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13 years ago @ Big Hollywood - We Love Pixar: What I ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Great article on _Up_ - which is one of the few movies I'd consider buying. I don't know much about Ed Asner, to be honest, and I've learned not to pay too close attention to celebrities' philosophical or political leanings. If they happen to be good actors whose talent makes a good movie all the more enjoyable, that's all I ask of them - do your job and do it well. That said, learning that Ellen Degeneres did the voice for one of the main fish in _Finding Nemo_ (I forget her character's name, now) kinda spoiled it for me. Sometimes I just don't want to know who does the voices for my favorite kid's-movie characters - just in case.

13 years ago @ Big Hollywood - We Love Pixar: What I ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Yikes! Sorry you had to deal with that. The copy we borrowed from the library fortunately allowed us to skip all the boring and pointless previews and other pre-movie crap (except for the FBI warning, which I can handle; at least it's quiet). Thanks for the heads-up, though. Haven't bought any movies for years.

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - The Gospel of David Br... · 0 replies · +4 points

I thought maybe Brooks was describing himself. But Obama is a good fit, too.

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - WE LOVE PIXAR: How 'Ra... · 1 reply · +1 points

Loved both these movies. _Up_ is another family favorite, and we're looking forward to _Toy Story 3_.

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - WE LOVE PIXAR: How 'Ra... · 0 replies · +10 points

One of my all-time favorite parts was the argument between Bob and Helen when he came home late, and she criticized him for not being more involved in the life they have now, saying, "I can't believe you don't want to go to your son's graduation!"
Bob: "It's not a graduation. He's moving from the fourth grade to the fifth."
Helen: "It's a ceremony."
Bob: "It's psychotic! They keep coming up with new ways to celebrate mediocrity, ..."

Classic--and painfully true.

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Simon Cowell: TV's Mos... · 0 replies · +1 points

I was just wondering who on earth could take Simon Cowell's place on that show. If Mark Steyn takes his seat, I'd be inclined to watch.

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Saving the Planet, One... · 0 replies · +1 points

Sounds about as likely to become law as the suggestion some doofus in the New York City Council made of banning salt in New York restaurants.

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Celeb Chef: National S... · 0 replies · +1 points

I don't know much about her, either, but my impression was that she was supposed to be a refreshing alternative to Martha Stewart--sort of an anti-Martha, or something like that. Because, well, she's . . . nice. Or so she seems on TV, anyway.

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - REVIEW: Ridley Scott's... · 0 replies · 0 points

Thanks for reviewing this movie. One of the first things I noticed in the trailer was the shot of Cate Blanchett's Marian pulling her helmet down as she prepares to go to battle with the men--as if we have to have the woman dressed up in armor and doing as the men do in order for her to be compelling or relatable. Please! Bring back the "Maid"--who acts like a lady and knows what real womanhood is all about. It isn't about competition with men but complementarity with them.
Too bad the writer/s of this film don't get that.

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Celeb Chef: National S... · 0 replies · +3 points

I'm loving _V_ right now. I watched the 80's mini-series, too, but I have to say I'm enjoying this new one more. It had me hooked after the first episode.
Besides _Stargate Universe_ (which is, admittedly not my all-time favorite Stargate series, but still engaging), it's the only show I catch regularly anymore.
And you're right about it not really resembling the 80's mini-series. I didn't know there even was a series made after it, but I tried to watch the mini-series again, and I couldn't get through the first half hour.
And whether the writer intended this or not, it's easy to see parallels between Anna and Obama. His original intentions for the show, whatever they were, can't make that go away.