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12 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent 3.7 - 912 Communi... · 1 reply · +3 points

Call WALMART CORP HEADQUARTERS @ 479-273-4000 and let them know how you feel about this "Gun Control" Summit they will be attending with Joe Biden.

12 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent 3.7 - 912 Communi... · 1 reply · +1 points

I keep seeing & hearing stats on the amount of people killed per year by this & that......people trying to to argue with these stats that guns kill less people than these other reasons......the liberals & gun control freaks DO NOT CARE......we know and they know it is about CONTROL OF THE PEOPLE. All of us awake knew he would go after our guns during his 2nd term. I kept telling my sister this, she told me "They will never do that". I hope she has opened her eyes now.

12 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent 3.7 - 912 Communi... · 0 replies · +3 points

Planned Parenthood Handing Out Condoms At DNC With Anti-Romney Ryan Message On Them:
But perhaps the biggest attraction at the event where the bright pink packages of condoms that were being handed out to all. On the front of the condom package was the message:
“Protect Yourself From Romney & Ryan In This Election. "”
On the inside of the cover it read: “Learn The Facts About Romney & Ryan”
Then perhaps the most offensive statement of all was on the actual wrapping of the condom which read:
“PROPER ATTIRE Required for entry.”

Planned Parenthood Handing Out Condoms At DNC With Anti-Romney Ryan Message On ThemRead more:

12 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent 3.7 - 912 Communi... · 0 replies · +4 points

Romney in Ohio.: “Mr. President, take your campaign of division and anger and hate back to Chicago,”

That is all Obama has done: divided people thru class and race warfare. But, do not just stop at Chicago, get the hell out of our country. Obama is UN-AMERICAN to the nth degree.

12 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent 3.7 - 912 Communi... · 2 replies · +2 points

California Politicians and Law Enforcement Support Sharia Law
Earlier this year, a town hall meeting was held to determine the effects of Sharia law and to see whether or not it is something to be feared or embraced. In typical California fashion, the meeting was held on at a neutral location – the Islamic Society of Orange County.To no one’s surprise, everyone at the meeting was told that Sharia law poses no threat to U.S. law. They were also told that there is absolutely no conflict between Sharia law and the U.S Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

12 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent 3.7 - 912 Communi... · 0 replies · +2 points

Demos, a think tank with close ties to the Obama administration, has released numerous reports contending the economy would be in better shape if the federal government stepped in to make it easier for workers to join unions.
That is also a central thesis of the Center for American Progress, which has been described by Time Magazine as the “idea factory” of the Obama White House.
Demos, the Center for American Progress and other progressive groups are pressing the federal government to enact other union-friendly policies, such as tax incentives for unionized companies.

12 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent 3.7 - 912 Communi... · 1 reply · +2 points

Navy SEALS Start ‘Swift-Boating’ Obama
Posted on August 15, 2012 by Conservative Byte
A group of former U.S. intelligence and Special Forces operatives is set to launch a media campaign, including TV ads, that scolds President Barack Obama for taking credit for the killing of Osama bin Laden and argues that high-level leaks are endangering American lives.

12 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent 3.7 - 912 Communi... · 0 replies · +3 points

This is absolutely the best Catholic Commercial I have ever seen. Clearly, our Catholic leadership has taken the gloves off and are helping to defend the faith as requested by the Holy Father! "Test of Fire"

Rec'd this in an email...................

12 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent 3.7 - 912 Communi... · 1 reply · +3 points

Patriot, our company is an S-Corp. I have heard they want to tax dividends at higher rates. Is there anything else they are looking at to screw us even more?

12 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent 3.7 - 912 Communi... · 4 replies · +3 points

Ok, so our Gov. Bobby Jindal recently signed into law a School Voucher Program. Students attending a failing public school (graded C or below) can receive vouchers to attend private / parochial schools (if they meet certain requirements. It will be called a "scholarship". So, I pay taxes for public education and I also send my kids to a parochial school (I refuse to put them in the crappy public system). So, now I will be paying more taxes to send kids to private schools because the public school they attend is worthless (due to governemnt, union, mismanagent, etc........the list goes on). SO HOW IN THE HELL DOES THIS FIX THE FAILING PUBLIC SCHOOLS??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!