


32 comments posted · 2 followers · following 0

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - New Blacklist: The... · 0 replies · +1 points

...and Moriarty!

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - New Blacklist: The... · 0 replies · +1 points we're cookin'! speaks da truth..


14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - New Blacklist: The... · 0 replies · +1 points

Hi gents!
cheers dear Mr. Nolte...
Mr. Davi is such a talented soul! Not only did I like him as a most formidable Bond villain...but he played a most affable Vegas strip-joint hustler in "Showgirls" as well...(teehee)


14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - The New Black Panthers... · 0 replies · +2 points crack me up dear Doc!

GB and keep humor alive

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - The New Black Panthers... · 1 reply · +1 points

Hi Mr. M!
outstanding essay...YESSSSSSSSSSS!
I suppose that God ought to turn up the volume on the next Washington, D.C. earthquake..the recent 16 July magnitude 3.6 quake just didn't faze them enough...well, perhaps we can spare the historic buildings and just shake up those buggers next Fall...I would love to see the growing number of us Tea Partiers effect a magnitude 9.6 release of energy at the voting booths! I like that sort of metaphorical guillotine...w00t!


14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Bill & Hill: The Progr... · 1 reply · +1 points

whaaaaa?? oh wowohwow! this is such g-r-e-a-t news... Miss Elaine is back on Broadway? so...dear bhmmm...if you do get a chance to see one of her performances...PLS tell us all about it, ok? whew...oh how I wish I was able to get there myself...but it warms my heart knowing that she is entertaining folks as ever...teehee...

now...more importantly, what you said about Mr. M:


God Bless !

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - America As Job · 0 replies · +1 points

thank you dear Michael...I truly appreciate that...likewise, you are in my prayers as well...thanks for the inspiration of your writing. Thanks to Gift of Stern Angels years ago, I began to keep a daily journal of my's about the journey!

God bless you M-squared!

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - America As Job · 3 replies · +2 points

Hi there Paul767,

Many thanks for your thoughtful reply...

It's not as though I don't subscribe to your ethos, because in many ways I do...only I am the odd duckie here in that I am a scientist who also has lifelong profound religious faith which plays nicely together on both sides of the rainbow...

Perhaps it's the spirit of the ordinary miracle who takes it one minute at a time. Too much has happened to me to explain why I am still here...after 25 years following a disheartening diagnosis of multiple sclerosis I keep on keeping on. Science is my career, but my faith is my life and sustains me when MS rears its ugly head and literally blinds me or prevents me from walking for days on end. If I had only logic/objectivity to sustain me, well...I'd feel like dying. I don't pretend to be like Job, but I know what it is like to be seems to strengthens me somehow and that is why I am who I am...and feel blessed to be here with everyone in my life; in person or all counts! I love life without question

My sense of integrity is such that in no way is this reply intended to cajole, manipulate or have anyone see it 'my way'...I share from the heart! Each POV is valid.
have an enjoyable weekend all...

Grinning no matter what...


14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - America As Job · 0 replies · +2 points

Hi there doc!


Laura the parboiled 100 degree heated landscape arch.

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - America As Job · 11 replies · +4 points

Hi Paul,
Who is in charge of defining what is rational thought process? It's subjective...Thomas Edison was thought to be irrational...but hey, thinking outside of the box is freedom......perfectionism is a pitfall.
Life is lived in the in-between between birth and death...we human beings have the ability to leap beyond total logic...
