


13 comments posted · 21 followers · following 4

14 years ago @ WSBT South Bend - Y... - Speakers support South... · 0 replies · 0 points

I think it's shallow minded people that are dividing this country, not just Obama.

14 years ago @ WSBT South Bend - Y... - Speakers support South... · 0 replies · +3 points

To all of the hateful people on this board- Why do you even bother? To be honest, you are the people that make the world an awful place to live. You come here and preach and spread the stories from your bible and put these people down. I can almost guarantee that if I said you are all a bunch of morons for believing a fairy tale, you would jump on me for going against anything you believe. I still think that this kind of childish behavior is wrong, but you won't care anyways. And @ WSBT, nice to see how well you patrol these boards. Just because someone is aware that they aren't in the 1800s doesn't mean everyone else should be able to treat them how they have been.

14 years ago @ WSBT South Bend - Y... - Illinois cross draws t... · 0 replies · -7 points

Thanks, I knew somebody had to understand my genius. lol

14 years ago @ WSBT South Bend - Y... - Illinois cross draws t... · 0 replies · -1 points

"YOU are the expert, the rest of us drooling idiots."


And yeah! Those awful, awful unwed moms are so evil. How dare they have been in a situation that puts them in that state?!?!?!

By the way, my points here were that-

A. Just because the guy is an Atheist, it doesn't make this an attack on Christians and moral folk everywhere. I think there is a right to be upset over the government spending cash on this. The money could go to better things. But hey, give me a copy of all the sales receipts and proof of this monument's income/impact on the economy and I might change my mind. (Though I'm sure you would be upset if this was a statue of Charles Darwin.)

B. People were attacking some Athiest (Possibly Agnostic) commenters on this site. If you see how mad you were when you read MY post, think about how others feel on here when they are talked to like that. Religion doesn't matter when being a jerk!

14 years ago @ WSBT South Bend - Y... - Illinois cross draws t... · 3 replies · -6 points

When I was a kid, I never had imaginary friends. In fact, the kids that had imaginary friends were weird. Now I'm an adult, and an Atheist and whenever another Atheist makes a point in fairness or something logical otherwise, many adults with imaginary friends belittle them and don't even listen to what they have to say. I think that's wrong, don't you?

Now then...

This is a waste of money, plain and simple. If these groups have raised all this money so far, they should be able to get the rest of it. (Guess it just bugs me that around these parts, Atheists get ripped on big time for having ads on a bus and yet the government can drop 20k on a cross and we're not allowed to complain.)

But seriously, why spend money? Can't you put convicts to work doing this stuff? I call chain gang. We are paying for their food, room and board anyways.

14 years ago @ WSBT South Bend - Y... - Facebook page that led... · 0 replies · +1 points

I did too, but I had fun in that group!

14 years ago @ WSBT South Bend - Y... - Ellen presents $30K to... · 0 replies · +2 points

She isn't being selfish, she's fighting for her rights as a human being. If this stupid school would have just let her go, there wouldn't be a huge debate over it. Seriously, who cares if someone is gay?

14 years ago @ WSBT South Bend - Y... - Boy, 13, mistakenly sh... · 0 replies · +6 points

I completely agree with you. Part of being a firearms owner is being responsible and safe with your weapons. They should NEVER be unlocked and where a child can get to them. Because of this, these children's lives will never be the same. LEARN RESPONSIBILITY PEOPLE!

14 years ago @ WSBT South Bend - Y... - Many Elkhart students ... · 0 replies · +3 points

While I understand where you are coming from, I also have to disagree a bit. When I was in Elkhart Memorial, walking could be a dangerous affair... There aren't any dedicated crossings, and I'd be shocked to see one of the students that drive do the speed limit. (Most of the places you would walk from made you directly cross traffic.) Maybe if there was an extra light or maybe some crossing guards at these places, I might agree, but until they work out stuff like that, I simply cannot fully accept this.

14 years ago @ WSBT South Bend - Y... - President Obama will t... · 1 reply · +1 points

".these are demonic souls bashing you.praise the lord"

SherryJordan sneaking about? D: