


127 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

14 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - 18-month-old struck by... · 1 reply · -3 points

Oh my!! Look who is correcting grammar, and sounds like he's FREAKING OUT! Also, you pretty much HAVE to drive your car in the driveway to park it, so ONLY driving when you are on the road doesn't make much sense.

14 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - 18-month-old struck by... · 1 reply · -1 points

Oh hey Sunshine, I've missed you today. I learned how to freak out from you, isn't it awesome? I'm on the verge of using filthy language and calling people names...freaking out!! Got a child? I have a few of them, so I can speak from experience, how 'bout you? Or are you one of those perfect parents that has not and never would have anything possibly happen in your life that was out of your control. I guess when my son skins his knee on the sidewalk, it's my fault because I did not have my eyeball on top of his head.
Notice my posts don't ever call people names...hmmm, that's because I can have a dispute like an adult, not a five year old. You should try it sometime. Please post back and tell me to "shut the hell up", that's my favorite!

14 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - 18-month-old struck by... · 2 replies · +3 points

THE ARTICLE NEVER SAID HE WAS UNSUPERVISED!!! How can you people not get that through your heads! Is it not possible that this was a freak accident?! All of you that HAVE to have someone to blame for everything, I seriously hope you are never in the position of having your perfect world shattered by an ACCIDENT!! Sheesh!!! I hope to GOD that I never have anything happen in my life that ends up in the news, because in a tragic situation like this, a mother could probably be driven into a depression or worse from the mean comments on here from people who don't even know the whole story. Rude.

14 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - 18-month-old struck by... · 0 replies · +6 points

The article never said that there was not an adult with him...Just yesterday my 2 yr old granddaughter pulled away from me as I was getting her out of the car and she IMMEDIATELY turned to run into the street. What could I do but scream "STOP!!"...if a car had come by at that moment, I could be the ridicule of all of you for being 'irresponsible, stupid, incompetent, etc.' when there was NOTHING more I could have done. We should not be judging others until we have ALL of the details, and then if it says he was wandering around outside unsupervised, THEN we can bash this poor mama!!!

14 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - 18-month-old struck by... · 0 replies · +2 points

Never had a little one squirm free at an inappropriate moment? They're fast, remember that.

14 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - 18-month-old struck by... · 3 replies · 0 points

Never says he was by himself...stuff happens, to anyone and everyone.

14 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - 18-month-old struck by... · 0 replies · +3 points

Yeah, not only do we not have the full story, but you weren't there, so you have NO IDEA what the situation was...For all you know there could have been 5 other adults standing there and the little one could have squirmed free as Dad yelled stop a moment too says she HIT him, not ran over him, they corrected it at the end of the article.

14 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - 18-month-old struck by... · 6 replies · +2 points

This article NEVER says he was unsupervised. Parents: has your kid NEVER ran away from you in a dangerous place like a parking lot? A place where you had to yell for them to "STOP!!" so they would not get hurt? If not, then your kids must either be on a leash, or in a cage!

14 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - 18-month-old struck by... · 4 replies · +1 points

If your child runs away from you in the parking lot and gets hit are you to blame? Accidents happen, and you don't always HAVE to have someone to place the blame on. I highly doubt if the little one was just standing around by himself in the driveway, there was probably someone else there who he either took off away from, or maybe even an older child who just didn't watch close enough. Should we tell that older child, "This is your fault. If your little brother dies, it's your fault."? Again, we don't always have to place blame in an accident situation...

14 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - 18-month-old struck by... · 4 replies · +3 points

I don't think it said anywhere in the article that the child was "unsupervised", so I'm not really sure why people are rippin' on the mother...Dad could very easily have been standing right there and the little one took off faster than he could grab him...I suppose NONE of you parents that are judging this woman have ever had your child take off away from you as you exited a store? Why run your mouth negatively against someone when YOU WEREN'T THERE?!!