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14 years ago @ 912 Communique - Vent · 0 replies · -1 points

FloridaUSA, how nice to see you down here, quoting your opponent in a debate shows a lack of skill? Ah, yes, if you are from opposite land then it does.

I also take a mild sense of pride in how you have had to jump-out of your own sub-thread with me to try and accost me here... though quite randomly, as witnessed by your almost drunken use of the "..." to break clauses and to avoid any logical sentence structure. Fun.

Anyway, in response to: "your a joke...pathetic ...obviously an undergrad out of your league funny!!" Take a breath. And why don't we go back to your original post to me (from above):

"Now that's a funny post Mr must be a product of our public school system...economics major no well as an expert on southern history...very impressive...Hope you enjoy paying reparations for all the actions of those evil southerners...did I say reparations..sorry I meant social know health care...spreading the wealth..just like a good socialist"

Yup, you forgot even the period at the end.

14 years ago @ 912 Communique - Vent · 0 replies · -1 points

Hmm, quote, "when you have to keep quoting it shows a lack of original thought..."

Definitely, and my sentences don't outnumber your "quotes." No one who glances past this thread would think that :-)

Quote, "I'll just have to keep ya guessing..." Yes! You will, because the truth is that you did attend a public school at some point and this whole entire sub-thread is just nonsense, and you know it.

PS - Again, it is very simple grammar, "if your educated" should be "if you're educated" since it is a contraction of you are educated. Irony aside. Ditto for "your correct MBA's do rule" but pointing that out would be just too ironic.

14 years ago @ 912 Communique - Vent · 2 replies · -1 points

Quote, " it's been a while since i've had to write clearly, concisely and to the point, but I'll sharpen up my skills."

Wonderful, I look forward to it.

By the way, there were three billy goats in the old myth.

14 years ago @ 912 Communique - Vent · 2 replies · -1 points

Yes, it was very "mature."

Though, as your postgraduate education would have noticed, that phrase, on my part, was in quotation marks. Hence, indicating, since it was not a direct quote from you, 'drama.' No doubt you got your money's worth for that MBA; but perhaps you should have double-quoted the phrase in your response.

I will bet dollars to doughnuts that your MBA was from a public college or university. And I will also bet my bottom dollar that your high school diploma was from a public high school.

And most of the people who read this thread will suspect that I am right about both those statements.

So, in the end, sadly, you are making fun of someone who was making fun of someone who was poking fun at public education. Yet, we all went. Sad.

PS - Quote, "your so funny" should be "you're so funny" it is a contraction of you are, after all. MBAs rule!

14 years ago @ 912 Communique - Vent · 0 replies · -1 points

I think you meant, "walked a mile," don't ya know.

14 years ago @ 912 Communique - Vent · 0 replies · -1 points

Quote, "Oh no Mr. Troll your sarcasm was not lost on me, however, I'd bet your missing a goat because I just got it :)"

Yah, on a webpage called "Vent" you got my goat.

Quote, "But to your earlier point that my family was not industrious enough to own slaves.... We did not then nor do we now condone the owning of another individual."

Ahh, now, again, who is the one missing the sarcasm? [ looks around ] You, maybe?

As to making gross generalizations about others, perhaps you should look in the mirror, first, before casting stones? But, if that is too hard, let me refresh your memory:

Quote: " I'm sure you and your kind will get them one dollar at a time once the wealth has been redistributed."
Quote: "Now, you may crawl back under your bridge and remain with your kind where you apparently belong..."

Yah, that "speaks volumes" one might say. But, as to true colors, you have yet to RESPOND to my clear attacks on your understanding of the U.S. dollar and on your quip about "defend[ing] our properity and fight[ing] the US miliitary?" Go figure?

14 years ago @ 912 Communique - Vent · 8 replies · -2 points

Quote, "Now to your point that I can Western Union you all of my Greenbacks... I'm sure you and your kind will get them one dollar at a time once the wealth has been redistributed. I will not willingly give you one red cent."

