


45 comments posted · 2 followers · following 0

6 years ago @ Malay Mail - Liberal fascists camou... · 0 replies · +2 points

Curious to see my comment voted down. Some people do not like to have the definition of a word quoted to them from the dictionary.

6 years ago @ Malay Mail - Liberal fascists camou... · 1 reply · 0 points

"Secondly, he objected to Macsa’s refusal to accept the fashionable theory that gender is not connected to biology" - the definition of gender from the Oxford dictionary: "Either of the two sexes (male and female), especially when considered with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones. The term is also used more broadly to denote a range of identities that do not correspond to established ideas of male and female." (ref:

If you mean to refer to what people were born as rather than what they identify as, then the correct term is 'sex' or 'biological sex'.

6 years ago @ Malay Mail - Rais Yatim: Bahasa Mel... · 0 replies · +1 points

He expects that at a meeting between Filipino and Vietnamese diplomats at an ASEAN they would converse in Bahasa Melayu!

It is reasonable to assume that if they were posted to Malaysia they would learn some for use here, but it is deluded to think it would be used as the lingua franca between two non Bahasa Melayu speaking countries.

6 years ago @ Malay Mail - Include spending for t... · 0 replies · +1 points

A firetrap with security guards is still a firetrap.

The money would be better spent on the enforcement of fire safety standards.

6 years ago @ Malay Mail - ‘Drink in pubs, ... · 0 replies · +4 points

Datuk Nadzim Johan:

1. The comparison with ketum is a false analogy a type of logical fallacy) as these are different drugs with different effects. Alcohol is not a hallucinogen. One could compare alcohol to caffeine as easily since both can be and are abused.

2. Why do you say it is not about religion? You are commenting as a member of the Malaysian Muslim Consumers’ Association and go on to mention that consumption of alcohol is forbidden in Islam, and that other religions do not condone consumption of alcohol. Obviously this festival has nothing to do with religion for the attendees, only to you. I may give some credence to your comments if they weren't so blatantly contradictory.

3. You say it is not appropriate for a large scale event such as this to occupy public space but it is OK if confined to entertainment outlets. Are non-muslims not permitted to use a public space for their event. If you wanted to work with other communities you could have asked for clarification on how this event could effect muslims or confirmed that they would not be permitted to enter. Rather than work with them, you have chosen to work against.

6 years ago @ Malay Mail - Sabah church seeks bas... · 0 replies · +1 points

I can't imagine a scenario where publication of these alleged documents would hurt the public interest, unless their content is insubstantial (or that they don't exist) and the defendants view losing the case and not getting their way as against public interest.

Transperarency, accountability, consistency - all markers of a good government and court system.

In Malaysia... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

6 years ago @ Malay Mail - Don’t jump the g... · 0 replies · +3 points

Why should they have gone to a closed door meeting to get an explanation?

6 years ago @ Malay Mail - Organiser: Beer fest n... · 0 replies · +6 points

I think saying it is due to "political sensitivities" is a sub-standard response by DBKL.

If it is due to religious sensitivities, then say it, but mixing up religion, race and politics clouds the issues around the decision making

6 years ago @ Malay Mail - PAS 1 — Beer Fes... · 0 replies · +4 points

Several East Asian countries include the consumption of alcohol in somewhere in their culture - PAS should have said it is not part of the Middle Eastern culture it is trying to impose.

6 years ago @ Malay Mail - An atheist’s rep... · 0 replies · +4 points

It is funny that he called athiests Freemason's as belief in one god is a requirement of every Freemason initate