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9 years ago @ Equality on Trial - Equality news round-up... · 0 replies · +1 points

When you know full well that you don't have a valid, supportable argument for the position you're selling, you *have* to make up lies and deceive people. There's no other way to sell it.

Clearly, telling the truth about their position against equal rights either wasn't working, or they know from the start that it wouldn't work, so this what they did.

I'm glad they got caught. It makes me wonder how many times the haters have pulled this scam and either didn't get caught or they had allies "inside" that gave their obviously fraudulent petitions a pass.

9 years ago @ Equality on Trial - Sixth Circuit upholds ... · 0 replies · +8 points

And since when is it not the job of the courts to right constitutional wrongs when the legislature and/or the voters are ignoring it??

9 years ago @ Equality on Trial - Sixth Circuit upholds ... · 0 replies · +10 points

Yep! And the whole reason we have a judiciary, is because the founding fathers knew full well that they couldn't trust the idiots that make up the voting public to protect the civil rights of other people. And they were right. But Sutton apparently doesn't know any of that.

9 years ago @ Equality on Trial - Sixth Circuit upholds ... · 0 replies · +10 points

Right. I can still hear my 8th grade Civics teacher telling us, "the whole reason we have a constitution is to limit the tyranny of a panicking or prejudiced majority on a helpless minority. And the last line of defense for all our rights is our judicial branch."

Apparently Sutton needs to sit down and have a chat with Mrs. Chesborough. She could set him straight.

9 years ago @ Equality on Trial - Sixth Circuit upholds ... · 0 replies · +7 points

I hear ya'. I'm in Michigan, too. My husband and I married in Rochester, NY two years ago after being together 18-1/2 years. We're at nearly 21 years now and *still* waiting to be fully recognized by our own government. Sucks, but at least we're moving forward. :)

9 years ago @ Equality on Trial - Sixth Circuit upholds ... · 2 replies · +15 points

I think Judge Sutton must have had to hire a BUNCH of extra tap-dancing teachers in order him to pull off such an amazing performance of twisting issues and dancing around reality. Unbelievable....

9 years ago @ Equality on Trial - Sixth Circuit upholds ... · 7 replies · +34 points

Yeeousa! It sounds to me like he's trying to claim that judges don't have the authority to decide what the 14th Amendment says. Good luck with THAT argument....

9 years ago @ Equality on Trial - Equality news round-up... · 1 reply · +8 points

Wow. The article addresses the cutting edge question, "There are many things that people find morally objectionable that do not want to outlaw. What is it that makes people link their religious beliefs to this public policy?"

Seriously???? I can tell you why. Because it's easy. Because they don't want to outlaw something THAT THEY'RE ALL DOING!! They absolutely don't want to outlaw divorce, or adultery, or remarriage, or abandoning your family, or going to strip clubs, or wearing mixed fibers, or any of the other thousand and one things that the Bible condemns that "good christians" do every single day of their lives.

To them, condemning same-sex marriage is like taking a firm stance against driving your car off a cliff--if you don't want to do it anyway, it's really easy to be against it. It's only the stuff that they DO want to preserve for themselves that they quietly look the other way and pretend that the Bible does not condemn.

Jeez. How easy was THAT to explain??

9 years ago @ Equality on Trial - Equality news round-up... · 1 reply · +2 points

On a similar issue, it was always my understanding that the word Lesbian should always be capitalized because the term actually refers to the residents of the Isle of Lesbos, which is the name of a place (like the words Americans and Canadians are always capitalized).

The common use of it as referring to homosexual women doesn't change the term's actual meaning.... or does it?

Language is an ever-changing thing.... (and don't EVEN get me started on the term "decimate"--you do *not* want to go there with me....)

9 years ago @ Equality on Trial - Equality news round-up... · 1 reply · +3 points

The only reason voters feel disenfranchisement to begin with is if a) they don't understand how our system of government or our constitutional republic works and b) they were TOLD to feel disenfranchised by people with ulterior motives.

You're right--carving out a subset of citizens and subjecting them to unequal treatment because a certain larger group doesn't like them is NOT something that should ever be voted on at all. And lawmakers should know better than putting such laws on the books, too.

But the truth is, we live in a country where lots and lots of people value ignorance and fear over knowledge and progress. And it's really, really easy to get stupid people to vote against their own self-interests.