


18 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

11 years ago @ Expose Obama - Obama Indirectly Tied ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Upaces88, I do fear the worst, but it could be that Congress rather than working for him is simply paralyzed by the logistics of doing something to combat Obama's plans for socializing the country. At its best the democratic process runs slowly. The whole problem could be solved by impeachment, for which more than ample grounds exist; but that would have to occur before the election, before he has a chance to suspend the election according to the power he gave himself through that Executive Order. Another disturbing thought about the possible failure of the elections to rescue us is the fact that Obama has contracted a Spanish company of reputedly questionable reliability to count the votes, or so I read! Time is running out. We need to spread the word and contact our representatives, I think.

11 years ago @ Expose Obama - Obama Indirectly Tied ... · 2 replies · +2 points

Thanks, Upaces88. I just really hope I'm wrong. But the elements of a Marxist plot seem to be present and are intensified by the attempted secrecy of Obama's recent Executive Orders. He signed the first one on Dec. 31, 2011, on News Years Eve when most Americans are partying and not focusing on the activity of a wayward president. The second was signed on July 6, 2012, during the long holiday weekend when many Americans were again preoccupied with vacation and not thinking about possible imminent destruction of the freedom they were celebrating. I think it's more than coincidence that he chose these particular times for signing because he figured his blatant preparations for tyrannical presidential control would be less noticeable by many Americans.

11 years ago @ Expose Obama - 10 Reasons Not To Vote... · 0 replies · +1 points

Sorry! I guess posting was just delayed, not removed.

11 years ago @ Expose Obama - 10 Reasons Not To Vote... · 1 reply · +1 points

A charter school for Islam? As I understand it, charter schools are public schools, and as such could not be religious in nature. Wouldn't an Islamic, state supported school be a violation of the church and state separation rule?

11 years ago @ Expose Obama - Obama Indirectly Tied ... · 4 replies · +2 points

The Colorado shooting could be a manifestation of classical Marxism and a classical Marxist at work, with organized, government-instigated conflict between "thesis" (American social order) and "antithesis" (the Occupy group), if it indeed is tied to the Obama administration and the Occupy movement. According to Marxist theory, the struggle between thesis and antithesis will result in "synthesis" of a new communistic society, called "utopia" by Marx. (Thesis, antithesis, and synthesis are Marxist terms to describe the process of creating a Communist regime.) All the ingredients of a Marxist revolution are present. Consider these facts along with Obama's recent executive orders, allowing him to establish martial law, to take control of basic needs like energy and food, to restrict all means of citizen communication, and to suspend the coming election for six months without the right of Congress to intervene. The conclusion may be that a Communist takeover of America is being orchestrated from within the government.

11 years ago @ Expose Obama - 10 Reasons Not To Vote... · 1 reply · +1 points

Why are my messages mentioning difficulty in posting to this site removed by the moderator(s)? I'll spend my time on sites more friendly to open expression.

11 years ago @ Expose Obama - 10 Reasons Not To Vote... · 0 replies · +1 points

I can't believe that sentence, "I would vote for West" finally posted! I have been trying to post a much longer message containing that sentence for two days, and the site seemed to go down each time, with messages to the effect that the site was having problems. Are sites like this that run counter to the mainstream media subject to politically connected hacking, I wonder? I had much more to say about what I have learned about Romney from reading his book, _No Apology_ and what I learned about Obama before the 2008 election from reading his books, _The Audacity of Hope_ and _Dreams from My Father_. But I've already spent too much time trying to post this simple message, so I'll just say that I don't agree with Romney on every point, but he seems to be a moral, intelligent, and giving person who loves America, or at least the America we have known, as I do.

11 years ago @ Expose Obama - 10 Reasons Not To Vote... · 1 reply · +1 points

Of those you mentioned, I would vote for West.

11 years ago @ Expose Obama - 10 Reasons Not To Vote... · 1 reply · +1 points

This is true. And I find it incredible that Obama is slamming Romney for not revealing every last line of his tax returns when Obama works at keeping much of his past a secret, notably his student records.

11 years ago @ Expose Obama - Was Colorado Shooting ... · 0 replies · +3 points

Thanks for the information, Les. A specific acronym for government mind-control experiments is helpful. Another possibility occurred to me. Since some of the suspect's acquaintances say his criminal behavior was really out of character for him, I wonder about the possibility of a mind altering drug which temporarily affects normal consciousness and induces temporary amnesia, like Versed, which is commonly used for surgery. The "patient" remains conscious but in an altered state that does not encourage normal, rational thinking while allowing seemingly normal behavior. When the effect of the drug wears off, the patient has "amnesia" or forgetfuness about what occurred while under the drug's influence. It seems that a drug like Versed could have played a role in the perpetrator's strange and inconsistent behavior.