neandertal. However, I'd say this is what he was directed to do and must reflect the image the director had of a Barbaric leader, beacuse everything else I've seen Skalsgard in was very good, nuanced and more fleshed out.

14 years ago @ Winter Is Coming - The Targaryen sibs as ... · 11 replies · +1 points

speaking of Tywin, of all the suggestions given, I still haven't found anyone imposing enough to be the Tywin I imagine, though I admit I don't know half of them and photos often do not convey how powerful an actor can act.
But I don't think I've seen the name of Stellan Skarsgard put forward yet for Tywin.
What do you guys think?
I know, I know, you'll all say he looks too young. Yet he's 19 years older than NCW. And Tywin is still in his prime and on the field, so not that old.
And they could age him.
Give him a close shave of greying hair and he has the Tywin look I'm looking for on this picture .

14 years ago @ Winter Is Coming - The Targaryen sibs as ... · 1 reply · +1 points

I was surprised to see that the big casting announcement didn't make it to the official HBO GoT site. Perhaps they are waiting for this week's big announcement (ok, I'm hoping... let's say the next big announcement) for Tywin and most of the rest of the cast to publish their official Cast section..
But still, they have a News section, you'd think this counts as news...

14 years ago @ Winter Is Coming - The Targaryen sibs as ... · 8 replies · +1 points

Mo Ryan on Pillars of the Earth http://featuresblogs.chicagotribune.com/entertain...

I thought this series started on July 27...
Or did Mo Ryan get to watch the first episode before the general public?

I'm a bit disappointed by her review, I was hoping this would be a show I would like... I'll try and watch it anyway to make my own opinion, of course, but this doesn't bode well.

14 years ago @ Winter Is Coming - Breaking down the new ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Glad I could be of help.
You got much on your hands lately :)
Keep up the amazing work!

PS. sorry about the delay. I got lagging behind and am now trying to catch up on all the posts and comments I missed (I don't know, something distracted me from my work at the end of last week...) ;-)

14 years ago @ Winter Is Coming - Breaking down the new ... · 0 replies · +1 points

excellent work Lex!

14 years ago @ Winter Is Coming - Thrones fact sheet is ... · 0 replies · +1 points

The call for swarthy-skin male horseriders in Noerthern Ireland has most of us thinking they're filming the Dothraki Sea scenes there.
And I think someone from NI (Rimshot? or maybe Gaz?) confirmed there are plenty grasslands that could work nicely in NI.