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12 years ago @ lynse leanne - When motherhood isn't ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thank you Joyce. That means a lot, really.

12 years ago @ lynse leanne - When motherhood isn't ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thank you for your words. I am working with a therapist and meds to find a good solution to this all. It's hard, but I am glad I am getting help...and yes, ppdchat is amazing!

12 years ago @ lynse leanne - When motherhood isn't ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thank you Jenny. Just knowing I am not alone at times is re-assuring.

12 years ago @ lynse leanne - When motherhood isn't ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thank you. Your support and the support of PPDChat has been indispensable.

12 years ago @ lynse leanne - When motherhood isn't ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks Christiana. I'm working on finding my place and style...this motherhood thing is hard.

13 years ago @ lynse leanne - The Life I Could Have Had · 0 replies · +1 points

Thank you.

13 years ago @ lynse leanne - The Life I Could Have Had · 0 replies · +1 points

Thank you Ramsey. It stretches me. Literally this post was written mid April and I toyed with sharing it. It's uncomfortable, but at the same time I said I would always be vulnerable and's the best way.

That is so so true. When I reflect on these times I try not to linger too long or I can get caught up in them. But it is sometimes good for me to look at where I once was and where I am now and be thankful for God's provision and protection through the years. I am thankful for the experiences because it helps me relate, but I am more thankful that God kept me from going further down that path. :)

13 years ago @ lynse leanne - The Life I Could Have Had · 0 replies · +1 points

That is a hard situation. But I always think the more people that know what you are struggling with the better chances you have at overcoming it. It is like any addiction and temptation, if you keep it a secret you will be the only one dealing with it. And in darkness is where temptation grows, so exposing it into the light is painful and a hard transition, but it is so so good. The people around you want to see you healthy and overcoming this and if you let them in they could help. You are always free to email me too if you need. :)

13 years ago @ inprogress - Goodbyes... · 0 replies · +1 points

Love you. Goodbyes suck.

13 years ago @ inprogress - Moving Tips Wanted! · 0 replies · +1 points

Purge!!! And use good boxes. Liquor store boxes are great but sometimes buying some for your good stuff is a good idea. But McDonalds Fry boxes are wonderful too! The fries are in bags and never touch the cardboard. They are the perfect size for stacking and are made of heavy duty cardboard. :)