


135 comments posted · 10 followers · following 0

11 years ago @ Eve News24 - LEAK: TEST Alliance Up... · 5 replies · +54 points

Test 1 - 0 Sort Dragon

11 years ago @ Eve News24 - LAWN also ends Provide... · 1 reply · -1 points

not replying to any particular comment cause there is no reason to. You guys behave like 16 year old girls who are not happy no matter what happens in their world, and as a matter of fact you are not happy when something happens completely unrelated to you. I for the most part don't give a shit what alliance most of you fly in and what alliance most of you will go in your eve career. All of you on the other hand seem to be obsessed with what I do.

Keep it up, eve is pretty boring right now and you provide a good deal of entertainment, especially when you talk about things that none of you have a clue about. If it helps you pass the time go for it, I for one will pass the time in whatever way I enjoy.


11 years ago @ Eve News24 - LAWN also ends Provide... · 9 replies · -23 points

i didn't pick the winning side...I picked the only alliance in eve that is worth a damn...don't like it...that's too bad. As for the couch to crash on, I'm not even sure what to say to that. I'm not shitting on MVN, i respect MVN and people there know that. I however did not appreciate the chest-beating Bl directors who don't know shit about literally anything. I've said it before and I will say it again...MVN is far superior to anyone else in BL, take it or leave it that's your choice.

11 years ago @ Eve News24 - LAWN also ends Provide... · 23 replies · -27 points

i was trying to come up with some elaborate response to this...but sorry...i can't...and if you expected me to stay in a terrible alliance that is Black Legion...sorry I'd rather be in dead -A-. But hey...haters gonna hate.

11 years ago @ Eve News24 - LAWN also ends Provide... · 45 replies · -50 points

"and they still had another 20 slowcats on standby"

cool story...we also had 50 supers and 40 titans...clearly

11 years ago @ Eve News24 - Updated: A Storm of Ca... · 0 replies · -3 points

i killed -A-? that's cute, you try so hard.

11 years ago @ Eve News24 - Updated: A Storm of Ca... · 7 replies · -5 points

most of the people who post here would never jump into 500 people with dreads and slowcats on the gate under a cynojammer. People can say what they want but at the end of the day that's fact. As for FAZOR, you guys need someone to shut you up, cause you are making bigger idiots out of yourselves than you already are.

Mistakes were made, the fleet died. Not the first time and not the last time. Learn whatever you can and move on from it, oh and bring more T1 cruisers FAZOR, cause you fit right in with the rest of the t3/navy bs/dread/carrier fleets out there.

11 years ago @ Eve News24 - Updated: A Storm of Ca... · 0 replies · +5 points

if by 2 you mean something like..uhm...most of the fleet, ok.

oh and FAZOR brought what exactly?...t1 cruisers that's right.

11 years ago @ Eve News24 - Dev Blog: No Brakes - ... · 0 replies · -3 points

hey if u wanna train another useless skill, good for you. However maybe try thinking for a change?...just once

11 years ago @ Eve News24 - Dev Blog: No Brakes - ... · 6 replies · -9 points

Armor Plates

We are introducing a new skill called Armor Honeycombing, that reduces the mass penalty of all armor plates by 5% per level. This skill provides an avenue for reducing the downsides of armor plates to those pilots who wish to specialize in passive armor tanking.

WHY!?!?! This is just adding to the list of shitty int/mem skills that every newbie will have to train as a requirment, since every alliance runs some sort of an armor doctrine. And for old bitter vets it will be just another skill to train since they have nothing better to train anyway, essentially the playing field will be level with just +1 skill...good job yet again CCP.