


13 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

8 years ago @ The Toast - Dirtbag Ethan Frome · 0 replies · +21 points

I hate it when we fight.

::cough, cough::

Oh, I'm not feeling great. I probably deserve some compassion and have thus ended our fight.

8 years ago @ The Toast - Talk Amongst Yourselve... · 1 reply · +11 points

I just remember thinking, the entire time I was watching it unspool, "OH MY GOD WHY HAS NO ONE TAKEN JULIE'S PHONE FROM HER?!"

Like, she needed a time-out and probably a snack? Just something to re-set her everything because she was trapped in a terrible loop.

8 years ago @ The Toast - Link Roundup! · 4 replies · +58 points

Guys, Richard Simmons is FINE and called into the Today show yesterday (which is confusing, but it's also fine) and he's definitely ::not:: being held prisoner in his own home and that was absolutely his voice on the telephone and not a witch-cum-maid named Teresa casting a vocal spell!

9 years ago @ The Toast - Gabbin' About God: Tra... · 0 replies · +11 points

I think, for some teetotaling sects, there's also the argument that the word "wine" used in the Bible is often mistranslated? Or, at any rate, the stuff in the Bible is unfermented (=good), and not fermented (=evil).

9 years ago @ The Toast - The Forgotten Brontë ... · 0 replies · +45 points

"BOFFO!" says Variety.

9 years ago @ The Toast - The Forgotten Brontë ... · 5 replies · +21 points

Have you read the bonkers bio of Branwell Bronte by Daphne DuMaurier? SO! MUCH! INFIDELITY! And then the alcoholism/tuberculosis sets in.

9 years ago @ The Toast - Link Roundup! · 2 replies · +29 points

Until I Googled her, I thought Penelope Trunk was the lady version of Birchbox.

9 years ago @ The Toast - Link Roundup! · 1 reply · +2 points

I am trying not to be the "I SAW THE PLAY" guy, but MAN did they handle that in a breathtakingly heartbreaking way on stage.

9 years ago @ The Toast - Link Roundup! · 0 replies · +3 points

Oh man, A Place of Greater Safety. SO GOOD.

Here is my uncontestable rankings of Hilary Mantel novels:

* Wolf Hall

* Bring up the Bodies

* A Place of Greater Safety

* The Giant, O'Brien

* Every Day is Mother's Day

* Vacant Possessions

9 years ago @ The Toast - Link Roundup! · 1 reply · +5 points

Peter Ackroyd has a biography of Thomas More out: http://www.amazon.com/Life-Thomas-More-Peter-Ackr...

Ackroyd can be a frustrating biographer; he overwrites sometimes. But he gets all the stuff about More in there that you could need.

Your point about "relatively objective" is an interesting one, and I'm curious what others come up with. More is a tough one for objectivity. The Catholics revere him as a saint. Secularists see him as a monster. (And I'm closer to that end of the spectrum -- but not fully.)