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16 years ago @ - Join the Discussion: S... · 1 reply · -1 points
16 years ago @ - The Obama-... · 0 replies · +1 points
We must see more of this. With respect to banks, credit cards, and especially health care. We need national review boards, regulation committees, and strongly enforced regulations and laws.
Don't get me wrong, I am not suggesting that we ought to simply bailout companies all over the place. That's probably not the best idea. But we need to put an end to our rabid form of free-enterprise and increase regulations.
Of course this is old news. Everyone is now talking about increasing regulations. However, I've yet to hear enough from our leaders about how this will happen. Most commentary seems to suggest that a stimulus package will get us going again. But I think the wound is much deeper than that and the cure need be far stronger.
We need to ask fundamental questions about our system. We need to seriously rethink free markets, and we need to radically alter our course in many ways.
I've heard president-elect Obama and his team address the issue in positive ways: for instance healthcare reform and green jobs. But I think we should hear more from the team. I think that we need a radical alteration of our present economic course, not just a bandage or a booster shot. And I'd like to hear the team explain, how we can make this radical change of course.
16 years ago @ - The Obama-... · 0 replies · +1 points
The idea of creating "green jobs" is a rather good one. Jobs creating and implementing environmentally friendly technology is an obvious plus. Although the 2.5 million number is too small.
We need to build roads, staff libraries, schools, public parks. If we can find the money to go to war and send soldiers all over the globe, then we can find the money to build schools, libraries and hospitals. We can employ people to repair infrastructure. Most importantly we can expand social services and programs causing a large increase in employment.
I see much that the Obama administration has been saying as in line with this. And that gives me cause for Optimism.
In Particular, I am very impressed with the pick of Melody Barnes to handle economic policy at the domestic level. She is a genuine progressive with fine ideas and a great track record for helping the poor and the middle class. I look forward to her role in the administration and hope it is a good one.
I will say in closing that I hope the administration greatly increases regulation. We have had enough of Big Business not being held accountable and doing whatever it pleases. Let us dare to hope that an Obama administration changes all of that.
16 years ago @ - The Obama-... · 0 replies · +1 points
16 years ago @ - The Obama-... · 0 replies · +1 points
This is the risk you run for having a privatized health insurance. If we had a single payer system, do you think the government would be capable of raising our taxes $25 dollars a month?! Do you think that people would be denied basic tests like an X-ray because it was too pricey?! Does this happen in Canada, England, or France????!!!!!
At least if the government is in charge of Health care and does such a thing, we have the power to vote them out of office. We cannot do that with the CEOs of these private companies. When you privatize you don't put resources in the hands of kindly people with our interests at heart; rather, you put resources in the hands of unaccountable despots. Despots who care only about making profit and cannot be removed from power by our vote.
If you doubt that privatization results in this kind of tyranny, do a little history of the fire department. Research what it was like in this country when the firefighting industry was privatized. Then, once you have done that, go sit in an ER, go battle your insurance company to pay for your surgery or your prescriptions, and finally have them raise your rates . . . . JUST BECAUSE THEY CAN!!!!
There are those who celebrate our health-care system as "free" and representing "fundamental human rights". I do not choose to recognize being the victim of robbery, fraud and deceit as cause for rejoicing and celebration. If that is freedom, I think I'll pass.
This is not "free-enterprise;" it is a despotic health-care fascism. The idea that one's health is a commodity to be left in the hand of private companies and robber barons, is an atrocity. This is an affront to justice, morality, and basic human decency
Enough talking! It's time for more than health care reform, it is time for a new system. Time for a National Health Plan. Enough of this grotesque, absurd, and inhuman violation of our basic right to health care coverage!!!