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14 years ago @ Big Government - US Census Form Letter ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Sorry - $400 Billion mean $1,333 per person per year, or $13,330 until the next census. (Had a senior moment there.)

14 years ago @ Big Government - US Census Form Letter ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Here's the deal. We pay taxes and the government gives some of that money back to the communities that paid it. (The rest they use to pay for essentials like national defence and interest on the national debt or piss away on the federal bureaucracy and congress.)

They do not give it back in proportion to the tax payers in a community or in proportion to the amount of tax paid by a community - that would just build pockets of rich getting richer and poor getting poorer, They give it back in proportion to the number of people who live there and use the federal, state and local government services (roads, police, parks, libraries etc.)

If we use the $400 billion cited above, Every person counted (legal or illegal) means about $1500 per person - or $15,000 between now and the next census - to the state and local government. Since we will pay this money in taxes anyway, it is in our own best interest to ensure that every possible person in our community is counted so that the maximum amount comes back to our community.

PS: Hispanic background Americans are about 15% of the population. German background Americans are about 17%. Why is there no question about Germanic background? .... They have no lobby.

16 years ago @ - New challenges, new op... · 0 replies · +2 points

Because every non-iconoclast with any experience in the CIA and intelligence community has hands dirtied either by the 9-11 or WMD intelligence failures

16 years ago @ - New challenges, new op... · 0 replies · +2 points

Ask not what your country can do for you....

16 years ago @ - New challenges, new op... · 2 replies · +1 points

Ihr Gedicht ist sehr interessant. Leider ist es in einer Sprache, die ich nicht verstehe. Es würde nützlich sein, wenn Sie eine Übersetzung auf Amerikanish bekannt geben konnten.

16 years ago @ - New challenges, new op... · 0 replies · +1 points

The Hansen carbon tax is not a bad idea, but it is a blunt instrument for getting at the real problem. The reason we generate so much greenhouse gas is that there are too many of us human beings and most of us want a lifestyle with more things in it. No amount of carbon capping will succeed in the facing of ever incresing populations with ever increasing expectations.
Here is a question for the Obama team: "What will you do to reduce the number of people on the planet?"

16 years ago @ - New challenges, new op... · 2 replies · +2 points

I have now read it. Seems like alarmist propaganda to me. It implies that it would have been better to allow Citi, AIG and the rest to go belly up, wipe out the savings of all their depositors and send many of their their business customers to the wall. losing another 1 million jobs. The article implies CITI and AIG were evil to spend $5m on lobying. The American Cancer Society get some government funding and spent $10m on lobbying in 2006 - I wonder if that makes them evil too?.

16 years ago @ - New challenges, new op... · 1 reply · +5 points

It sems that the GLATite (Gay, Lesbian And Transgender) lobby feel that anyone who disagrees with them should not be able to speak on any public platform - or hold any position in government or private industry. Disagreement means neither wrong nor evil. Welcome Warren to the fold and work to change his mind - do not try to ban him, lest you want to make "all the people" a very small group indeed.

16 years ago @ - New challenges, new op... · 3 replies · -2 points

Why are Democratic Senators threatening to align themselves against the rule of law and against democracy by refusing to seat the legally appointed junior senator from Illinois?

16 years ago @ - 21st Century Right to ... · 1 reply · +1 points

Dustin, I appreciate that there is always a logical reason why someone wants something classified.
I, as a member of the public, want to be able to find out who is accessing what.
I will most unhappy with an FOI system that allows this information to be kept secret from me.

James C Lange

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