


30 comments posted · 2 followers · following 0

14 years ago @ The British National P... - Nick Griffin Uses Euro... · 0 replies · +2 points

Brilliant ! Well done its only The Factual Truth !

14 years ago @ The British National P... - Student Loans Frozen &... · 0 replies · +1 points

I feel sick after reading and understanding this article !
Why is Labour so crass ? They seem to give so much of the tax payers money away to corrupt 3rd world countries ?

And as a result - most of our students now have to drop out of Uni (as a result of Labour pouring the tax payers money away into corrupt 3rd world countries) and go and sign-on the dole instead ????

I personally suggest that this Labour Government is basically "metaphorically speaking is now a self-sodimizing party" ... Such Idiots .. It wont be long until so many of the Unis will have to close down as they wont have enough income from British students who can afford a place.

May God damn the Labour cabinet for their stupidity .

14 years ago @ The British National P... - Britain Becomes World&... · 1 reply · +2 points

This is very bad news.
Today the Labour Government announced on the BBC news that "no more student loans or grants will be issued for next year" ! So what are they (Labour) doing ? Making sure that only "Foreigners" get the new jobs - so they (Labour) make sure that they foreigners votes ..... sick .... sick .... sick ....

14 years ago @ The British National P... - Britain Becomes World&... · 0 replies · +3 points

This is yet another example of Labours stupidity !!!

I suggest that, are gradually awaking to the fact that Labour Party has been "Screwing The Great British people and public " any which way they can !

I now am most confident that the BNP will gain millions of votes - as The Great British people and public are sick of Labours lies, greed and stupidity

14 years ago @ The British National P... - Islamists Call on Musl... · 1 reply · +5 points

What further evidence is required ?
The message from Muslims around the is now very clear " it will be Islam by force - if we like it or not"

Mr. Sarkozy must be applauded for standing up for the rights of all Women in France.

If the 6 Million Muslims in France do not like it - should leave and I suggest that they may consider immigrating to an Islamic State such as Saudi Arabia or Pakistan (whereby it is Isalm-by-force, as it is very clear that would be the best place for them all !!!

14 years ago @ The British National P... - Foreign Criminals Find... · 0 replies · +3 points

Sadly the Government doesnt realize what they are doing ?
Perhaps "Gordons Arrogance" has got the better of them all !

Sadly one day fairly soon we will probably hear on the news that : a normal, polite, middle class, white, Christan with no former criminal record walked into Labour HQ and blow them self up (in a suicide bombing) why ?

To get the attention of the Labour Government ?

God, I hope that it doesnt come to this ! but it will not surprise me in the least. The British public are getting treated like idiots by their own Government and we are getting sick of living with the mess that Labour are dropping us into ....

14 years ago @ The British National P... - “Climate Change&... · 0 replies · +2 points

The Arabian Gulf state Governments do not care about the environment. Many of the Gulf Arabs are bred from a very small genetic gene-pool .

It is highly evident as a fact that most Gulf Arabs have a restricted sense of future anticipation - they cannot consider the future ... it is all Gods will (or perhaps more realistically due to their brains restricted frontal lobe development condition, often associated with people that are from generations genetic interbreeding (due to intermarrying within their own families, as do most "Good Muslims") !!!

I have first hand experience of escorting P.hd marine scientists from Stockholm Uni (in the Middle East) on an marine sample gathering trip within a Petroleum companies Marine Operations area !!!
Very high levels of Raw Sewage, Heavy Metals, Hydrocarbon Products and a host of other chemicals and pollutants are being dumped into the Arabian Gulf without any form of regulation whatsoever.

None over there there really cares (its costs money to regulate and keep everything well serviced and "running clean") money is the prime motivator for Arabs - they do not seem care if the air they breath is yellow (sulfur ridden) from badly maintained power stations and their inshore coastal waters are saturated with miles of "Floating Turd Ridden Raw Sewage" adorning their beaches (as was recently the case in Dubai). The Dubai Government in its haste to make money from the "construction boom" seemed "to forget to install a proper mains sewage system" ....

The Middle east is a vast industrial area ... and extremely polluted at that too ! Medical cases of related to pollutants are increasing at an alarming rate ... the corrupt Arab Governments are listing the medical cases as "Un-Known Causes" . Perhpas eve the Arabs who are now getting sick from their own polluting may actually wake up and try to do something , before it is too late !!

Making money for personal gain is the prime motivator for that region. The British Labour Government really are "Brown Nosers" when it comes to "Arabs and Oil" so laying down the law on Middle East base "Polluters" ... wont happen will it ??

In turn this negates every effort and expense that has been utilized to combat World wide pollution !!!

People who have moved over to Dubai are nuts as they are breathing some of the worlds lowest quality air !!!

Thank God that the British people have the sense to realize that their environment is important for their future !!

14 years ago @ The British National P... - Britain’s Bloodl... · 0 replies · +1 points

I cant return to my birth place in London - now I am an ethnic minority with a white face, who is considered to be an Infidel !!! (In my own country I tell you) and I am no longer welcome or tolerated in that London " Islamic Community " !!!

Even the street names are in Urdo !!! The locals now call the area "Upton Park-istan" and the Muslim Majority all refer to London as "LONDON-stan" (as in PAKI-stan).

So all those Labour voters must now be very proud of themselves indeed - they have now created "No-go" areas for whites in London - I am so sick of this ...

14 years ago @ The British National P... - Islamification of Euro... · 0 replies · +2 points

Us Native white Christians to Europe - only have ourselves to blame entirely for this situation.

Germany as approx 4 million Muslims, France approx 6 million Muslims, Holland approx 2 Million Muslims, Britain approx 4 Million Muslims ....

None of these Muslims have any respect whatsoever for our Native white Christian way of life !
Why do we let them dictate policies to us ? One can be sure as hell that none of these Muslims would give other ethic minorities the same benefits as we Native white Christian Europeans do !

We are all so very stupid-in-our-kindness ..... and this is our own fault !!!

14 years ago @ The British National P... - Nearly a Quarter of a ... · 0 replies · +3 points

There is no same-for-how-low-will-labour-go secure to another quarter million votes !

This Labour Government are really sick .... what about helping their own people, remember all the British pensioners freezing to death because the poor old souls cant afford the high (foreign owned) heating / energy supplier bills !

God Damn the stupidity and greed of Gordon Brown and the Labour Party ...