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12 years ago @ Vision to America - What Now for Republicans? · 0 replies · +2 points

The big question is what will you do when when a republican president orders the silencing and internment of American citizens and the killing of any who resist? They will have very good reasons, you can be sure.

12 years ago @ Vision to America - For Ron Paul, Winning ... · 0 replies · +2 points

Not touche', simply proving my point again. Thanks.

12 years ago @ Vision to America - For Ron Paul, Winning ... · 0 replies · +1 points

The guy who created that Americans Elect organization, Peter Ackerman, is on the board of the CFR. They claim to be non-partisan which is correct because the only thing they care about is whether a big government person gets elected. Much like our republicans and democrats.

12 years ago @ Vision to America - For Ron Paul, Winning ... · 2 replies · +2 points

Why am I reading this, then?

12 years ago @ Vision to America - For Ron Paul, Winning ... · 0 replies · +2 points

Good government is best described by our Constitution. There was a time many people thought the federal government should do something to stop people from drinking alcohol. It required a constitutional amendment and it turned out to be not such a good solution to the problem. I could care less about Ron Paul and if you ask him he'll also tell you he is not the focus. It's the message.

12 years ago @ Vision to America - What Now for Republicans? · 0 replies · +1 points

It's only the welfare-state, class warfare socialist portion of communism that began calling themselves progressives, as Raymond pointed out. The totalitarian, aggressive, world-domination portion of communism began calling themselves conservatives. They pass control back and forth with each forwarding their own agenda in their turn but never doing anything to turn back the recent advances of the other side. I would bet my life, and I am, that when all hell does finally break loose it will be the republicans who will be in charge at the time.

12 years ago @ Vision to America - For Ron Paul, Winning ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Sometimes I read a response to the inane propaganda around here phrased so well it brings a tear to my eye.

Ron Paul 2012 - The R3volution

12 years ago @ Vision to America - For Ron Paul, Winning ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Am I going to have to start posting a link to exactly what Debbie Schlussel said along with the other garbage she spouts every single time you make this attack Jonathan? I noticed the Gingrich campaign picked up on it but that doesn't surprise me. They were mailing out anti-Mormon literature in South Carolina. Oh yeah, you do a lot of that too, don't you?

I noticed you stopped using the French revolution line against Ron Paul. It's got to be embarrassing when someone shows where your ideas come from. Why do you even come on these threads with Ron Paul as the subject anyway? Don't you have anything positive you could be doing with your life?

12 years ago @ Vision to America - For Ron Paul, Winning ... · 0 replies · +1 points

They won't look at any of the information you gave them and they'll be back tomorrow saying the EXACT same things over and over again. Worse than flaming liberals in my opinion and, man, those people are irritating.

12 years ago @ Vision to America - For Ron Paul, Winning ... · 6 replies · +2 points

I can forgive most people who don't pay much attention and will simply hang their heads when things start getting real bad with our government. I'm talking real bad like people disappearing and stormtroopers walking the streets. This is the inevitable result of bigger and bigger government. It's the people like you and Jonathan Gartner who I can not forgive. You are the types who are hurling us headlong into tyranny and your own self-righteousness will not let you see it. Like many people I talk to in my church.

The left has a lot of self-righteous people too. I used to go to liberal demonstrations just to talk to them and when I see you post I am reminded so much of them. There is no reasoning with a closed mind. Our federal government was chained down by the Constitution for a reason. I'd like to see the poor have a better life and I'd also like to see a stronger morality in society.

The problem begins when instead of doing something about these things ourselves some people seek to use the force of government to impose solutions, which never turn out to be very good solutions. I used to ask the liberals when the last time was they gave their last $5 to a beggar or took a homeless person home and fed them. I wonder when the last time was that many of the so-called conservatives on these blogs did something on a personal level to change the things they see as wrong with other people. I often ask people in my church, when self-righteousness creeps into a discussion, why a visible sin is so much worse than a hidden one. We all fall short of the glory and righteousness of God But if the behavior of another person bothers you then you should be the one to do something about it.

Jesus healed lepers and showed love to prostitutes and tax collectors, personally. That's how we solve problems in our society, one person at a time, by reaching out and touching them in some way and allowing the love of God to flow through us. Government has no business getting involved because they just screw it up and the illusion gives decent people a reason to not do the hard thing of showing love to those less fortunate. I'll be the first to agree humans haven't been very good at this since the dawn of creation, but the only way to get better at something is to practice. In the short term big government prevents the practice and in the long run the boot of tyranny only gets heavier and heavier.

And, BTW, your habit of coming onto every single thread regarding Ron Paul and denigrating and insulting anyone who disagrees with you is not the kind of example I consider worthy of a Christian or a conservative.