Sarcasm is obviously lost on some people.

Quote, "Always a hand out for you people, that seems to be the problem here."

My family has never accepted "one red cent" in hand-outs, and that goes back at least five generations, at last count. And... we have rather added a good deal of industry and progress to this country, in big and small ways. But, and this is a very important(!) but, I would not fault anyone whose family did have to accept a helping hand - whether it was unemployment payments or medicaid or food bank contributions or whatever - once in awhile, just to get by. That, I think, is one of the things that differentiates you and me, WeimeeLady.

We are not alike, I think, despite the fact that some of my ancestors actually fought for the Confederate States of America. Yup, true story.

WeimeeLady, I am glad that you and your family will survive. I hope that you and all Americans do. And that is what separates me from you... I'm guessing. May we all be more industrious than we ever thought we could be. And even more industrious than our predecessors were, if possible!

14 years ago @ 912 Communique - Vent · 4 replies · -3 points

I am very proud to say that, yes, I am a product of our nation's and, much more accurately, my state's public school system.

Are you? Hmm. You probably are!

So, on that level, and spoken as a *true* public school and public university student: "bite me, what is your point?"

First off, if on the economics front you have ANYTHING to say or add to my characterization of the dollar's value in the forex marketplace today... please, by all means, say *something* otherwise, cork it :)

As for reparations, it's never going to happen, it never could happen, and it didn't over the last, um, half century. I think the massive volume of hot red blood spilled in the Civil War covered that account well enough, sadly.

So, quote, "just like a good"... what are you? Exactly? Not a socialist, you made that clear. You are not a capitalist, either, cause you don't know much about money, so are you a anarchist, maybe?

14 years ago @ 912 Communique - Vent · 1 reply · +3 points

GeoatBeck, just between you and me, I'm chuckling a little bit at this thread. No harm meant, but I will get "thumbed" for this, I'm sure.

14 years ago @ 912 Communique - Vent · 17 replies · -6 points

Dear WeimeeLady,

What a stimulating post. Such drama. Quote, "I'm ready for a secession movement."

But let me catch my breath first, and consider your points one at a time.

Quote, "What the hell our money is worthless anyway..."

Not only is the dollar currently experiencing one of its historically longest stretches of low inflation - meaning that you have been able to buy basically the exact same amount of stuff with a dollar, for a very long time, in your local department store - but it is also currently almost exactly where it was against the Euro (the world's *other* reserve currency) back "once upon a time" in 2007, pre-credit crisis even! And it is also only fractionally different, now, than what the Euro/Dollar rate first started out as way way back in 1995, go figure! Yah, monumentally huge changes afoot there, with the dollar. Obviously the end of it all.

Quote, "... or soon will be."

Tell you what...

Why don't you go ahead and "Western Union" me all your soon to be worthless greenbacks, right now, and get that worry off your back. I will give you a name and branch to wire your savings to, if you want :)

Quote, "...well seems to me that's exactly how it was for my ancestors after the South fell, and we did not own any slaves. My family were poor farmers that worked their own land. We got drug into the mess and we were merely trying to defend our properity and fight the US miliitary"

Fighting the United States military, yah(!), that was your second big mistake.

Your first big mistake was probably not being an industrious enough family to have earned the money necessary to buy a slave (like the Lees or Jeffersons or Washingtons or the Madisons or Monroes or Jacksons, etc.). I mean, if your family intended to stay in the South, throughout the Antebellum period, that was where the "smart money" was because until the defeat of the Confederacy investing in slaves was a very smart move - per capita prices were going up, in part because shipping costs "down the river" were going down, due to steamship rates and the railroads... and Europe, England in particular, had an insatiable appetite for cotton; and, again, transatlantic shipping rates were also going down. A vicious circle, perhaps. But also the wealthiest families to survive the dreaded "Reconstruction" period, who remained well-to-do, were former slave owners, so again, that was mistake number one, probably.