
218 comments posted · 7 followers · following 1

12 years ago @ The Heritage Foundry - Sex, Equality and No P... · 0 replies · +2 points

Funny, I was debating an OWS supporter who suggested I "evolve to a higher plain" - seems more like devolving to me.

14 years ago @ Big Peace - The Constitution Trump... · 0 replies · +5 points

I work with a devout, yet somewhat moderate, Muslim from Pakistan who just became a US Citizen. I don't bring up hot topics related to Islam out of respect for her. No need to make work an uncomfortable place. On 9/9 she brought up Pastor Jones and I immediately said he was crazy. We all went about our business, but the conversation haunted me. I finally had to bring up that the World reaction was even crazier considering this is 1 guy with only 50 followers. She explained that they don't get that message overseas. They get the impression that this is America doing it because the President is not stopping it. I reminded her that it is not the President's place to stop it and she said she felt it should be because of safety reasons. [Hindsight made me realize that at this point I should have asked her WHY there is a safety issue if this is the Religion of Peace].
It was uncomfortable after that, but I was glad I brought it up. I think it's OK to not start the discussions out of respect (the workplace isn't really the appropraite place) but once it's brought up, Christians should no longer feel as if they can't defend the Constitution.

14 years ago @ Big Government - Sherrod Blasts Fox New... · 0 replies · +7 points

The progression of this story has been most disturbing to me.
In the beginning Sherrod rightly blamed the NAACP for picking a fight that ended up getting her in the middle. As more of the story came out that put her in a better light, she no longer blamed the NAACP and started blaming the usual suspects of the MSM: Fox & Breitbart. Here we are today and her comments have become increasingly racially charged. As the days pass, she's sounding more like Sharpton and Jackson. Where did the sweet Shirley who was only telling a redemption story go? It's not Fox using her as a pawn - it's the MSM race baiters. Have her comments changed because she's been listening to the MSM coverage too much or because she's being "advised" by someone?

14 years ago @ Big Journalism - Shut Down Free Speech:... · 0 replies · +12 points

The progression of this story has been most disturbing to me.
In the beginning Sherrod did blame the NAACP for picking a fight that ended up getting her in the middle. As more of the story came out that put her in a better light, she no longer blamed the NAACP and started blaming the usual suspects of the MSM: Fox & Breitbart. Here we are today and her comments have become increasingly racially charged. As the days pass, she's sounding more like Sharpton and Jackson. Where did the sweet Shirley who was only telling a redemption story go? It's not Fox using her as a pawn - it's the MSM race baiters. Have her comments changed because she's been listening to the MSM coverage too much or because she's being "advised" by someone?

14 years ago @ Big Government - The First-ever Republi... · 1 reply · +5 points

They're still Slave-ocrats.

14 years ago @ Big Government - DC Bank Protest: So, S... · 0 replies · +1 points

I've been to 2 Tea Parties where local university students showed up to counter-protest. Both times the police stood next to them and walked with them when the students decided to walk around. It gives the impression that they have police protection. The police and even the Tea Party security say it's for everyone's protection. If the police are there to protect everyone/both sides, then they shouldn't be standing with one side.

14 years ago @ Big Government - 175 People Double Vote... · 2 replies · +4 points

If Burns loses because of this screw up, the Republicans have only themselves to blame. They made the primary and the special election on the same day to push Bill Russell out. Russell had the guts to run against Murtha last election and I believe could have won the special election. But the establishment GOP wanted their guy Burns instead of Russell.
When are we going to stop shooting ourselves in the foot?

14 years ago @ Big Government - Tired of Big Governmen... · 0 replies · +6 points

Just because the other 4 end up as losers doesn't mean they should be considered OK. Don't turn this into a trick vote like the Puerto Rican Statehood vote!

14 years ago @ Big Journalism - In Times Square Bombin... · 6 replies · +9 points

Bob Beckel said it on Hannity last night too. It must have been on the Dem talking points.

14 years ago @ Big Government - VIDEO: More Lies Expo... · 1 reply · +2 points

I wonder if you could track down some video from the 60's (or soe other time) of people shouting N-word in a chorus so we could compare and contrast.