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12 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Titanic queues won\'t ... · 1 reply · +9 points

Can you imagine the queues of people in Paris, Milan & Barcelona eager to get tickets to fly to Belfast to see the Titanic exhibition?


Neither can I.

Three years of school trips and then it'll be converted to a furniture showroom.

12 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Final appeal over deat... · 1 reply · -6 points

One is too many. To satisfy the vanity of of the terminally dimwitted.

Live in a city? Get a cat, toy dog or goldfish. Live where you occasionally need to pull down medium/large game?

Get a land shark.

Owning a child shredder in the city is as appropriate as having a machine gun. There is no place for them here.

12 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Final appeal over deat... · 3 replies · -8 points

And you are simply evidence that anything moronic enough to want to own one of the baby shredders in an urban environment should be sectioned.

The sole good thing to come from the ridiculous procrastination over having this monster disposed of is that I've managed to raise awareness of the danger of baby shredders amongst friends and family and have compiled a list of others which I believe to be illegal and/or dangerous.

Once this "high profile" beast has been disposed of I shall be passing my findings to the authorities in the sincere hope that these too are incinerated in short order.

The ultimate goal is the removal of the baby shredder from the urban population. Like bear ownership in the distant past.

The only thing more ridiculous than a baby shredder in a city is a "human" who thinks it is a suitable place for one to live.

12 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - James Bond switches fr... · 0 replies · 0 points

He doesn't have an amphetamine habit or purchase made to order super-high nicotine cigarettes any more either...

Fleming's Bond did. Even the ubiquity of the Vodka Martini is a bit of a film affectation. Bond just liked drinking.

12 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Chinese and Indian tou... · 1 reply · 0 points

That's exactly what it's saying.

What it's difficult to understand is why it's being said in a newspaper. It's not new and it's not news.

12 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Chinese and Indian tou... · 3 replies · 0 points

So stripping off the drivel.

"People who need a visa to enter the United Kingdom... Need a visa to enter the United Kingdom"

F**k me I almost rather read another fascinating insight into the life of the guy that floured the baps in the shipyard commissary when they were building the Titanic.

12 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Alas, TV fees are a ne... · 0 replies · +5 points

Tax supported broadcasting is an anachronism.
Well past time for it to end.

12 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Save an animal life: g... · 0 replies · -2 points

I'd eat it too. all those Koreans can't be wrong.

12 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Save an animal life: g... · 0 replies · -1 points

Well if you're not having one, I'll kill yours as well.

Would you prefer not to eat a goose or a turkey?

12 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Final appeal over deat... · 1 reply · -20 points

Maybe the zoo would be interested then. They should have people trained in handling such creatures and proper cages to keep them in.

No place for it in this or any other city. To the incinerator. Post haste!