


46 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

4 years ago @ http://www.information... - Comment -America the V... · 0 replies · +2 points

I've noticed that the Ventilator King has been employing the two-faced Janus-like "Maybe it will, maybe it won't..." response a lot lately. And encouraging the armed statehouse 'patriots while, on the face of it, affirming the official Fauci/ Birks precautions. I feel like this is done so he can have some deniability in the future, when the chickens come home to roost. Or maybe it's just more gaslighting.

4 years ago @ http://www.information... - Comment -US political ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Sorry, I'm not counting out the Bush dynasty. Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the troubled waters, a new Bush scion emerges. Pierce Bush, 33, the son of the illustrious Neil "Silverado" Bush, and nephew of George W., is running for a seat in the U.S. Congress. Considering that the Family started meddling in the affairs of this country in the 1930's, with patriarch/ banker/ senator Prescott Bush, and imagining that the latest Bush, if elected, could have a political career that could extend easily into the 2030's....that could be a Century of Bush. That's not exactly a 'temporary' condition.

4 years ago @ http://www.information... - Comment -What is the D... · 0 replies · +1 points

The author (Kunstler) used to have a sense of humor, and a sense of fairness. I don't know if he was mugged, or what, but his mission for the last couple of years seems to be that of defending the defenseless DJ Trump against the ruthless Dems. I stopped reading his tirades a while back. It seems I'm not missing anything--same old stuff. Too bad---he was a great writer.

6 years ago @ Information Clearing H... - What Was Verifiably Gr... · 0 replies · +5 points

Great piece. Too much good stuff to digest. I'll have to take time to re-read and listen to the musical selections. Particularly enjoyed the author's first-hand recollections of the Cracker to Hippie metamorphoses.

6 years ago @ Information Clearing H... - Unlike Nixon, Trump Wi... · 0 replies · +6 points

" of the main reasons I voted for Trump is that both major parties opposed him....both parties are corrupt to the core".

You are correct. And electing Trump makes a perfect trifecta. Three corrupt entities ruling this country. I'll never understand what part of Boss Tweet's resume convinced so many voters that he'd make a great president.

6 years ago @ Information Clearing H... - Capitalism’s Fai... · 2 replies · +7 points

This is a particularly beautiful, provocative paragraph from the piece, I thought:

“In contrast, writers/artists/activists must proceed to dangerous places. It is imperative that they descend into the danger zone known as the soul. The soul is not a realm inhabited by weightless beings radiating beatific light. Rather, it is a landscape of broken, wounded wanderers; inchoate longing; searing lamentation; the confabulations of imperfect memory; of rutting and rage; transgression; depression; fragmented language; and devouring darkness.”

6 years ago @ Information Clearing H... - Capitalism’s Fai... · 0 replies · +2 points

Mr. Key of F,
You sound like a special person.

6 years ago @ Information Clearing H... - Sen. Chuck Schumer Sha... · 0 replies · +1 points

"life is hard.
I'ts harder if your stupid."

This is perfect! Apparently punctuation is hard, as well.

6 years ago @ Information Clearing H... - A President Made for a... · 0 replies · +1 points

"Trump’s huge ego is splintering the cohesiveness of cabal of the uber-rich that controls our government."

Yes, of course. Keep that in mind when he signs the Tax 'Reform' Bill on Christmas Eve, with Seven Gold Pens, encircled by his loving coterie of back-slappin' Billionaires and Party of Lincoln agents...singing Kumbaya.

6 years ago @ Information Clearing H... - Killing the Biosphere ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Got it. All your talking points. Nothing's amiss. Big Climate Scam. "Watts up" etc.
But I did learn something new, Judy: "...water vapor is the GHG. It build up in clouds".
I can sleep well tonight, thanks (?).