


290 comments posted · 3 followers · following 0

10 years ago @ Halolz - What if Phoenix Wright... · 2 replies · +10 points

Those lyrics don't match up to the song at all. Brentalfloss is losing his touch. Badly. First that ridiculous teamup with Dobson, now this?
Edit: Apparently I'm getting -1'd by someone. Perhaps I missed the high brow humor in "Dicks boobies dicks boobies"

10 years ago @ Halolz - Falcon Hand · 1 reply · +9 points

Come on, Nintendo, don't you like money? Don't you want to move WiiUs? Make this. Make F Zero UX, Make Platinum's take on Starfox. Make Pokemon Snap U. Make Fatal Frame on the WiiU.

10 years ago @ Halolz - [NEWS] 2014... A New Y... · 5 replies · +10 points

Does a new host mean a functional forum?

11 years ago @ Halolz - Get extra Bells today ... · 7 replies · +17 points

You see this folks? It's a pun train. Hop to it.

11 years ago @ Halolz - [VIDEO] Super Smash Br... · 3 replies · +57 points

No Mega Man in (U)MvC3.
No real Mega Man in SFxT
Now we know why. The prodigal son has returned to his ancestral home. Mega Man in Smash 4!

11 years ago @ Halolz - Who Needs HM's? · 0 replies · +16 points

They should just post the conference. Best joke that can be made.

11 years ago @ Halolz - Can't Escape! · 6 replies · +22 points

Oh boy! A pun train! I've got to f some way to EGG you guys on.

11 years ago @ Halolz - [VIDEO] Sony PS4 Launc... · 1 reply · +11 points

Playstation 1984

11 years ago @ Halolz - [VIDEO] Sony PS4 Launc... · 8 replies · +20 points

Apparently, nor will purchases made on PSN on PS3 carry over to the PS4.

11 years ago @ Halolz - LEARN GERMAN WITH MEDIC · 1 reply · +7 points

Ok, seriously, I do Nazi a situation where holocaust jokes are funny Ann Frankly I can't think of a situation where they're reich.