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5 years ago @ The Reality-Based Comm... - Hurricane season again · 0 replies · +1 points

Well, if the politics are harder than the tech, then I feel a little better - as I usually do whenever I read your posts! We humans are good at tech. Not as good at getting along (yet). I was sort of envisioning some better, larger (!) reversed version of the film I put on my car windows. It blocks UV rays but not heat (too pricey). If we could just turn the dial down a teeny, tiny bit while we get ourselves together. I realize it would create a moral hazard. Hazards up the wazoo these days. I don’t have an answer for that.

I am all in favor of subsidies for clean tech, and CA is actually very slowly (and rather cheaply imo) aiming them at lower income people now, which is good. I also think a revenue neutral carbon tax might be good. As for Pew, they’ve never once asked me what I thought. If what you say is true, that is wonderful. Ha- we’re not so dumb! (Hey, that rhymes with “we’re number one!” Now I can cheer myself up with that.)

5 years ago @ The Reality-Based Comm... - Hurricane season again · 0 replies · +1 points

Agreed. We should be doing everything we can think of to help.

5 years ago @ The Reality-Based Comm... - Hurricane season again · 4 replies · +1 points

I cannot bear to follow this issue very closely. *If* I understand you correctly James ... I mostly agree, except, I am somewhat open to doing, *at the same time* we do all the things you talk about, what we can to explore the possibility of a Hail Mary pass. A temporary measure, to slow things down. Something easily reverseable in case we bleep up. Did I say in case? I meant “when.” Like maybe a big sunshade we float out in space to block some of the sun from hitting the Earth. It may be crazy but we shouldn’t give up on the Holocene until we absolutely have to. I still want a full reversal of the damage we’ve done, and I think we should talk about that too. Why think small?

Not to mention, actual prayer too. However, have I bought an electric car yet? No, can’t afford one, certainly not a new one. So from that perspective, I think Aajax is not all wrong. This issue provokes a great deal of fear in people, not just the rational oh-sh*t fear about our planet, but the fear of neoliberalism run amok, the coming congestion pricing, all these things I can see coming here in LA which will ruin this place for ordinary people. It is becoming just another bedroom community for the rich. And I doubt if leaders are much better elsewhere. You won’t get around scared people just by lecturing them. Try something else.

I do not see us coming together yet, and approaching it as a community. What I see are relatively well-off centrist Dems using it as a great excuse to also get a bunch of other things they want -- rampant development for one, based on a delusional ideas about transit. The Left should not be half so pleased with itself as it is. There is a great deal of utter nonsense being served up.

5 years ago @ The Reality-Based Comm... - Cannabis News Round-Up · 0 replies · +1 points

In fairness, I should add, voters here had I believe *no idea* that that is what they were doing. I have seen in other places this idea that our elite/expert class has lost influence lately. This loss is *richly deserved* from where I sit.

5 years ago @ The Reality-Based Comm... - Cannabis News Round-Up · 1 reply · +1 points

Hello there. Just wanted to say, that Mises piece about decrim v legalzg was refreshingly well-written, compared to much of the stuff one usually finds behind links on other sites. (I read just the first few paragraphs bc I am really mostly obsessed with the stupidity of California voters in legalizing something when there are no legal standards for driving. !!!!! I can’t get over it. Other than that, I am mostly not that worried about pot. Hey, maybe you can tell other places to learn from our errors.) It looked like an interesting site. I have a limited attention span for libertarians. But when they write well, it helps!

5 years ago @ The Reality-Based Comm... - The free lunch revisited · 0 replies · +1 points

Well, it’s lovely to look at, however it came about. It’s hard to know what to feel about history. So much suffering. I guess we can put our grief into prevention.

5 years ago @ The Reality-Based Comm... - The free lunch revisited · 2 replies · +1 points

Holy moley!! I just read your link. Holy bleeping bleep bleep!!!

Mind you ... at one point I did ask myself, “who’s Henry?” But don’t worry I have a good recommendation for a book on English history, by someone named Markham iirc. I mostly stopped using Fb in March, but when I finally get the gumption to actually delete it, if I remember I will try to send you a message including this friend of mine you might like, who is also way into military history. It will go in your “other” mailbox, as you and I are friends-of-friends on there (if they still have that other mailbox). I am sorry to say, it’s the foil hat for me, and it’s much too small to really block anything anyhow.

Also, super cool coat of arms! While watching the royal wedding, I wondered about all those banners. There sure must have been a lot of fighting back in the day. I don’t know how I could have missed your post originally. I do have a pretty spotty memory though. Anyhow, your post is amazing.

5 years ago @ The Reality-Based Comm... - The free lunch revisited · 0 replies · +1 points

Wait, maybe it’s *my* fault. The sarcasm totally went over my head too. Ha, not for the first time here, either.

Also, you two are a hoot.

5 years ago @ The Reality-Based Comm... - The free lunch revisited · 0 replies · +1 points

It sounds like a *good* story.

5 years ago @ The Reality-Based Comm... - The free lunch revisited · 0 replies · +1 points

I am completely not qualified to get into a thing about grammar, with you or anyone.

But if it’s so wrong, how come what James said sounds *so much better* than what you say is correct?

Plus, in English ... is there really any authority? We’re not like the French, are we? (*Not* taking a shot at France here. Vive la France! ). It is my impression that in France, there’s an actual government body that is in charge. Do we have one?