


19 comments posted · 22 followers · following 0

12 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'The Two To... · 0 replies · +4 points


I love this whole comment thread <3

12 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'The Two To... · 1 reply · +12 points

I had thoughts on the chapter too, but I don't know what they were anymore after reading the comments :(

12 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'The Two To... · 1 reply · +9 points

I agree with you.

In wikipedia there's a mention of scholarly debate about racism in Tolkien's works, which I find really interesting. Here's what is said:

"Christine Chism distinguishes accusations as falling into three categories: intentional racism, unconscious Eurocentric bias, and an evolution from latent racism in Tolkien's early work to a conscious rejection of racist tendencies in his late work.
Tolkien expressed disgust at what he acknowledged as racism and once wrote of racial segregation in South Africa, "The treatment of colour nearly always horrifies anyone going out from Britain.""

Has anyone here read this article by Christine Chism in J.R.R. Tolkien Encyclopedia? I haven't but I'd love to.

12 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'The Fellow... · 0 replies · +4 points

Sbe fbzr ernfba V gubhtug vg zrnag "Orybirq Nejra, snerjryy" gbb! V pna'g svaq nalguvat gb fhccbeg gung abj, ohg V guvax vg zhfg pbzr sebz fbzrjurer fvapr Gnhevry unq vg yvxr gung gbb.

12 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'The Fellow... · 2 replies · +5 points

Yes, this is how I understand it based on Ardalambion.

vanima means fair or beautiful
-lda is an ending meaning 'your'
namárië means farewell

I also found this explanation from a Quenya-English wordlist found on this site http://folk.uib.no/hnohf/wordlists.htm

"vanimelda adj., said to be “the highest word of praise for beauty”, with two interpretations that were apparently considered equally valid and simultaneously true: “beautiful and beloved” (vanima + melda, with haplology), i.e. “movingly lovely”, but also “elven-fair” (fair as an Elf) (vanima + elda). The word was also used as the second name of Arwen."

12 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'The Fellow... · 2 replies · +5 points

Middle-earth is called Endor in Sindarin.

Does that mean the Elves are Ewoks? o.0 xD

12 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'The Fellow... · 1 reply · +6 points

Yes, this.

Naq va gur obbx jura Cvccva ybbxf vagb gur Cnynagve vg'f abg lrg xabja jung vg vf. Fb, jura Cvccva ybbxf vagb vg gurer vf ab xabjvat jung vf tbvat gb unccra be vs nalguvat vf. Xabjvat gung gur Cnynagve vf n qrivpr sbe pbzzhavpngvba naq pbaarpgrq gb Fnheba jvyy punatr gur fhfcrafr va gung fprar.

12 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'The Fellow... · 0 replies · +5 points

Oh, wow! There's even a gbcbtencuvpny ivrj bs Zvanf Gvevgu!

12 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'The Fellow... · 0 replies · +13 points

Gandalf is one of my favourite characters in Tolkien's works. He may be one of my favourite characters in all of fiction ever. I love this chapter for giving Gandalf such badass moments, but in the end it completely breaks my heart ;_;

Oh, Gandalf! You were magnificent to the last.

I have to admit that one of the things I'm most excited about in the Hobbit movies is seeing Gandalf again. Gandalf the Grey with his blue hat in the Shire luring a Hobbit into an adventure!

12 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'The Fellow... · 1 reply · +9 points

I am reading Tolkien's Letters and in many letters he talks about the writing process. It really is fascinating to kind of follow the creation of LotR though the letters, and see how he really did not know at the beginning what was going to happen. Finding Strider sitting in the corner of the Prancing Pony was a shock to him and before going into the mines, Moria was just a name to him! I also like how describes the times when he got stalled in the writing as having to wait until what had actually happened became clear to him.