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16 years ago @ - The President-elect\'s... · 0 replies · +1 points
16 years ago @ - Happy Holidays! | Chan... · 1 reply · +1 points
Is this system better or does it create more difficulties when it comes to passing new laws, etc.?
Guess it's just "human nature" that most people will try to "force" their point of views on others, and as more differences come together, as more difficult it gets to find a common ground to build on.
In regards to the "change" and Obama's missing "qualifications" you referred to, I accept your point of view, since everyone should have the right to their own opinion.
Yet the results will remain to be seen in a few months/years from now! Give Obama a chance to take office, see what he can and/or will do for this country, and then decide if you like it or not.
16 years ago @ - Happy Holidays! | Chan... · 3 replies · +3 points
Starting with culture, race, religion, believes, preferences, and then some. But it seems we all have one thing in common: we voted for our new President!
Here is my "wishful" thought: wouldn't it be nice if we all could just get along, respecting and accepting each other, regardless of our differences?
After all it doesn't matter where we are from, what color our skin is, which church we are going to (or not), disabled or not, gay or straight, old or young... We are all human beings.
Yes, there is need of communication! And it sure helps if people come together to express their ideas, discuss things, find solutions to problems. And it doesn't hurt to listen and try to understand each other's different point of views without arguing...
16 years ago @ - Happy Holidays! | Chan... · 0 replies · +5 points
I can understand the hurt many people felt about thisWarren issue, but I also think that this was NOT MEANT to hurt anyone!
In the next few years there will many decisions being made which don't please EVERYONE,
yet still, we ALL need to support each other and our new President, in order to bring about the change we are so desperately looking for!
16 years ago @ - The Obama-... · 0 replies · +5 points
Why should anyone have the right to "dictate" someone else, who they can or cannot marry?
If "straight" and "religious" people cannot understand that there are people out there who think or feel different, then they at least should not try to "force" their point of view onto the life's of others.
( I am straight, female and a mother of 1)
Same goes to marijuana users. Let them have their live, their own choices.
The legalization of "soft-drugs" like marijuana works very well in the Netherlands. It even creates jobs (in their coffe-shops), lowers government spending (for prosecution and incarceration) and on top of it, it does create revenue when taxed!
16 years ago @ - The Obama-... · 1 reply · +1 points
"slap in the face" from our PE!
I'm pretty sure that, no matter whom he would have chosen, there probably would be a group of people who would not agree with his decision either. Nobody can make everyone happy all of the time...
My personal opinion is that, religion should be kept completely out of politics. But I'm sure that
there will be many, many people who disagree with me on this point!
With supporting our new PE, millions of people came together during the election. Let's not start a new division, especially not one between gays/lesbians and "straight" people!!!!!
16 years ago @ - The Obama-... · 0 replies · +1 points
If every worker (from the bottom up) , including SSD reciepients and retirees would have enough income to support themselves, the chain-reaction would take care of our failing economy.
16 years ago @ - The Obama-... · 0 replies · +1 points
The banks lent billions of $ to consumers who are now drowning in debt, regardless of the question if those consumers were able to afford the loans in the first place. Now the banks are getting "their" money back through the TARP funds. What will happen to the consumer?
The auto industry (actually just the "Big 3") is trying to get Government help because they mismanaged their business for years. Obviously the foreign auto manifacturers here in the U.S. don't have any such problem.
In order to get the economy back on track, one needs to start with the consumer. If the consumer has no money to spend, there won't be any light at the end of the tunnel. For so many years now the prices of pretty much everything were increasing, but the hard worker at the bottom didn't see any pay increase for years.
Maybe there is someone out there who can help me put my thought process into better words?
16 years ago @ - The Obama-... · 0 replies · +2 points
I grew up in West Germany with the luxury of having Health Care and never even thought about this of being something else than "normal", until I moved to the U.S.. After living here (and loving it) for over 16 years now, I am still in disbelief that a person can lose their whole existence due to an unforeseen accident or illness, or even worse, due to a premature born child....
Most of the past 16 years I've been living without Health Coverage because as single parent I simply cannot afford it. So far we have been very lucky and fortunate, but I am always scared that something may happen to us in the future and this fear of the consequences is taking a great toll on our life.
I can only hope that the new administration can get lots of the great visions and advices from this blog and will be able to implement it in some form for the U.S. to join "the already existing" advanced countries, whose citizens don't ever have to worry about getting medical help and how to pay for it!